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Thread: Raw On USA Towmorro!!!

  1. #41
    manker's Avatar effendi
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    I wear an Even Steven wit
    Quote Originally Posted by Busyman
    Quote Originally Posted by manker
    Deary me, you are in a tizzy. Bawa makes more sense.

    This whole dry-snitching definition ... you just made it up, eh.
    Of course not. You say that after you come back from a search party.
    How'd it go?

    No, mate, searching wasn't required.

    We've known for months that you wouldn't be able to define dry-snitching.
    I plan on beating him to death with his kids. I'll use them as a bludgeon on his face. -

    --Good for them if they survive.

  2. Sports Club   -   #42
    Busyman's Avatar Use Logic Or STFU!!!
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    Washington D.C.
    Too bad I didn't have to. The definition has been around for years.

    How'd the search go? I just knowwww you googled, you googlemeister, you.
    Silly bitch, your weapons cannot harm me. Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, Bitchhhh!

    Flies Like An Arrow, Flies Like An Apple

  3. Sports Club   -   #43
    manker's Avatar effendi
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    May 2004
    I wear an Even Steven wit
    Quote Originally Posted by Busyman
    Too bad I didn't have to. The definition has been around for years.

    How'd the search go? I just knowwww you googled, you googlemeister, you.
    I don't know what dry-snitching means.

    However, I know what it usually means when a word is prefixed with 'dry'. Which is what I posted.

    Btw, why do you always assume that people cleverer than you must Google for their posts. I imagine that some of them are just ... clever
    I plan on beating him to death with his kids. I'll use them as a bludgeon on his face. -

    --Good for them if they survive.

  4. Sports Club   -   #44
    Busyman's Avatar Use Logic Or STFU!!!
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    Washington D.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by manker
    Quote Originally Posted by Busyman
    Too bad I didn't have to. The definition has been around for years.

    How'd the search go? I just knowwww you googled, you googlemeister, you.
    I don't know what dry-snitching means.

    However, I know what it usually means when a word is prefixed with 'dry'. Which is what I posted.

    Btw, why do you always assume that people cleverer than you must Google for their posts. I imagine that some of them are just ... clever
    Uh 'cause I recall the last time you showed so-called cleverness, you googled, then afterward said, "It was obvious."

    I guess it was....after the answer was shown.

    Why the hell do you think you were being clever anyway?

    I didn't make up the word nor what it means. I thought that got through that grammatibrain a yours the first time.
    Silly bitch, your weapons cannot harm me. Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, Bitchhhh!

    Flies Like An Arrow, Flies Like An Apple

  5. Sports Club   -   #45
    Cheese's Avatar Poster
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    Sep 2003
    is everything.
    The pre-show started with a group of superstars talking about RAW and doing a live show. In the lower corner was a countdown clock - 5 minutes until the show starts. Most of it was Vince McMahon talking about how RAW started and wrestler throwing in little comments. They showed clips of the first RAW show.
    They went on to talk about the ‘Attitude Era”. More wrestling bits and more clips of people talking about it. Wow, has RAW changed since then. I miss that time - wish they’d bring back some of that edginess.
    It ended with WWE - The Power Is Back. Guess they have a new slogan for a new era.
    That 5 minutes went very quickly.

    The Homecoming starts! Foley is the first out of the gate. He’s there for Piper’s pit. He’s wearing his famous red and black sleeveless plaid over black and white plaid. He takes a mic and talks about RAW coming home.
    He says that normally the guest doesn’t introduce the host, but Piper is no typical host in that he’s such an amazing superstar.
    Piper enters and hugs Foley. Piper says he’s a fan of Foley’s. Piper says he thought he was the craziest SOB in the business - but Piper has nothing on him. But then he read Foley’s new book “Scooter”. Piper loved it and called Foley a sick Mfer. He says that this is Foley’s return to WWE.
    Foley says he needs a good reason to return. Piper says he has 12,000 reasons for Foley to return. Piper starts chanting, “Foley, Foley.” Orton’s music cuts in and Randy and Cowboy Bob enter.
    Foley tells The Ortons to worry about who they are going to face next week at the PPV. Orton says he can do what he wants. But he’s not there to talk to Foley - he’s there for Piper.
    Randy says Cowboy Bob is the only reason Piper is as big as he is. Cowboy Bob made Piper. Randy says he’s the Legend Killer and pushes Piper. Piper gets into it with Piper, but Cowboy Bob and Foley pull them apart.
    Cowboy Bob sucker punches Foley and Randy ROK’s Piper. Randy the RKO’s Foley. The Ortons leave Piper and Foley prone in the ring.
    (I just have to put this in because my husband is ranting. Foley has got ring boots with more time than Randy Orton. To see someone who’s done everything Foley has done for Vince McMahon - Then to see him job to Randy Orton is disgusting. Never mind what Flair said in his book about Foley - but Vince did nothing. My husband doesn’t understand why Foley keeps coming back just to get his ass kicked. We are so sick of seeing such a nice guy get trampled by everyone over and over. It’s come to be expected that when Foley shows up he will get his ass beaten - we are sick of it. My husband has refused to watch the rest of the show because of what happened to Foley, AGAIN. Sorry about the rant - but this really bothers us!)

    Recap of Angle and HBK at Mania. Recap of Angle and HBK at Vengeance.

    - Commercial

    Recap of Piper’s Pit.

    Outback Bischoff is bitching out Long about the Ortons’ attack on Foley and Piper. If Long doesn’t reel in his people Bisch is going to give the fans a RAW moment at Smackdown’s expense.

    Angle comes to the ring for the 30 minute Ironman Match. They show a whole group of older wrestlers in the front row - most of them Hall of Famers. HBK comes out next for this long match. Whoever gets the most falls in 30 minutes wins the rubber match between the two.
    Angle jumps HBK as the bell rings, but HBK quickly takes over. HBK Chops Angle to the mat a couple times. HBK hits a Swinging Neckbreaker on Angle and goes for the fall, but no three. They go to the outside and Angle gets his head beaten into the barrier.
    HBK goes for the cover again. No luck. Angle starts coming back, but HBK locks on a Sleeper Hold. Angle Suplexes out of it. Angle hit HBK with a couple of Uppercuts and takes control. Scoop Slam by Angle and he goes for the cover. No three. Angle locks in a Reverse Headlock.
    Clock - 25 minutes remaining.
    HBK counters with a Chin Breaker. HBK hits a few Chops and a Face Buster. HBK hit a Back Body Drop over the ropes. HBK tried to Baseball Slide, but Angle moved and hit and Angle Slam on the outside. They enter the ring with Angle in control. Angle stomps the heck out of HBK.
    HBK fights back with punches, but Angle hits a Vertical Powerbomb landing HBK on the top turnbuckle in the center of his back. Both men end up on the top turnbuckle and HBK pushes Angle off. Before HBK can do anything Angle runs up the corner and Angle Slams HBK from the top. Angle goes for the cover and gets the three count.

