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Thread: Etch A Sketch

  1. #1
    dwightfry's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Fargo, ND
    Etch-A-Sketch Tech Support

    Q: My Etch-A-Sketch has a distorted display.
    A: Pick it up and shake it.

    Q: My Etch-A-Sketch has all of these funny little lines all over the screen.
    A: Pick it up and shake it.

    Q: How do I turn my Etch-A-Sketch off?
    A: Pick it up and shake it.

    Q: What's the shortcut for Undo?
    A: Pick it up and shake it.

    Q: How do I create an empty New Document window?
    A: Pick it up and shake it.

    Q: How do I Exit without Saving?
    A: Pick it up and shake it.

    Q: How do I set the background and foreground to the same color?
    A: Pick it up and shake it.

    Q: What is the proper procedure for rebooting my Etch-A-Sketch?
    A: Pick it up and shake it.

    Q: How do I delete a document on my Etch-A-Sketch?
    A: Pick it up and shake it.

    Q: How do I keep from losing my Etch-A-Sketch documents in the middle of my work?

    A: Stop shaking it.
    Life should come with backround music
    -Dwight Fry-
    Coconut, the desert's onion
    -Dwight Fry-
    Why stand when you can lean, why lean when you can sit, why sit when you can lounge, why lounge when you can lie
    -Dwight Fry-

  2. Lounge   -   #2
    Its magic baby!
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


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