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Thread: Need Help Burning .iso

  1. #1
    Hi guys,

    Last night, I downloaded the Sharereactor version of No One Lives Forever 2 (CD's 1 and 2--711 and 508 MB's, respectively). The file sizes match exactly what Sharereactor lists as correct. However, I'm having two problems.

    Firstly, since CD1 is more than 700 MB's, I wasn't able to directly burn the image with Nero. So, what I had to do instead was extract it to my hard drive with WinISO and attempt to install it from there. The minute the setup program launches, I get an error message that reads something like "An installation support file could not be installed," and the installation crashes back to the desktop. Just for shits and giggles, I even tried burning all the extracted files onto a data CD and installing from there, but I got the same error message every time.

    I would assume that, barring a corrupt download, this problem stems from my inability to burn the image directly. Is there any way I can get around the fact that the image file is larger than my standard 700MB discs? Do I need different software, larger discs, a new download, what? If any of you guys have successfully downloaded and installed NOLF2, please help me out! Thanks.

  2. Games   -   #2
    Benno's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    You can burn a 700mb iso to a 700mb discwithout any problem. Images are always larger, dint burn it as data, go to burn image and select the .iso files. For more information on isos look into the FAQ.

    To your other problem, try scanning the files with CDMage for corruption, or mount it with a virtual drive eg Deamon tools.

    You Better Keep In Mind That I Can Read Between The Lines

    Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to there level and beat you with experience!!

  3. Games   -   #3
    Hmm. When I go to Burn Image in Nero and open up the .iso, it gives me an error about the block size. If I ignore the error, it then tells me that the image file is too large and can't be burned.

  4. Games   -   #4
    Hi, sorry to bud into this post but I really didnt want to start another thread for a simple question.

    Can you check if a file is corrupt with isoBuster or is it only with cdmage?

    thanx and sorry once again.

  5. Games   -   #5
    Nightwolf's Avatar Old Guy
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Your Mom's House
    Originally posted by Diocletian@18 March 2003 - 15:09
    Hmm. When I go to Burn Image in Nero and open up the .iso, it gives me an error about the block size. If I ignore the error, it then tells me that the image file is too large and can't be burned. 
    Open the file with WinISO, and select 'Convert'. Save it as an .iso (with a different name). Then try burning that new image.


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