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Thread: kazaa Help ... poor searches ... dl's/up's dreadful

  1. #1
    used Klyte 2.43 for years, have tried latest clean ver, no real diff and poorer searches, have a solid T-1 line

    current problems: awful searches!!!! used to find 1000's, now lucky to find 100 files

    haven't dl'd anything in 2 weeks

    a few questions, maybe someone can provide some answers

    1) should one retain "local" addresses? If I don't files will never reconnect, sometimes aren't even recognized by Kdat. BTW: kept my dat files clean, free of <unknown> and sources w/o file ID #'s

    2) maybe 5% of dat's may reconnect otherwise I must find the file on a search to do a Klyte fixer to get it to restart (it usually does).

    3) Kzupernodes is useful but it seems many sharer's have dynamic addresses today and old node references hardly help. Same for many of my favorites.

    4) unrelated but why are so many people screwing up downloadable files by attaching ".partial" to file names which assigns a new ID # and renders existing uncompleted dat files worthless for that title?

    Tried WinMX ... not much better.

    at point of saying have had it with dl's. only dl'g I do are movies, no music. Music isn't a problem, could probably dl 1000/day.

    Any suggestions? Know nothing about hashing so have stayed away from those programs that require a knowledge of it.


  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    Vargas's Avatar gone fishin'
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    hashing just means verifing the contents of a file via checking all the binary 0's and 1's in a file and reducing it down to a unique number, that can be used to check to see if the file, or parts of a file, were correctly written to disk during file transfers.
    so it's a good thing.

    kazaa 2.4.3 doesn't hash the complete file, people can send bad data and the files might be messed up when complete, newer versions of kazaa hash the entire file, but if it finds bad data it still keeps it.

    other programs like limewire, gnucleus, shareaza, ares, all bittorrent clients or emule/edonkey/overnet will hash the entire file, and if badly written data is found, they will "drop" the bad data and redownload that part again until the hash matches the original file
    Last edited by Vargas; 07-26-2005 at 01:14 PM.

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3rdparty
    4) unrelated but why are so many people screwing up downloadable files by attaching ".partial" to file names which assigns a new ID # and renders existing uncompleted dat files worthless for that title?
    Other programs, such as Shareaza, have the ability to share partial files, and so I think it automatically names incomplete files like this for sharing, maybe that's where these files come from...?

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    da da da daaaaaaaaaaaaa...

    use bit torrent LOL


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