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Thread: Zero Post "members"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Southern California USA
    Well I keep having a problem connecting to the board.
    I just got a message that said there were too many connections to the server.
    I managed to get in, in a roundabout sort of way only to find that there were 84 actual members online.
    C'mon you guys, do something about all the leechers and zero post members.

    As a matter of fact I can't get the post posted because I keep getting "connection busy/my sql" crap.

    Edit again
    This is day two of having probs connecting to the board.
    I had to get in again in a roundabout way again.

  2. Everything Related to the Board   -   #2
    MagicNakor's Avatar On the Peripheral
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Originally posted by Curley@7 June 2003 - 22:29
    Can someone turn that speech into a couple of sentances for me??
    -S&A is on other boards
    -S&A registered because there may be something good on them
    -S&A shares the information from those boards here
    -And does likewise there, so isn't terminated
    -S&A has brought new people to this board, who then registered
    -S&A believes no boards should be shown to guests except the Lounge and Guest Room
    -S&A believes that 0 post members are almost always leechers
    -S&A believes that it would be a Bad Thing if the guests get to the verifieds
    -And if, after 2 months with no posts, the account is deleted
    -S&A believes that restrictions on email accounts should be in place
    -Ignore spam

    I hope bullet points are fine. I have to disagree with not allowing free email accounts. My email account here is based in Hotmail, and I'm sure many others' are as well. I don't give my ISP email to forum boards, no matter how well-intentioned they seem.

    things are quiet until hitler decides he'd like to invade russia
    so, he does
    the russians are like "OMG WTF D00DZ, STOP TKING"
    and the germans are still like "omg ph34r n00bz"
    the russians fall back, all the way to moscow
    and then they all begin h4xing, which brings on the russian winter
    the germans are like "wtf, h4x"
    -- WW2 for the l33t

  3. Everything Related to the Board   -   #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Southern California USA

    That's to the point, but that was from weeks ago.
    I had to go and dig this one out of obscurity and back into the main stream.
    Heck with all that.
    I think somethings got to be done when you get a "too many connections the server is busy" notice and one minute later you enter from a backdoor of sorts, to find there's only 84 members online.

  4. Everything Related to the Board   -   #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Southern California USA
    Just happened again

  5. Everything Related to the Board   -   #5
    I’m a SuperNode who shares, but I didn’t make any immediate posts when I first joined this board because I really didn’t have much time for it. I’ve also had some bad experiences with messageboards so I wasn’t sure if I should bother being an active poster. Even after I joined, I got all my verifieds at and Kazaalite forums (speaking of which, does anyone know what happened to that place? Is it gone for good?). Not to say I’ll never use the verifieds here-- after all, there are some things that I am interested in, so more than likely I may utilize the Verifieds forums at a later date.

    I’m sure there are people who have joined and will join just to see the verifieds, but getting verifieds may not be the only reason people are here. From what I’ve seen, this place does have a lot more to offer besides the verifieds.

  6. Everything Related to the Board   -   #6
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
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    Aug 2002
    The verifieds here are the least interesting part of the board IMHO.

    As we have no database, and verifieds are not "verified" half the time, I have to admit to going elswhere for my verified downloads, unless im desperate or its been posted by someone i know and trust.

    That doesnt mean i dont go into the worlds.

    There are a lot of people posting in them, that are a lot more clued up than myself, giving excellent advice much of the time. There are also a lot of interesting threads, which often confirm a verified or condemn one, as well as giving objective/subjective opinions on a veriety of subjects.

    There are 2 ways for a board to go:

    1/ The admins can put their energies into verifieds, in which case the help/chat/community part of the baord suffers and is of less importance.

    2/ The admins can concentrate on helping the members with problems and interaction in a laid back environment, in which case the verifieds suffer.

    This board is probably among the best in the 2nd category.

    Its been my personal opinion for a while that we should link up with a board in the 1st category, in a partnership type of style.

    This would let us do what we do best; help people (and moan) without worrying about the verifieds. It would also let the other board do what it does best; keep a comprehensive database of verifieds upto date, without worrying about the "community" stuff that is required to have a growing board.


    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  7. Everything Related to the Board   -   #7
    Speaking as a guilty party myself, I do apologize if I've taken advantage of the generosity and knowledge of the peeps here. I've tried not to, as I do at least share.

    For what it's worth, though, the reason I haven't posted much (so far) is that my knowledge of p2p and computers in general, is somewhat limited. I have been learning here, but so far, my 'contributions' have been limited to an occasional "Thanks" or "Hey, nice list!". I figure it's better than nothing, at least until I can contribute something of more value. And I sincerely hope to do so in the near future.

    In the meantime, I appreciate you guys letting me hang out, and I DO share a respectable amount. At times, I've been sharing up to 10GB of data here. I don't cut off leechers, though, as I wouldn't want to cut someone legitimate by mistake. So until I learn more here, I don't cut off anybody. I will continue to share, and, as my collection and knowledge grows, I'll hopefully be posting some hashes before too long.

    Thanks again,

  8. Everything Related to the Board   -   #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Southern California USA
    I don't give a lick about the verifieds either and rarely use them myself.

    mrax, don't worry man.
    Your trying!

    C'mon, shouldn't there be some time limit or something for not posting anything?

  9. Everything Related to the Board   -   #9
    nostalgia's Avatar Frequent visitor
    Join Date
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    Northern part of The Netherlands
    Originally posted by ShockAndAwe^i^@29 June 2003 - 03:09
    mrax, don't worry man.
    Your trying!

    C'mon, shouldn't there be some time limit or something for not posting anything?
    You mean like Get your mail within 30 days or you're out?
    I agree with Mrax. If someone doesn't have the knowledge to help someone, he/she can get it reading the posts.
    Also, ther are a lot of experts on this forum who do seem to know everything about anything so if someone wants to post an answer he/she should be faster than Lucky Luke or the answer is already there
    -- They tell me tomorrow will never arrive, but I've seen it end a million times. --

  10. Everything Related to the Board   -   #10

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