    - Score: Angle 1 fall - HBK 0 falls at about 10 minutes into the match.

    - Commercial

    18 minutes left
    Angle has a Chin Lock locked on HBK. (Angle was in control of HBK through the entire commercial break.) HBK hit a solid Reverse Elbow. HBK got his shoulder driven into the ring post and Angle went for another cover, no three though.
    HBK starts fighting back with Chops, but gets tossed back first into a corner. Angle goes for another Angle Slam, but HBK reverses with a Sunset Flip. Angle goes for the Ankle Lock, but gets it reversed. HBK rolls Angle up and gets a three count right at the halfway point in the match.
    Angle locks in a Body Scissors on HBK’s lower back. He then rubs his forearm hard across HBK’s face. HBK keeps laying flat and getting two counts out of it. HBK rolls Angle over and bites his face to get out of the Scissors.
    HBK goes for a roll up, but Angle locks in the Ankle Lock. HBK tries to fight out or reach the ropes. HBK ends up tapping out to the Ankle Lock. 11 minutes left in the match.

    - Score: Angle 2 falls - HBK 1 fall at 19 minutes into the match.

    - Commercial

    Angle has an Ankle Lock locked in. HBK gets out and tries to fight back. They exchange Chops back and forth. Angle locks in the Ankle Lock again. HBK fights his way out. Angle traps HBK in a corner, but HBK keeps bitch slapping Angle. He gets out of the corner, Nips Up, and tries to fight back. HBK hit an Inverted Atomic Drop and goes up top. HBK hit a Flying Elbow.
    HBK Tunes up the Band. HBK hits Sweet Chin Music and pins Angle for the three at about 5 minutes left. They are tied!
    Angle hits the Angle Slam and goes for the cover, but HBK kicks out. Angle goes for the Angle Slam, but HBK reverses turning it into a Tornado DDT. Both men are down, and the ref is counting. HBK throws an arm over Angle, not luck. HBK throws the arms across Angle again, no luck.
    HBK climbed up and hit a Moonsault, but Angle reversed it into an Ankle Lock. HBK tries to kick out, but Angle hangs on. Less than a minute left. HBK is fighting not to tap out. Angle is wrapped around HBK’s leg, but HBK is able to kick Angle in the face. Angle locks it in again. HBk kicks out and almost gets tossed into the ref. HBK hits Sweet Chin Music and goes for the cover.
    The bell is rung before the three count is finished. The match is called a tie. HBK takes a mic and says it’s BS and wants to go to Sudden Death. Angle wants nothing of it and walks away.
    HBK walks down the line of Hall of Famers hugging every one of them.

    - Winner: Tie between Kurt Angle and HBK - Both men got 2 falls in 30 minutes

    Video clip of Cena at the Hip Hop Awards.

    - Commercial

    Lillian introduces Kevin Von Erich who is in the front row with the other older wrestlers.

    Outback Bischoff approaches Vince McMahon. He asks Vince to make his match a No DQ match (gee wonder why he wants that!). Vince says no. Bisch calls him Vince and say he knows why Vince want him as GM of RAW. Just to make his life hell - so he can come out with a DVD later about Bischoff. Bisch calls Vince sick. Vince says no one knows just how sick and twisted Vince can be.

    Lillian introduces Vince reading from a card. She says he’s the one who created this company. He created Hogan, Austin and many other wrestlers. He’s also well endowed! (Looks like he’s ready to be heel again.)
    Vince comes strutting to the ring like he has a load in his pants. He says he’s happy to be back on USA where anything can happen, where they are uncensored. He reminisces about the night he beat the Holy Hell out of Austin. He shows the 1-2-3 of his match against Austin - it was one of Vince’s favorite moments. Another favorite moment is when he had Austin arrested. Before they can show the clip Austin comes out - though he’s not scheduled until later.
    He tells everyone to give Austin a hand. Austin looks great! Austin says it looks as though Vince was having fun at Austin’s expense. He says Vince is looking a little nervous “What”, jumpy “What”, jittery “What”. Austin says he remembers thing differently from what Vince is showing. Austin shows tape of Vince in the hospital when Dr. Austin comes in and beats him up and hits him over the head with a bedpan. They then showed Austin pushing Vince to the ring in a wheelchair. Austin pulling a gun on Vince - Then a flag with Austin 3:16 pops out. He then showed footage of Vince peeing his pants. The last clip was Austin showering The Corporation with beer from the beer truck (who can forget that moment?)
    Vince says it’s a new era and there’s no reason that he and Austin can’t start fresh. Austin asks if Vince wants to be his best friend and if he should believe the BS coming out of Vince’s mouth. Vince is looking nervous, saying he needs to leave. Austin tells him not to leave - he wants to show him something.
    Austin then hits Vince with a Stunner.
    As Austin celebrates with beer different music hits. “Here comes the money”. Shane comes down to the ring with a grin on his face. Before he can say anything he gets Stunned.
    Then more music hits and Stephanie comes to the ring looking pissed off. She asks Austin who the hell he thinks he is Stunning her father and her brother. This is their show. This is RAW. This is USA. Steph asks Austin who the hell he thinks he is. Austin tells her he has some questions for her. He asks what perfume she’s wearing. Steph doesn’t answer. He then comments about her holding his hand - she must be flirting with him. Austin asks if Steph wants to give him a kiss. Steph Bitch Slaps Austin. Austin tells her she shouldn’t have done that, but he’s glad she did. Austin then gives Steph a Stone Cold Stunner.
    As he starts celebrating with beer again MORE music hits. Linda McMahon comes out to the ring. She asks him what he thinks he’s doing. This carnage in the ring is her family. She’s spent the past two years pulling her family back together. Why her husband. He’s a piece of trash. Linda agreed to that. Why Shane? He’s a chip of the old block. Why Stephanie? She’s a precious little piece of trash.
    They are back on USA, in Dallas where he started out, he’s going to raise hell. What should he do? Linda told him he owes the McMahon family an apology. He thinks about it for a minute. He tells Linda she’s a classy lady and he apologizes, but… While she’s out there they should give all the fans a RAW moment to remember. He asks Linda for a kiss on the cheek. He wants to leave his eyes open so she doesn’t knock the hell out of her when he closes his eyes. He thinks they should give us something to REALLY remember - he puts his arm around her- and… drink a damn beer.
    She drinks with him. He pushes her to drink a second one with him. He then takes her hand, raises it high and calls he a classy lady again as he pours a beer down the front of her shirt. He then Stuns Linda McMahon. (I must say it was a terrible Stunner. He barely touched her. I know he was trying to be careful with her as she’s never wrestled - but it was bad. Though I do giver her credit for being willing to get Stunned.)

