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Thread: Plastic Surgery

  1. #1
    UKMan's Avatar Poster
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    Been reading some very dissturbing artcles in newspapers recently about women who have had breast implants or facials and then suing the surgeons that do this for millions of dollars because they didn't turn out right.

    A catastrophy and nightmare of course for the women involved and i hope they get what they deserve. But it does bring up the subject of why do they do it in the first place?

    Any medical reasons, like cancer or burns or repair work after car accidents are of course not suggested in this thread as it is self explanitory.

    Smaller breasts, bigger breasts - why oh why and who is too blame for women having these fixations about their own wonderfull bodies? Skinny ferking models parading up and down catwalks looking like half starved skeletons, are they to blame?

    Pop stars on TV and video that millions of kids watch every single day and worship as if their lives depended on it, are they to blame?

    Porno films that show guys with big fat dicks and big breasted women seamingly cumming for ever and gasping with pleasure, are these the ideals we all look up to?

    Interested in your views, especially the ladies of course.

    Try not to spam this thread and keep it on topic, i would like it to be a serious attempt at finding out exactly what makes us all tick and what ideals we have and who we look up to.


  2. Lounge   -   #2
    Aaron_T's Avatar A duck is watching.
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    you have that risk before it is their own fault
    Those who dont learn from the past are doomed to repeat It.

  3. Lounge   -   #3
    Cheese's Avatar Poster
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    is everything.
    It might interest some people to know that there is a program on this topic tonight and how it relates to children as young as 15. It's on ITV at 22.30 (which I realise isn't much good to UKMan...sorry).

  4. Lounge   -   #4
    (>Zero Cool<)'s Avatar he is Spartacus!
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    about four feet that the other way
    I don&#39;t really know about this one, some seem to do it to further their careers (models, actors/actresses, porn or otherwise), others to stand out from the crowd and the ones who deserve the most sympathy imho those who are insecure and go through it striving to fit in, become popular, get that girl/boy they want, stay youthful etc.

    I am not touching upon those who go through iot for medical reasons as they should not be judged imo

  5. Lounge   -   #5
    Its very hard to try figure out what it is.

    Alot of it has got to do with the media and the messagers they are giving out, but its also a sickness.

    I was watching this show called "plastic surgery gone wrong" or something like that and they had people that could not afford the surgery so they did it them selves.

    Their was this woman that stapled the skin behind her skin back so it looked like she had a face lift.

    I guess its like enorexic people. They look in the mirror and see a fat person but with these people they see a ugly person and have very low self asteem.

    I think if the media really wanted to, they could help people but instead they just look at the money.

    Like, their is this show that plays and its called "extreme make overs" and they get someone that wants to have plastic surgery and they pay for it and make it out as if they helped this person with their self asteem.

    And right after that show has finished, they have a show called "niptuck" and its about plastic surgery.

    The media has ALOT to do with it because they promote things like this.

  6. Lounge   -   #6
    NikkiD's Avatar Yen?
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    Okay... my take on the situation...

    Maybe my views on plastic surgery are a little cold and callous, at least I&#39;ve been told so before, but when it comes to things like breast implants, liposuction, face lifts, etc., I have very little respect for the women that do these things to themselves, and even less sympathy for them when something goes wrong. These views, of course, do not include women who have had reconstructive surgery due to breast cancer or an accident or some other medical reason.

    I&#39;m not so secure in myself that I don&#39;t have any self doubt. No one is. But I AM secure enough in myself to like myself for who and what I am, and would never alter that for vanity, no matter what anyone else&#39;s opinion is.

    I recently had to deal with this rather closely, as my brother&#39;s ex fiancee (just recently split) had quite a bit of work done on herself back in October. Specifically a boob job. What was wrong with her before? Absolutely nothing. She is very thin, always has been, and she had the perfect size for her frame - she was a 36B. Her breast augmentation has made her a 36D. As someone who has lived with large breasts since the age of 13, I just couldn&#39;t understand why someone would want to be big like that. I have back problems derived from it, and have often times considered having a reduction, but decided to wait on this until I&#39;ve decided that I won&#39;t have anymore children. The only reason for wanting a reduction is that it has become a health problem for me. Otherwise I wouldn&#39;t even consider it.

