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Thread: Just A Little Note

  1. #31
    make sure to let us know how it goes m8
    good luck

    scroll up, i'm one thread above you

    overroll i said, this takes alot of CPU useage and it may lag your computer or your other things on the computer you might be doing. maybe its just me.

    also great interface and very useful options, plus with other stuff to keep you busy but the cpu usage is the problem it takes away from great things the program can offer. It almost looks too good, thats what i can say.


  2. File Sharing   -   #32
    Lunatacs, you're right about the cpu usage...everyones had that problem. I found that if I close everything, and disable the netmeeting loading up through preference settings, its able to function better.
    Did you experience good speeds like everyone else?

  3. File Sharing   -   #33
    Lunatacs, you're right about the cpu usage...everyones had that problem. I found that if I close everything, and disable the netmeeting loading up through preference settings, its able to function better.
    Did you experience good speeds like everyone else?

    speeds were faily well, i wont the best ever i had, but they were faily good. I'm on cable and i reached 100k maybe its just me. when i installed the program, i rebooted and netmeeting started, my pc frozen for a sec or two. i did close it and it ran batter afterwards though the pcu usage was just to much for me. it stops me from doing anything else when i'm online. i hope this was the beta test and that they will improve this issuses sometime in the neat future. for everything else, "looked good" but we will have to see.


  4. File Sharing   -   #34
    I did a quick testrun. The speeds are indeed incredible, however, it's very very buggy. Got about 20 error messages, downloaded about 1 GB in 3 hours, but nothing to see or show - there are a couple of fragments (100 MB or so), but no finished files, and the downloads are simply gone. Maybe it couldn't handle 3 movies I tried to download at the same time. I had like 10 sources for one, and it kept on delivering error messages that it couldn't rename them, and then finally that it couldn't find them. Weird. I'm sure I'm not the only one who had that problem.
    So I guess I will have to read a bit more and figure out what that might be.

    It doesn't drain your resources all the time though, I monitored it for quite a while, and after some initial high cpu and memory usage it flattened out to acceptable levels. The search function is a laugh though. I think they are in for some major revamps before they release it.

    And no, I didn't read all of the 15 threads, just 3 or 4....

  5. File Sharing   -   #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    wat does this offer, that kazaa lite and soulseek doesn't?
    ice ice baby

  6. File Sharing   -   #36
    wat does this offer, that kazaa lite and soulseek doesn't?

    read it in here,

    but its in beta phases now, so its not very promising program and doesn't live up to that they all listed though interface rocks. speeds are fairly good. but many many bugs in the program, plus eats your cpu, sucks its usage and makes it so you'r unable to do anything else but use that program. sometimes not even that, too much lag.

    here is the link for you to test on your own


  7. File Sharing   -   #37
    I'm glad you liked it Lunatacs... I hope more and more people join es5 cus it has real potential to mold into something big... but for that to happen more people need to join, try out, and tell what needs to be corrected

  8. File Sharing   -   #38
    Originally posted by johnboy@10 March 2003 - 20:06
    Would just like to take this opportunity to prove Random Nut wrong and show him that his opinion of ES5 being a hoax was not true.
    Boy, johnnyboy, you seem to have no real life. "Look at me, I was right about something! In yer f4c3 random nut!". Maybe I should start a similar thread about you saying RapidRoad was real?

    And the fact that ES5 is out doesn't prove that it does everything the developers said it would do. I haven't tried it, and never will, but unless they've lived up to all their promises it's still a hoax. They said there would be a program out in february, but only now is the 1.01 beta out or whatever their latest version number is.

  9. File Sharing   -   #39
    Forum Star
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I am trying ES5 right now.

    It is a bit buggy, the interface is crap and there are only a few people online. But the speeds are amazing (450 KB/s atm). But I don't think that will be for long, once more people with slower connections (non T3 ) come onto the network.

    I haven't tried downloading securely yet. Just regular http gets at the moment.

  10. File Sharing   -   #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    It's still a p2p program so the speed should be equal as on K-lite because it depends on the users who are sharing!!

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