    - Score: Austin 4 - McMahons 0

    - Commercial

    Outback 2 refs are helping Vince to his limo. Todd Grisham asks Vince what he thinks about his whole family being Stunned. Vince says someone’s going to pay. Someone’s going to get fired.

    Lita come to the ring to Edge’s music. Lita is wearing a tiny red fishnet shirt and short shorts. She poses on the ramp while Matt Hardy’s music hits. Matt comes out and sees a ladder set up on the stage. As he looks at it and Lita Edge comes from nowhere and Spears him.
    Edge runs to the ring and climbs the ladder. Matt catches him and pulls him off. Matt flips the ladder over, puts Edge inside, climbs between and closes the ladder up over and over on Edge. Matt sets a ladder up in a corner and throws Edge into it back first.
    Edge Suplexes Matt into the ladder leaning in the corner. Edge sets up the ladder and climbs, but Matt pulls him down. Matt climbs up, gets his hand on the briefcase, but Edge pulls him down.
    Edge puts a ladder on the top turnbuckle so the top is facing into the ring. Matt goes for the Twist of Fate, but gets pushed face first into the top of the ladder. Edge gets another ladder and sets it up, but Matt pulls it down and nails Edge in the gut with it.
    Edge Reverse Suplexes Matt onto a ladder. Edge sets up the ladder again and starts to climb. Matt starts to climb too. Matt punches Edge in the head and throws Edge off onto the ladder that is still sitting on the top turnbuckle. Edge hits the top of the ladder with his face and rebounds into the ladder Matt is standing on. That ladder tips over sending Matt flying.

    - Commercial

    Edge is trying to Suplex Matt through a table, but gets tossed into the barrier and knocked over the barrier with the top of a ladder. Matt climbed the ladder and hit Edge with a huge Flying Cross Body into Edge in the audience.
    Matt heads for the ring but Lita jumps on his back. He hits her with a Snap Mare and is about to Powerbomb Lita through a table when Edge hits him across the back with a Kendo Stick. He lays Matt across a table. Edge then climbs on the apron and hits Matt with a Cross Body sending them both crashing through the table.
    They both climb in the ring and each climb a ladder. Matt hits a Twist of Fate on Edge from the top of the ladders. Matt climbs back up, but Lita starts hitting him with the Kendo Stick. Matt climbs down and tosses her into the turnbuckle dropping her to the mat.
    Matt climbs back up the ladder. He is trying to unlatch the briefcase when Lita came back and removed the ladder from under Matt. Matt is hanging from the briefcase. Edge grabs Matt’s ankles and starts swinging him. Matt loses hold of the briefcase and gets hung up on the top rope across his gut. Edge ties Matts’ arms up in the top and second ropes so he can’t get free.
    Lita wraps her arms and lags around the top rope and Matt’s arms so he can’t get loose at all. Edge climbs the ladder and gets the briefcase for the win.
    After the bell has rung and Matt realizes what has happened, he is escorted up the ramp by a group of security guards. He has to leave RAW. Edge and Lita are celebrating the whole time.

    - Winner: Edge - Matt has to leave RAW.

    - Commercial

    Matt is being escorted from the area by security.

    Outback Trish and Ashley are talking about their bra and panties match. Mea Young comes in with her shirt unbuttoned. Trish and Ashley leave and Mae goes after Superfly, Hacksaw and Dibiase? (I’m guessing. I’m sorry if it wasn’t him - didn’t recognize him). They offered Mae $1,000 to put her shirt on, then $2,000 to put her shirt on, then $3,000. Moolah comes out and drags Mae off telling her she always embarrasses her when they’re out. They walk off.
    Superfly takes the money and wanders off after Mae saying he’ll pay them back.

    Outback Maria is interviewing Flair. He says he came back a broken down man, but he’s not any more. He also says tonight is HHH’s return and they are going to kick some ass together.

    - Commercial

    Slam of The Week - Masters and Carlito kicking the crap out of Flair outback a few weeks ago.

    Carlito comes to the ring. Masters comes out next. JR says Masters can pose all he wants, but the real deal will be out here soon (I think he meant Trip). Flair comes out next, and the ref holds the ropes for him.
    HHH comes out last and the crowd goes manic when his music hits. All four men start battling as the bell rings. Flair and HHH rid the ring of the other two. The ref starts counting them out. Carlito comes in to face HHH who tags in Flair quickly. They double team him before they both do a Flair Strut. Masters runs across the ring, but Flair takes him out quickly. HHH is still wandering the ring while Flair goes back to work on Carlito.


    Carlito and Masters have been focusing on Flair’s back. Carlito locks on Flair’s Figure 4. HHH runs in and breaks the hold after too long. Carlito traps Flair in a corner and slaps him a couple times. Flair fights back with Chops. Carlito hits a Spinebuster on Flair.
    Carlito goes up top, but Flair grabs him and throws him off the top. Flair can’t get to HHH, but Carlito gets to Masters. Masters goes for the Masterlock, but Flair hits a Low Blow when the ref’s back is turned. Flair tags in HHH. HHH hits Masters with two High Knees and a Spinebuster. HHH starts smiling and looks under the ring. He comes out with a sledgehammer. He climbs in the ring with it. As HHH is about to use the sledge on Masters, Carlito runs in and jumps him from behind.
    HHH grabs Carlito to set up the Pedigree. Masters was about to nail HHH with his sledge when Flair hit him with a Chop Block. HHH hits the Pedigree for the win. Masters and Carlito flee as HHH and Flair celebrate.
    HHH then turns on Flair and hits him in the head with the sledge. HHH busts Flair wide open and continues to beat Flair down. As Flair lays prone on the mat HHH nails him again in the face with the sledge. HHH throws Flair from the ring and beats the hell out of him in front of the Hall of Famers.

    - Winners: Triple H & Ric Flair

    - Commercial

    Recap of HHH beating the hell out of Flair. It continued backstage.

    HHH is still beating the heck out of Flair. He keeps saying, “no one has the balls to stop me”, and “you think I was going to let this go?” and “you know me better than anybody Ric”. He just keeps beating Flair up. Flair is covered in blood and can’t defend himself. He leans Flair against a limo and starts Bitch Slapping him. HHH then puts Flair in the back of the limo, tells the driver to, “get this piece of crap out of my building.” HHH then takes his sledge to the back window of the limo before it drives off.

