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Thread: Last Insane give away~ From Greken!

  1. #71
    Konsignacija's Avatar Elite United Crew BT Rep: +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60
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  2. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #72
    n00brific :) BT Rep: +9BT Rep +9
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    Aug 2006
    WOW, this is like the greatest giveaway i've ever seen, you are the man

    greken, i would really like SCT or E**** and i'm only asking for those two because i really do need them. i'll admit, i've traded before, but it was for need not for the sake of trading. most of these people here that ask for everything you are offering are freakin trader whores. no one really needs all of those. I really want SCT for its special packs, but if you don't give me it, it's cool. i already have revtt for 0day release. Although, i really want E****. i'm a musician and i love music, i'm already apart of oink and btmusic. i only want e**** for it's content. Promise, insincerely, that i'm never going to trade that. i can't even think of trading my oink like most people on here. it bugs me. thanks for your generosity.

  3. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #73
    could i please have e****...i have been waiting for a long time for e****...i requested anybody for an invite i have not recieved one yet...i stopped trading so i can guarantee you that i won't trade the e****...i can show u ratio proofs or anything u need to prove to you that i really want e****...i want e**** because i love the community there because its filled with me

  4. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #74
    SAM's Avatar Fst philosopher BT Rep: +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50
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    well, that's the biggest giveaway i ever seen .
    i don't have the problem that most people have here:i'm talking here about what to pick .
    i think if it was for them they will pick'em all
    as for me, i don't need sct cause i don't like a site that makes pay money to get invites.
    i'm not that fan of dvd stuff so i won't go for swedvdr
    i have scn,swebits though the buffer is dazzling my eyes
    e***o is special in things i'm not a fan of it either.
    so it's nb I'm looking for great speed ,good English content ,nice pretime
    it's the thing man and great site
    i hope i can get it, i know my chances is poor
    but man has to try ,it won't hurt you know
    i don't know if it helps to say I'll give you ratios proof
    you're giving accounts
    but i'm ready for anything that's makes go my way
    so here is my ratios today

    thanks man for your generous giveaway and to every one i wish good luck

    well i have to edit my post i just realize you named me a scn winner in your last giveaway
    thanks man but i just received an invite from a great member here so i can't take it
    thanks buddy for your trust ,thanks a million

    Last edited by SAM; 08-23-2007 at 11:56 PM.

    For Serving Community

  5. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #75
    Poster BT Rep: +5
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    Jun 2007
    well i must say i feel bad asking for this since i aint giving anything back but may i request the e**** account, i need because i need lossless music to replace all the 128kbps music in my itunes and since i got an external hardrive now the big lossless music sizes arnt a problem, i havnt asked for e**** before because i know i would have no chance in getting it anyhow, i have all interests in music, electronic, hip hop, reggae, rock, metal, everything im quite known for it so it would just be great to have top quality music, this is all i ask only because you are giving it away, but as i said before i wish you good on your studies, im at college too, future is all that matters and it's good that you have the determination to make such a decision. well i don't want to sound greedy or anything but i would appreciate it much for my growing music collection and dude since this is happening you could add me on msn or anything, if you need anything and i could do it for you then i could help you out on somthing you never know, im not typing this all up just so you can choose me but i say that a person making such a great decsion & being so generous deserves time 7 thought put into, either way all the best and add that if you one day change regret your decision you may ask me fr anything =)

  6. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #76
    greken24's Avatar "Blow Mah Whistle" BT Rep: +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50
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    Quote Originally Posted by SgtMajor View Post
    I never did get my E invite off you, so I think you at least owe me that yes? And after what I gave you for 1 week or more.

    I like people that keep their word, I really do, and I hate those that don't.

    yeah i think you diserve it actually but they didnt accept the request i did for you.. anyways ill do my best for you to make it up fellow

  7. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #77
    sunrise01's Avatar Retired For Ever BT Rep: +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100
    Join Date
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    Can I have NB PLZ

    For 1 year look to join to nb tracker

    nb great tracket .. have rare movie ..

    I Hope Join to NB
    Look For F***
    Not Here

  8. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #78
    Bfietta's Avatar Elite member BT Rep: +12BT Rep +12BT Rep +12
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    Omg I think I love you!

    I have been looking for NB a very very long time, you wouldn't beleave me if I told you
    If I could have it from you I would cry of joy no maybe not...
    But I can't explain how happy I would be to have it
    please consider me

  9. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #79
    Kirosh's Avatar im out thx fst BT Rep: +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100
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    hey greken
    sct is dream and 2 be ScT Whore wow i can dl 3 year's from it lol
    i don't want 2 make big story u abest gooduser her ..
    i love 2 get it man thx..
    forget 2 say goodluck anyway u choose the right way.
    Last edited by Kirosh; 08-23-2007 at 08:18 PM.