    Her reasoning for doing this was cryptic, at best. She said "I got them because your brother likes girls with big breasts." My brother, Jeff, said that if he had wanted a girl with big breasts, he would have dated one, and that he loved her just as she was. He was actually very angry about it. It has at this point, split them up, apparently Megan, having found out that along with big breasts comes attention, has decided that she doesn&#39;t want to give that attention up for love and marriage. Needless to say, my brother was devastated.

    Why do women do these things? Society, pure and simple. From a very young age, we are bombarded with images of what is "sexy" and what a woman is supposed to look like. Most girls play with Barbie dolls, one of the worst toys ever invented. We see them in the media - television ads, television shows, movies, magazines - on a daily basis. We see these images of what we are supposed to be, when in fact, what we are supposed to be is the biggest crock of all. None of these perfect women actually look like that in real life. They&#39;re made to look like that with makeup, surgery, photo retouching, and it makes our goal of perfection, simply put, unattainable without such means. And the more women that fall victim to it, the more difficult it becomes for "real" women to pass along our wisdoms (for lack of a better word) to our daughters. Our definition of what is beautiful is derived from images, when in truth, what makes a person beautiful has very little to do with appearance. True beauty comes from inside. No amount of plastic surgery can repair a woman who is truly ugly. A woman who needs to have plastic surgery to develop self esteem is a truly sad thing. Perhaps instead of a plastic surgeon, they should look for a good psychologist/psychiatrist and work on their self esteem issues.

  7. Lounge   -   #7
    summerlinda's Avatar Pyretta¤Blaze
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    Most men [not all thank god ] love thin, big breasted women. [why?]

    Most women wanna be loved by men[just like men wanna be loved by women]

    Take a look in that porn thread, apparently that is what most men want... so women try to look like them models.

    As for myself... of course I like to be thinner etc etc, but me being a fat-ass girl doesn&#39;t really bother me anymore.

    Of course its much more complicated then that, but in short I think thats what it comes down too.

    As for the surgery mistakes, I don&#39;t think its much different from other surgery, when a doctor make a mistake, he gets sued...


  8. Lounge   -   #8
    UKMan's Avatar Poster
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    @ Nikkid - thank you very much for that rather personal yet poignent account.

    @ summerlinda - i&#39;ve never seen you, but stay as you are

    The porno thread seems to say a lot about how men pressurise females into how they would like them to look

    @Evil Gemini - iv&#39;e seen both those shows and i have to admit that coments like "my wife was wonderfull before, but now its like being married again" dont really help matters do they? Most women would automatically assume that they can make themselves more beautifull just by having a "makeover", when in fact i believe a change in attitude towards how we view beauty is needed.

    @ cheese - hmmm, i need cable

    @ (>Zero Cool<) - very well said

    @ Azz - of course if it&#39;s purely neglegence on the part of the surgeon, then the women deserve compensation, just like any other surgery as was mentioned by linda.


  9. Lounge   -   #9
    NikkiD's Avatar Yen?
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    Originally posted by UKMan@21 January 2004 - 12:07
    The porno thread seems to say a lot about how men pressurise females into how they would like them to look
    You can&#39;t fault men though, as long as there are women dumb enough to succumb to the pressure.

    Men wouldn&#39;t have this image for long if women would stand up to the pressure and say, "Were not falling victim to it anymore." We are as guilty as men in this regard. If more women accepted themselves, and less strived to achieve this "beauty ideal", men wouldn&#39;t have these images to compare us to, would they?

    The best thing we can do, as a society, is to teach future generations how to love themselves. It&#39;s blatantly obvious that over the past couple of generations, the media has gained too much of a stronghold in our lives. You can&#39;t avoid it, it&#39;s everywhere. What we can do is teach our children how to interpret it before the harm is done.

  10. Lounge   -   #10
    Originally posted by Azzz@21 January 2004 - 12:41
    you have that risk before it is their own fault
    Yeah but if surgeons couldn&#39;t be held responsible for their mistakes or negligence they&#39;d start messing about when they get bored

    e.g. putting sqeakers from soft toys in or lights that come on after a few weeks.

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