    - Commercial

    Dusty Rhodes has all the older wrestlers in the ring. He says he so happy to be there. He starts talking about all the amazing people in the ring. Arn Anderson beating on his noggin. Superstar Billy Graham and the Full Nelson. Moolah had no equal. Jimmy Hart, manager of immortal men. Ted Dibiase and Harley Race, but Dusty gets cut off because Rob Conway’s music hits.

    Rob comes out and asks what that smell is and asks if one of them forgot to change their depends. He tells them this is a Homecoming, not a funeral. They need to leave and make room for the young guys. Dusty cuts him off and tells him it’s because of these legends that Conway is where he is. Dusty rips him apart verbally.
    Dusty goes back to talking about Harley Race, but Rob butts in again saying Harley Race hasn’t passed up any buffet tables. Harley cuts Rob off by punching him in the face. Pat Patterson then punches Rob, as does “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan. Dusty takes off his jacket, punches Rob a couple times, grabs his crotch and gives Rob and elbow to the top of the head. Rob staggers into Kevin Von Erich’s Claw which landed Rob on the mat.
    The group then sends Snuka up top to fly! He got up there barefooted and flew as if he did it everyday of the week.
    They then throw Rob’s sorry ass from the ring. All the old heros congratulate each other with hugs and smiles - It was a beautiful thing to see.

    - Commercial

    Torrie Wilson, Victoria and Candace Michelle come to the ring all wearing black and white. Torrie has her little dog with her. Trish and Ashley come to the ring. Trish is also in Black and white, Ashley is wearing pants tonight.
    The three heels attack Trish and Ashley as soon as they enter the ring. They rip Ashley’s shirt off. Ashley then rips Victoria’s shirt off. Trish and Ashley trap Candice and Torrie and rip off their respective (if not respectable) shirts.
    Victoria was hanging out outside the ring, but Trish dragged her in by her hair. Victoria tries to take off Trish’s pants, but Trish gets her pants off instead. Ashley tries to pull off Candace’s skirt and almost pulls her panties with it. She gets the skirt off. Torrie had Trish trapped in a corner, but Ashley came over and hung her up on the top rope. Both girls ripped Torrie’s pants off for the win.

    - Winners: Ashley & Trish Stratus

    Outback Angle says he just saw Ken Kennedy outback and is Bischoff worried that he might get involved. Bisch says he isn’t worried because Vince has left - so Bisch can not make the match a No DQ Match. Bisch then told Angle he only wanted to be WWE Champion for one day. Then he would turn it over to someone else. Someone with Olympic Gold. They both laugh.

    - Commercial

    Tazz and Michael Cole are onscreen - guess they are there to announce the Smackdown match.
    Teddy Long and the “Network Executive” are in the ring.
    Rey Mysterio comes down to the ring. Chris Benoit comes out next showing off his US Title Belt. Batista comes out to huge pop.
    JBL comes out in his limo, but only so far because of the ramp. JBL is wearing a stars and stripes jacket tonight. Christian is the next out. Eddie is the last out. All of the Smackdown entrances are quite quick. Long joins the announcers at their table.
    JBL and Batista are about to start the match, but Bisch interrupts. He says since Vince has left it’s lights out -the lights over the ring go out- his audience doesn’t have to watch a second rate, lack luster match. He laughs at the wrestlers “stumbling around int the dark”. Bisch then calls for a commercial. (Was the match supposed to happen, or was it cut for time? The show has been going on for almost 3 hours at this point.)

    - Commercial

    Mean Gene is in the ring. He announces Hulk Hogan. Hogan comes out to his usual huge pop.
    Hogan climbs in the ring slower than usual. He rips off his shirt and poses for the wild crowd. Mean Gene talks about Hogan’s match with HBK and his show Hogan Knows Best. But, what’s next? Hogan asks if he can feel the power of Hulkamania in Dallas. He gives huge props to HBK, saying he’s willing to do it an time again. Hogan talks about all his huge matches. But, Hogan says he saw one specific man as he looked out from behind the curtain earlier. “What would happen if he got in the ring with The Rattlesnake, Stone Cold Steve Austin?”
    Then Hogan’s music hit again and he posed for the crowd.

    - Commercial (Seems as though the show might be going longer than expected. The announcers said USA will stay with RAW until it’s over, but it looks as though they are rushing through things at this point.)

    Recap of Vince telling Bisch he will be facing Cena for the title.

    Bischoff comes to the ring with Angle at his side. Cena’s music hits to huge pop. He comes to the ring ready for action. Angle goes to the outside and sits in a chair at the edge of the ramp.
    Bisch tries to kick and Cena catches his leg. One hand and Bisch is on the mat. Bisch crawls for Angle. Angle grabs Cena’s ankle. Cena thwomps Angle’s head on the top turnbuckle. Bisch kicks Cena from behind. He keeps kicking Cena until he’s on the mat. Cena gets up Slams him and hits the 5 Knuckle Shuffle.
    Cena is getting ready to FU Bisch when Angle runs into the ring and tries to hit the Angle Slam on Cena. Cena reverses it and gets Angle up for an FU. Bisch crawls up to Cena from behind and nails him with a Low Blow. Cena hits the mat and drops Angle in the process.
    Bisch goes for the cover, but Cena kicks out. Angle comes in the ring with a chair. He goes after Cena who ducks out of the way. Angle hits the top rope with the chair and it ricochets back up hitting himself in the head with it. Angle rolls fm the ring. Bisch goes for the chair. As he starts to pick it up Cena steps on it so he can’t. Cena scoops Bischoff up in the air and Cena hits the FU on Bisch. Cena covers Bisch for the win.

    - Winner: John Cena

    Angle jumps Cena and they exchange punches. Long interrupts the post match fight. Long says Bisch embarrassed him and made him feel like a fool. So, maybe Bischoff would like to do it Gangstah Style.
    A whole bunch of Smackdown superstars run to the ring and attack Cena, Angle and Bischoff. They had the upper hand until a bunch of RAW superstars ran to the ring and joined the melee. The show ends with everyone beating the heck out of everyone else.
    I enjoyed the show, a return to form for WWE. Looks like a Raw vs Smackdown scenario for Servivor Series...

  6. Sports Club   -   #46
    Busyman's Avatar Use Logic Or STFU!!!
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Washington D.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheese
    The pre-show started with a group of superstars talking about RAW and doing a live show. In the lower corner was a countdown clock - 5 minutes until the show starts. Most of it was Vince McMahon talking about how RAW started and wrestler throwing in little comments. They showed clips of the first RAW show.
    They went on to talk about the ‘Attitude Era”. More wrestling bits and more clips of people talking about it. Wow, has RAW changed since then. I miss that time - wish they’d bring back some of that edginess.
    It ended with WWE - The Power Is Back. Guess they have a new slogan for a new era.
    That 5 minutes went very quickly.

