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Thread: So Why Dosen't Everone Just Use Edonkey2000lite052

  1. #11
    Well in the end I just don't care for this client compared to eMule nor do I care for the Overnet network either currently. Thing is eMule is great for rare files and its users have large shares which Overnet users don't seem to have.

    I did notice some files were able to find more user with this Hybrid but I just don't like the interface or its feel nor was it any faster for the files I generally get on the network, besides I connect to Hybrid users all the time with eMule, just not solo Overnet users.

    I hear allot about hoarding and speeds being faster on Overnet compared to eMule on some files, perhaps new releases, but the point I would have to make here is I never get new release with eMule nor would I want to with Overnet or the Hybrid, its only common sense to use News, IRC or BT for newer releases.

    The whole EDK2 network in my opinion has always been based on a good large rare file base which Overnet and its users appear to be adding nothing to, quite frankly Overnet looks like a new improved KL to me, better concepts, hashing and so forth, but since I only use the network for hard to find files and occasionally software I really see no point in Overnet or the Hybrid so I shall quite happily be returning to eMule for now...

  2. File Sharing   -   #12
    I agree. Most people who read the posts in this section, will jump at the chance to use overnet lite when they hear "faster than emule", and "better than kazaa". And while it doesnt require some time to work out ideal settings, pretty much anyone can download large amounts without sharing much.... quickly. Which to me is an invitation to leechers and newbies who dont understand the concept of sharing on the network (yet?).

    I have nothing against people wanting to get new files of this network. I would never use IRC to get files recently released. Or BT or newgroups for that matter. Simple because each method has disadvantages compared to emule.
    1) IRC - Harder to work out.
    2) Newsgroups - You need to be on a good newsgroups, which my ISP doesnt seem to have. Missing files can happen or deleted files too. You have to recombine parts to one big file.
    3) BT - No last seen complete feature. And has to be the least security in any p2p i know.

    I very rarely get files that are new, most of my files are posted on SR 2/3 years ago, so the horde system doesnt do much for me. Uploading to the fastest uploaders themselves seems kinda unfair to me. It doesnt necessarily mean that they are gonna be good sharers. I dont particularly like mldonkey or edonkey hybrid, since most emule users always have issues with each session you download xKB - xxxKB, and nothing really that helpful.

    Ranting over

  3. File Sharing   -   #13
    Well I agree to most above although IRC is really rather simple, as for News I have 99% completion, and as for BT security, well I may agree if your sitting on SuperNova dling movies like many do, though I don't...

    As for Overnet I see it as nothing more than a simpleton sharing app made for the masses to replace the possible demise of Fast Track, although I thought Shareaza had a great chance at that place earlier, it looks like Overnet may win this prize.

  4. File Sharing   -   #14
    I might give IRC a try in the summer. Is it any good for rare/old files? Can you search for them or is it like newsgroup where you get them displayed and you download them?
    Where do the files actually come from? I'm assuming its illegal since you can download films and what not, so how come they aint been targeted?

  5. File Sharing   -   #15

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