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Thread: Office Xp And Windows 2000

  1. #1
    Each time I open anything regarding to Office XP, it says
    The feature you are trying to use in on a network resource that is unavailable.
    It askes for the location of "PROPLUS.MSI". Anyone else have this problem? If so, have you gotten it fixed? If so, how?

    Anyone have a copy of "PROPLUS.MSI"?

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    California, U.S.A.
    You definately need that proplus.msi thing. When i d/l mine off kazaa that was omne of the things that leads to setup so it seems important. I have it but i dont know how to get on kazaa or whatver. But if someone told me i probably could.


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