    The Homecoming starts! Foley is the first out of the gate. He’s there for Piper’s pit. He’s wearing his famous red and black sleeveless plaid over black and white plaid. He takes a mic and talks about RAW coming home.
    He says that normally the guest doesn’t introduce the host, but Piper is no typical host in that he’s such an amazing superstar.
    Piper enters and hugs Foley. Piper says he’s a fan of Foley’s. Piper says he thought he was the craziest SOB in the business - but Piper has nothing on him. But then he read Foley’s new book “Scooter”. Piper loved it and called Foley a sick Mfer. He says that this is Foley’s return to WWE.
    Foley says he needs a good reason to return. Piper says he has 12,000 reasons for Foley to return. Piper starts chanting, “Foley, Foley.” Orton’s music cuts in and Randy and Cowboy Bob enter.
    Foley tells The Ortons to worry about who they are going to face next week at the PPV. Orton says he can do what he wants. But he’s not there to talk to Foley - he’s there for Piper.
    Randy says Cowboy Bob is the only reason Piper is as big as he is. Cowboy Bob made Piper. Randy says he’s the Legend Killer and pushes Piper. Piper gets into it with Piper, but Cowboy Bob and Foley pull them apart.
    Cowboy Bob sucker punches Foley and Randy ROK’s Piper. Randy the RKO’s Foley. The Ortons leave Piper and Foley prone in the ring.
    (I just have to put this in because my husband is ranting. Foley has got ring boots with more time than Randy Orton. To see someone who’s done everything Foley has done for Vince McMahon - Then to see him job to Randy Orton is disgusting. Never mind what Flair said in his book about Foley - but Vince did nothing. My husband doesn’t understand why Foley keeps coming back just to get his ass kicked. We are so sick of seeing such a nice guy get trampled by everyone over and over. It’s come to be expected that when Foley shows up he will get his ass beaten - we are sick of it. My husband has refused to watch the rest of the show because of what happened to Foley, AGAIN. Sorry about the rant - but this really bothers us!)

    Recap of Angle and HBK at Mania. Recap of Angle and HBK at Vengeance.

    - Commercial

    Recap of Piper’s Pit.

    Outback Bischoff is bitching out Long about the Ortons’ attack on Foley and Piper. If Long doesn’t reel in his people Bisch is going to give the fans a RAW moment at Smackdown’s expense.

    Angle comes to the ring for the 30 minute Ironman Match. They show a whole group of older wrestlers in the front row - most of them Hall of Famers. HBK comes out next for this long match. Whoever gets the most falls in 30 minutes wins the rubber match between the two.
    Angle jumps HBK as the bell rings, but HBK quickly takes over. HBK Chops Angle to the mat a couple times. HBK hits a Swinging Neckbreaker on Angle and goes for the fall, but no three. They go to the outside and Angle gets his head beaten into the barrier.
    HBK goes for the cover again. No luck. Angle starts coming back, but HBK locks on a Sleeper Hold. Angle Suplexes out of it. Angle hit HBK with a couple of Uppercuts and takes control. Scoop Slam by Angle and he goes for the cover. No three. Angle locks in a Reverse Headlock.
    Clock - 25 minutes remaining.
    HBK counters with a Chin Breaker. HBK hits a few Chops and a Face Buster. HBK hit a Back Body Drop over the ropes. HBK tried to Baseball Slide, but Angle moved and hit and Angle Slam on the outside. They enter the ring with Angle in control. Angle stomps the heck out of HBK.
    HBK fights back with punches, but Angle hits a Vertical Powerbomb landing HBK on the top turnbuckle in the center of his back. Both men end up on the top turnbuckle and HBK pushes Angle off. Before HBK can do anything Angle runs up the corner and Angle Slams HBK from the top. Angle goes for the cover and gets the three count.

    - Score: Angle 1 fall - HBK 0 falls at about 10 minutes into the match.

    - Commercial

    18 minutes left
    Angle has a Chin Lock locked on HBK. (Angle was in control of HBK through the entire commercial break.) HBK hit a solid Reverse Elbow. HBK got his shoulder driven into the ring post and Angle went for another cover, no three though.
    HBK starts fighting back with Chops, but gets tossed back first into a corner. Angle goes for another Angle Slam, but HBK reverses with a Sunset Flip. Angle goes for the Ankle Lock, but gets it reversed. HBK rolls Angle up and gets a three count right at the halfway point in the match.
    Angle locks in a Body Scissors on HBK’s lower back. He then rubs his forearm hard across HBK’s face. HBK keeps laying flat and getting two counts out of it. HBK rolls Angle over and bites his face to get out of the Scissors.
    HBK goes for a roll up, but Angle locks in the Ankle Lock. HBK tries to fight out or reach the ropes. HBK ends up tapping out to the Ankle Lock. 11 minutes left in the match.

    - Score: Angle 2 falls - HBK 1 fall at 19 minutes into the match.

    - Commercial

    Angle has an Ankle Lock locked in. HBK gets out and tries to fight back. They exchange Chops back and forth. Angle locks in the Ankle Lock again. HBK fights his way out. Angle traps HBK in a corner, but HBK keeps bitch slapping Angle. He gets out of the corner, Nips Up, and tries to fight back. HBK hit an Inverted Atomic Drop and goes up top. HBK hit a Flying Elbow.
    HBK Tunes up the Band. HBK hits Sweet Chin Music and pins Angle for the three at about 5 minutes left. They are tied!
    Angle hits the Angle Slam and goes for the cover, but HBK kicks out. Angle goes for the Angle Slam, but HBK reverses turning it into a Tornado DDT. Both men are down, and the ref is counting. HBK throws an arm over Angle, not luck. HBK throws the arms across Angle again, no luck.
    HBK climbed up and hit a Moonsault, but Angle reversed it into an Ankle Lock. HBK tries to kick out, but Angle hangs on. Less than a minute left. HBK is fighting not to tap out. Angle is wrapped around HBK’s leg, but HBK is able to kick Angle in the face. Angle locks it in again. HBk kicks out and almost gets tossed into the ref. HBK hits Sweet Chin Music and goes for the cover.
    The bell is rung before the three count is finished. The match is called a tie. HBK takes a mic and says it’s BS and wants to go to Sudden Death. Angle wants nothing of it and walks away.
    HBK walks down the line of Hall of Famers hugging every one of them.

    - Winner: Tie between Kurt Angle and HBK - Both men got 2 falls in 30 minutes

    Video clip of Cena at the Hip Hop Awards.