  10. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #80
    Poster BT Rep: +4
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    Jan 2007


    Man, you are giving away the best sites! Respect I really want your huges buffered ScT account. Why? Some days ago I wrote a quite long explanation for why I want ScT. I know it's long, but please read everything. It will probably explain why I want ScT. I wrote it in this giveaway thread:

    Quote Originally Posted by BoomPower View Post
    Okay, where to begin? When I joined FST about six months ago ScT was one of the rarest trackers. In the five leveled rating system ScT was level 5 together with UK-T and sometimes FTN. Of course everybody wanted it, because ScT was the rarest of them all. They also had the best content, pretimes, packs etc.

    Now times have changed and ScT isn't the rarest anymore. They gave away a lot of invites and you can donate for invites. Because of this ScT has slowly become less rare than it was in the past.

    Here at FST we have the wiaw-thread, which is about how hard it is to get into a tracker. A lot of people here want to trade all their trackers for UK-T or FTWR. Only because they are the rarest. Not for the content, because, according to what I've heard, it's not anything special with UK-T and FTWR. People want rarity. The content is just a small plus if it's good.

    So why do I tell you all this? Well, it's to explain something very nice. Even if ScT is as rare as it has been, everybody want to have it. ScT is still as wanted as it was when it was in the highest rarity level. Maybe even more wanted. Why? I think it is about the content. ScT is still considered one of the best 0day trackers, according to the content. Some people say like "FTN is much better because the latest episode of Lost was uploaded here two minutes before ScT got it." And who cares about that? Not me! I use privete closed trackers because I want stable speeds and almost all good stuffs in one place. I think ScT fits quite good in those requirements.

    I have to say something about speed. At private trackers, almost all new torrents has good speeds. But when I download something that is a little bit "older" I'm often quite frustrated over the bad speed. Well, it's not a big problem for me to wait some days for a movie I really want to see, but it would be a security to know that I'll always get good speeds on all torrents. I'm an active member of quite a lot of trackers, but NONE of them can give me good speed on ALL their torrents.

    I've heard a lot of good things about ScT, according to the speed. "ScT is the home of seedboxes", someone said. "My seedbox want to live forever at ScT", another one said. So according to what I've heard ScT is the best tracker if you want speed. I want speed. Fast speed, and the speed ScT provides is probably their real speciality.

    I have to say something about ratio. Well, one of the best inventions in the torrentworld is the ratio. If you have to keep a good ratio you WILL keep a good ratio if you get somethig good back. A good content is a good reason for me to seed back what I've downloaded. If I also get good speed I have a VERY VERY good reason to seed. ScT has good speeds because people seed. If the users of ScT seed for me and give me good speeds it's a natural way for me to give other users good speeds. If ScT gives me good speeds I'll give ScT speeds. And I'm sure ScT will give me speed. I am a seeder.

    Finally I want to tell you something about forums. A forum is a good place to discuss and share your thoughts with other people. A good tracker isn't just a place where you can share files. It's a place for sharing your thoughts. Some trackers have very nice and friendly forums. Swedvdr is my favorite right now. I haven't heard anything about ScT:s forum but I'm a good forumuser and I think I can provide a lot to most forums, because most forums gives me a lot. I like discussing and listening to other people. It's nice to know how people from other countries think.

    Now I see that this text became quite long, but I hope you understand why I really want ScT. I'll try to summarize it with a few words:

    I want ScT for:

    good content
    good speed

    I won't use ScT for:

    keeping a bad ratio

    Would I be a good ScT user? Then consider giving your invite to me.
    I think this explains quite good why I want ScT, but I forgot to explain ONE thing. My uploadspeed is quite slow. I have only 0.5 Mbit upstreams, and I've heard that it's quite hard for people with slower connections to seed at ScT. That's why a buffered account like this would be great for me. I mean, I always try to seed as much as I ever can, but without a "start-buffer" it would be very hard for me to survive at ScT. 1.3 TB is just an insane buffer for me, and good enough to help me "survive" a very very long time. I always try to seed as much as I can!

    Check my speedtest. I's a quite "crap" uploadspeed.

    Well, this is why I want ScT:

    They have a great content.
    They have great speed.
    Your bufferd account would really help me to survive at ScT.

    I have been looking for ScT a quite long time now. Check my posts and see how many times I have tried to get ScT for free in giveaway threads.

    Maybe you want some ratioproofs which can confirm that I alwas try to keep a good ratio, with success All proofs are from yesterday.

    Swedvdr ratio:

    Thor's Land ratio:

    Danishbits ratio:

    Here is my client screenshot, if you need it:

    Good luck with your studies, and thanx for this giveaway Respect and love! That's the way of Greken

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