    - Commercial

    Lillian introduces Kevin Von Erich who is in the front row with the other older wrestlers.

    Outback Bischoff approaches Vince McMahon. He asks Vince to make his match a No DQ match (gee wonder why he wants that!). Vince says no. Bisch calls him Vince and say he knows why Vince want him as GM of RAW. Just to make his life hell - so he can come out with a DVD later about Bischoff. Bisch calls Vince sick. Vince says no one knows just how sick and twisted Vince can be.

    Lillian introduces Vince reading from a card. She says he’s the one who created this company. He created Hogan, Austin and many other wrestlers. He’s also well endowed! (Looks like he’s ready to be heel again.)
    Vince comes strutting to the ring like he has a load in his pants. He says he’s happy to be back on USA where anything can happen, where they are uncensored. He reminisces about the night he beat the Holy Hell out of Austin. He shows the 1-2-3 of his match against Austin - it was one of Vince’s favorite moments. Another favorite moment is when he had Austin arrested. Before they can show the clip Austin comes out - though he’s not scheduled until later.
    He tells everyone to give Austin a hand. Austin looks great! Austin says it looks as though Vince was having fun at Austin’s expense. He says Vince is looking a little nervous “What”, jumpy “What”, jittery “What”. Austin says he remembers thing differently from what Vince is showing. Austin shows tape of Vince in the hospital when Dr. Austin comes in and beats him up and hits him over the head with a bedpan. They then showed Austin pushing Vince to the ring in a wheelchair. Austin pulling a gun on Vince - Then a flag with Austin 3:16 pops out. He then showed footage of Vince peeing his pants. The last clip was Austin showering The Corporation with beer from the beer truck (who can forget that moment?)
    Vince says it’s a new era and there’s no reason that he and Austin can’t start fresh. Austin asks if Vince wants to be his best friend and if he should believe the BS coming out of Vince’s mouth. Vince is looking nervous, saying he needs to leave. Austin tells him not to leave - he wants to show him something.
    Austin then hits Vince with a Stunner.
    As Austin celebrates with beer different music hits. “Here comes the money”. Shane comes down to the ring with a grin on his face. Before he can say anything he gets Stunned.
    Then more music hits and Stephanie comes to the ring looking pissed off. She asks Austin who the hell he thinks he is Stunning her father and her brother. This is their show. This is RAW. This is USA. Steph asks Austin who the hell he thinks he is. Austin tells her he has some questions for her. He asks what perfume she’s wearing. Steph doesn’t answer. He then comments about her holding his hand - she must be flirting with him. Austin asks if Steph wants to give him a kiss. Steph Bitch Slaps Austin. Austin tells her she shouldn’t have done that, but he’s glad she did. Austin then gives Steph a Stone Cold Stunner.
    As he starts celebrating with beer again MORE music hits. Linda McMahon comes out to the ring. She asks him what he thinks he’s doing. This carnage in the ring is her family. She’s spent the past two years pulling her family back together. Why her husband. He’s a piece of trash. Linda agreed to that. Why Shane? He’s a chip of the old block. Why Stephanie? She’s a precious little piece of trash.
    They are back on USA, in Dallas where he started out, he’s going to raise hell. What should he do? Linda told him he owes the McMahon family an apology. He thinks about it for a minute. He tells Linda she’s a classy lady and he apologizes, but… While she’s out there they should give all the fans a RAW moment to remember. He asks Linda for a kiss on the cheek. He wants to leave his eyes open so she doesn’t knock the hell out of her when he closes his eyes. He thinks they should give us something to REALLY remember - he puts his arm around her- and… drink a damn beer.
    She drinks with him. He pushes her to drink a second one with him. He then takes her hand, raises it high and calls he a classy lady again as he pours a beer down the front of her shirt. He then Stuns Linda McMahon. (I must say it was a terrible Stunner. He barely touched her. I know he was trying to be careful with her as she’s never wrestled - but it was bad. Though I do giver her credit for being willing to get Stunned.)

    - Score: Austin 4 - McMahons 0

    - Commercial

    Outback 2 refs are helping Vince to his limo. Todd Grisham asks Vince what he thinks about his whole family being Stunned. Vince says someone’s going to pay. Someone’s going to get fired.

    Lita come to the ring to Edge’s music. Lita is wearing a tiny red fishnet shirt and short shorts. She poses on the ramp while Matt Hardy’s music hits. Matt comes out and sees a ladder set up on the stage. As he looks at it and Lita Edge comes from nowhere and Spears him.
    Edge runs to the ring and climbs the ladder. Matt catches him and pulls him off. Matt flips the ladder over, puts Edge inside, climbs between and closes the ladder up over and over on Edge. Matt sets a ladder up in a corner and throws Edge into it back first.
    Edge Suplexes Matt into the ladder leaning in the corner. Edge sets up the ladder and climbs, but Matt pulls him down. Matt climbs up, gets his hand on the briefcase, but Edge pulls him down.
    Edge puts a ladder on the top turnbuckle so the top is facing into the ring. Matt goes for the Twist of Fate, but gets pushed face first into the top of the ladder. Edge gets another ladder and sets it up, but Matt pulls it down and nails Edge in the gut with it.
    Edge Reverse Suplexes Matt onto a ladder. Edge sets up the ladder again and starts to climb. Matt starts to climb too. Matt punches Edge in the head and throws Edge off onto the ladder that is still sitting on the top turnbuckle. Edge hits the top of the ladder with his face and rebounds into the ladder Matt is standing on. That ladder tips over sending Matt flying.

    - Commercial

    Edge is trying to Suplex Matt through a table, but gets tossed into the barrier and knocked over the barrier with the top of a ladder. Matt climbed the ladder and hit Edge with a huge Flying Cross Body into Edge in the audience.
    Matt heads for the ring but Lita jumps on his back. He hits her with a Snap Mare and is about to Powerbomb Lita through a table when Edge hits him across the back with a Kendo Stick. He lays Matt across a table. Edge then climbs on the apron and hits Matt with a Cross Body sending them both crashing through the table.
    They both climb in the ring and each climb a ladder. Matt hits a Twist of Fate on Edge from the top of the ladders. Matt climbs back up, but Lita starts hitting him with the Kendo Stick. Matt climbs down and tosses her into the turnbuckle dropping her to the mat.
    Matt climbs back up the ladder. He is trying to unlatch the briefcase when Lita came back and removed the ladder from under Matt. Matt is hanging from the briefcase. Edge grabs Matt’s ankles and starts swinging him. Matt loses hold of the briefcase and gets hung up on the top rope across his gut. Edge ties Matts’ arms up in the top and second ropes so he can’t get free.
    Lita wraps her arms and lags around the top rope and Matt’s arms so he can’t get loose at all. Edge climbs the ladder and gets the briefcase for the win.
    After the bell has rung and Matt realizes what has happened, he is escorted up the ramp by a group of security guards. He has to leave RAW. Edge and Lita are celebrating the whole time.

    - Winner: Edge - Matt has to leave RAW.

    - Commercial

    Matt is being escorted from the area by security.

    Outback Trish and Ashley are talking about their bra and panties match. Mea Young comes in with her shirt unbuttoned. Trish and Ashley leave and Mae goes after Superfly, Hacksaw and Dibiase? (I’m guessing. I’m sorry if it wasn’t him - didn’t recognize him). They offered Mae $1,000 to put her shirt on, then $2,000 to put her shirt on, then $3,000. Moolah comes out and drags Mae off telling her she always embarrasses her when they’re out. They walk off.
    Superfly takes the money and wanders off after Mae saying he’ll pay them back.

    Outback Maria is interviewing Flair. He says he came back a broken down man, but he’s not any more. He also says tonight is HHH’s return and they are going to kick some ass together.

    - Commercial

    Slam of The Week - Masters and Carlito kicking the crap out of Flair outback a few weeks ago.

    Carlito comes to the ring. Masters comes out next. JR says Masters can pose all he wants, but the real deal will be out here soon (I think he meant Trip). Flair comes out next, and the ref holds the ropes for him.
    HHH comes out last and the crowd goes manic when his music hits. All four men start battling as the bell rings. Flair and HHH rid the ring of the other two. The ref starts counting them out. Carlito comes in to face HHH who tags in Flair quickly. They double team him before they both do a Flair Strut. Masters runs across the ring, but Flair takes him out quickly. HHH is still wandering the ring while Flair goes back to work on Carlito.


    Carlito and Masters have been focusing on Flair’s back. Carlito locks on Flair’s Figure 4. HHH runs in and breaks the hold after too long. Carlito traps Flair in a corner and slaps him a couple times. Flair fights back with Chops. Carlito hits a Spinebuster on Flair.
    Carlito goes up top, but Flair grabs him and throws him off the top. Flair can’t get to HHH, but Carlito gets to Masters. Masters goes for the Masterlock, but Flair hits a Low Blow when the ref’s back is turned. Flair tags in HHH. HHH hits Masters with two High Knees and a Spinebuster. HHH starts smiling and looks under the ring. He comes out with a sledgehammer. He climbs in the ring with it. As HHH is about to use the sledge on Masters, Carlito runs in and jumps him from behind.
    HHH grabs Carlito to set up the Pedigree. Masters was about to nail HHH with his sledge when Flair hit him with a Chop Block. HHH hits the Pedigree for the win. Masters and Carlito flee as HHH and Flair celebrate.
    HHH then turns on Flair and hits him in the head with the sledge. HHH busts Flair wide open and continues to beat Flair down. As Flair lays prone on the mat HHH nails him again in the face with the sledge. HHH throws Flair from the ring and beats the hell out of him in front of the Hall of Famers.

    - Winners: Triple H & Ric Flair

    - Commercial

    Recap of HHH beating the hell out of Flair. It continued backstage.

    HHH is still beating the heck out of Flair. He keeps saying, “no one has the balls to stop me”, and “you think I was going to let this go?” and “you know me better than anybody Ric”. He just keeps beating Flair up. Flair is covered in blood and can’t defend himself. He leans Flair against a limo and starts Bitch Slapping him. HHH then puts Flair in the back of the limo, tells the driver to, “get this piece of crap out of my building.” HHH then takes his sledge to the back window of the limo before it drives off.

    - Commercial

    Dusty Rhodes has all the older wrestlers in the ring. He says he so happy to be there. He starts talking about all the amazing people in the ring. Arn Anderson beating on his noggin. Superstar Billy Graham and the Full Nelson. Moolah had no equal. Jimmy Hart, manager of immortal men. Ted Dibiase and Harley Race, but Dusty gets cut off because Rob Conway’s music hits.

    Rob comes out and asks what that smell is and asks if one of them forgot to change their depends. He tells them this is a Homecoming, not a funeral. They need to leave and make room for the young guys. Dusty cuts him off and tells him it’s because of these legends that Conway is where he is. Dusty rips him apart verbally.
    Dusty goes back to talking about Harley Race, but Rob butts in again saying Harley Race hasn’t passed up any buffet tables. Harley cuts Rob off by punching him in the face. Pat Patterson then punches Rob, as does “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan. Dusty takes off his jacket, punches Rob a couple times, grabs his crotch and gives Rob and elbow to the top of the head. Rob staggers into Kevin Von Erich’s Claw which landed Rob on the mat.
    The group then sends Snuka up top to fly! He got up there barefooted and flew as if he did it everyday of the week.
    They then throw Rob’s sorry ass from the ring. All the old heros congratulate each other with hugs and smiles - It was a beautiful thing to see.

    - Commercial

    Torrie Wilson, Victoria and Candace Michelle come to the ring all wearing black and white. Torrie has her little dog with her. Trish and Ashley come to the ring. Trish is also in Black and white, Ashley is wearing pants tonight.
    The three heels attack Trish and Ashley as soon as they enter the ring. They rip Ashley’s shirt off. Ashley then rips Victoria’s shirt off. Trish and Ashley trap Candice and Torrie and rip off their respective (if not respectable) shirts.
    Victoria was hanging out outside the ring, but Trish dragged her in by her hair. Victoria tries to take off Trish’s pants, but Trish gets her pants off instead. Ashley tries to pull off Candace’s skirt and almost pulls her panties with it. She gets the skirt off. Torrie had Trish trapped in a corner, but Ashley came over and hung her up on the top rope. Both girls ripped Torrie’s pants off for the win.

    - Winners: Ashley & Trish Stratus

    Outback Angle says he just saw Ken Kennedy outback and is Bischoff worried that he might get involved. Bisch says he isn’t worried because Vince has left - so Bisch can not make the match a No DQ Match. Bisch then told Angle he only wanted to be WWE Champion for one day. Then he would turn it over to someone else. Someone with Olympic Gold. They both laugh.

    - Commercial

    Tazz and Michael Cole are onscreen - guess they are there to announce the Smackdown match.
    Teddy Long and the “Network Executive” are in the ring.
    Rey Mysterio comes down to the ring. Chris Benoit comes out next showing off his US Title Belt. Batista comes out to huge pop.
    JBL comes out in his limo, but only so far because of the ramp. JBL is wearing a stars and stripes jacket tonight. Christian is the next out. Eddie is the last out. All of the Smackdown entrances are quite quick. Long joins the announcers at their table.
    JBL and Batista are about to start the match, but Bisch interrupts. He says since Vince has left it’s lights out -the lights over the ring go out- his audience doesn’t have to watch a second rate, lack luster match. He laughs at the wrestlers “stumbling around int the dark”. Bisch then calls for a commercial. (Was the match supposed to happen, or was it cut for time? The show has been going on for almost 3 hours at this point.)

    - Commercial

    Mean Gene is in the ring. He announces Hulk Hogan. Hogan comes out to his usual huge pop.
    Hogan climbs in the ring slower than usual. He rips off his shirt and poses for the wild crowd. Mean Gene talks about Hogan’s match with HBK and his show Hogan Knows Best. But, what’s next? Hogan asks if he can feel the power of Hulkamania in Dallas. He gives huge props to HBK, saying he’s willing to do it an time again. Hogan talks about all his huge matches. But, Hogan says he saw one specific man as he looked out from behind the curtain earlier. “What would happen if he got in the ring with The Rattlesnake, Stone Cold Steve Austin?”
    Then Hogan’s music hit again and he posed for the crowd.

    - Commercial (Seems as though the show might be going longer than expected. The announcers said USA will stay with RAW until it’s over, but it looks as though they are rushing through things at this point.)

    Recap of Vince telling Bisch he will be facing Cena for the title.

    Bischoff comes to the ring with Angle at his side. Cena’s music hits to huge pop. He comes to the ring ready for action. Angle goes to the outside and sits in a chair at the edge of the ramp.
    Bisch tries to kick and Cena catches his leg. One hand and Bisch is on the mat. Bisch crawls for Angle. Angle grabs Cena’s ankle. Cena thwomps Angle’s head on the top turnbuckle. Bisch kicks Cena from behind. He keeps kicking Cena until he’s on the mat. Cena gets up Slams him and hits the 5 Knuckle Shuffle.
    Cena is getting ready to FU Bisch when Angle runs into the ring and tries to hit the Angle Slam on Cena. Cena reverses it and gets Angle up for an FU. Bisch crawls up to Cena from behind and nails him with a Low Blow. Cena hits the mat and drops Angle in the process.
    Bisch goes for the cover, but Cena kicks out. Angle comes in the ring with a chair. He goes after Cena who ducks out of the way. Angle hits the top rope with the chair and it ricochets back up hitting himself in the head with it. Angle rolls fm the ring. Bisch goes for the chair. As he starts to pick it up Cena steps on it so he can’t. Cena scoops Bischoff up in the air and Cena hits the FU on Bisch. Cena covers Bisch for the win.

    - Winner: John Cena

    Angle jumps Cena and they exchange punches. Long interrupts the post match fight. Long says Bisch embarrassed him and made him feel like a fool. So, maybe Bischoff would like to do it Gangstah Style.
    A whole bunch of Smackdown superstars run to the ring and attack Cena, Angle and Bischoff. They had the upper hand until a bunch of RAW superstars ran to the ring and joined the melee. The show ends with everyone beating the heck out of everyone else.
    I enjoyed the show, a return to form for WWE. Looks like a Raw vs Smackdown scenario for Servivor Series...
    What's difference between Raw and Smackdown?
    Silly bitch, your weapons cannot harm me. Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, Bitchhhh!

    Flies Like An Arrow, Flies Like An Apple

  7. Sports Club   -   #47
    manker's Avatar effendi
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I wear an Even Steven wit
    Quote Originally Posted by Busyman
    Quote Originally Posted by manker
    I don't know what dry-snitching means.

    However, I know what it usually means when a word is prefixed with 'dry'. Which is what I posted.

    Btw, why do you always assume that people cleverer than you must Google for their posts. I imagine that some of them are just ... clever
    Uh 'cause I recall the last time you showed so-called cleverness, you googled, then afterward said, "It was obvious."

    I guess it was....after the answer was shown.

    Why the hell do you think you were being clever anyway?

    I didn't make up the word nor what it means. I thought that got through that grammatibrain a yours the first time.

    Quote Originally Posted by me giving out angling advice to a beginner
    Start lower down the food chain.

    Imply that Busyman is stupid, not only is it a laugh but it's guarenteed that you'll get to use the rodding .gif
    Last edited by manker; 10-04-2005 at 03:48 PM.
    I plan on beating him to death with his kids. I'll use them as a bludgeon on his face. -

    --Good for them if they survive.

  8. Sports Club   -   #48
    Cheese's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    is everything.
    Quote Originally Posted by Busyman
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheese

    I enjoyed the show, a return to form for WWE. Looks like a Raw vs Smackdown scenario for Servivor Series...
    What's difference between Raw and Smackdown?
    They operate as two seperate shows (think Buffy and Angel, Star Trek and Voyager, CSI and its offshoots) different characters with the occasional crossover.

  9. Sports Club   -   #49
    Busyman's Avatar Use Logic Or STFU!!!
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Washington D.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by manker
    Quote Originally Posted by Busyman
    Uh 'cause I recall the last time you showed so-called cleverness, you googled, then afterward said, "It was obvious."

    I guess it was....after the answer was shown.

    Why the hell do you think you were being clever anyway?

    I didn't make up the word nor what it means. I thought that got through that grammatibrain a yours the first time.

    Quote Originally Posted by me giving out angling advice to a beginner
    Start lower down the food chain.

    Imply that Busyman is stupid, not only is it a laugh but it's guarenteed that you'll get to use the rodding .gif
    Oh wow, I responded to yer post. Ahh ya got me.

    Dry rodding - used as a fall back position to cover up one's own stupidity. Mixing in obvious rodding at times, throws off the scent of real stupidity (when it occurs). Use of any number of rod or fishing pictures is important.
    Last edited by Busyman; 10-04-2005 at 04:05 PM.
    Silly bitch, your weapons cannot harm me. Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, Bitchhhh!

    Flies Like An Arrow, Flies Like An Apple

  10. Sports Club   -   #50
    Busyman's Avatar Use Logic Or STFU!!!
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Washington D.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheese
    Quote Originally Posted by Busyman
    What's difference between Raw and Smackdown?
    They operate as two seperate shows (think Buffy and Angel, Star Trek and Voyager, CSI and its offshoots) different characters with the occasional crossover.
    Is one of them the old NWA (or something like that) league that folded into the WWF (at the time)?

    I also thought that was fucking stupid that the World Wildlife Fuckingwhatever made a stink after over a decade of wrestling's WWF reign? (or was it an old prolonged stink? )
    Last edited by Busyman; 10-04-2005 at 03:58 PM.
    Silly bitch, your weapons cannot harm me. Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, Bitchhhh!

    Flies Like An Arrow, Flies Like An Apple

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