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Thread: Scn

  1. #61
    Poster BT Rep: +22BT Rep +22BT Rep +22BT Rep +22BT Rep +22
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    I don't want to be found.
    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot foreve View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by wheeloftime View Post

    Why stop at staff members? if they thinkAgent47's actions were wrong then anyone on the channel could have stood up and denounced it and by your logic if they don't then they are all equally culpable. Oh, hang on, you were on that channel, so using your logic you're as guilty as anyone else.
    SCN was going mad at that time ,if any member said that he disapprove such actions he would have been banned and his info listed publically.the only ones who could say that it's wrong was some scn staff who claim that they don't approve such actions most were participating in the madness and acouple never said aword so that makes them partners and guilty by association
    It's very easy to throw mud around and tell people what they should have done, but it isn't always easy standing up to people, especially when things are 'going mad at the time'.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot foreve View Post
    .the thing that bunny is to be blamed of is that she stood still when they were posting the ips and nfo publically and din't react which i am sure she regret that now
    Why shold we assume she regrets that? She's never expressed any regret [here].

    Quote Originally Posted by wheeloftime View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Roark View Post
    When a fellow staff member does something as wrong as what Agent47 did, you have a responsibility to stand up and denounce it, or be fairly thought of as being equally culpable.
    Why stop at staff members? if they thinkAgent47's actions were wrong then anyone on the channel could have stood up and denounced it and by your logic if they don't then they are all equally culpable. Oh, hang on, you were on that channel, so using your logic you're as guilty as anyone else.
    I stop at staff members because they have responsibility for the site, and are associated with it's leadership. You saw what happened to znik when he spoke up, he wasn't even a trader.

    It may not be easy to do the right thing, but not doing it deserves criticism. Certainly these people have shown they are not fit to staff sites.

    Quote Originally Posted by bunny67 View Post
    thank you ,and ROAK if you had been in other channels you would have seen me talking and i was also in revolt irc trying to say sorry for agent47 actions to marshell .1st thing i knew bout ip logs being posted was wen topic was changed to look at do you think that if id have gone oh no agent dont do that he wouldnt have ??instead of attacking me who was only staff for 2 weeks why not go on a search and seek agent out the person that posted these ips?maybe its easier for you to attack and accuse me instead
    As I mentioned before, clearly Agent has been established as the instigator, but the rest of you are not blameless.
    Last edited by Roark; 09-03-2007 at 02:03 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  3. BitTorrent   -   #63
    Poster BT Rep: +22BT Rep +22BT Rep +22BT Rep +22BT Rep +22
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    I don't want to be found.

    I stop at staff members because they have responsibility for the site, and are associated with it's leadership. You saw what happened to znik when he spoke up, he wasn't even a trader.

    It may not be easy to do the right thing, but not doing it deserves criticism. Certainly these people have shown they are not fit to staff sites.


    You stop at staff members because it suits you to do so. As you say in your second sentence, 'It may not be easy to do the right thing, but not doing it deserves criticism.' Maybe you should have added that this doesn't apply to you, just others who you are trying to lynch.
    As for why PF believes Bunny regrets not saying something at the time - he's actually talked to her - have you?

  4. BitTorrent   -   #64
    bunny67's Avatar THE ORIGINAL BUNNY! BT Rep: +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35
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    exactly no you havent spoke to me and erm ive said sorry to people that ive caught up with for what agent did also in a thread on revolt ive said sorry for agents action but not everywhere im not on the net 24/7 i do have other things to do.But what else do you think im gonna do ffs get a grip. i saw those ips for the same amount of time they were up as any1 i cant remember who was posted n not i didnt get my pen out n write em down or take the end of the day those people ive spoken to believe me

  5. BitTorrent   -   #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by wheeloftime
    You stop at staff members because it suits you to do so. As you say in your second sentence, 'It may not be easy to do the right thing, but not doing it deserves criticism.' Maybe you should have added that this doesn't apply to you, just others who you are trying to lynch.
    As for why PF believes Bunny regrets not saying something at the time - he's actually talked to her - have you?
    Bunny67 had plenty of opportunity here to say how she feels and had not expressed any regret. I see no reason to assume she does. Even above, she is apologizing for Agent's actions, and not her own participation in the channel.

    Edit: Again, patriot said he is sure bunny67 regrets being on the channel and standing still. It has become clear she does not regret that. She has only expressed regret for Agent's actions. I'm not sure what's so confusing, but that was my only point there.

    If you honestly think I deserve criticism for not speaking up, that's your call to make. Seeing as you seem to think no one other than Agent deserves blame regardless of their participation, I think you're going to have a tough time making that case.
    Last edited by Roark; 09-03-2007 at 02:38 PM.

  6. BitTorrent   -   #66
    bunny67's Avatar THE ORIGINAL BUNNY! BT Rep: +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roark View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by wheeloftime
    You stop at staff members because it suits you to do so. As you say in your second sentence, 'It may not be easy to do the right thing, but not doing it deserves criticism.' Maybe you should have added that this doesn't apply to you, just others who you are trying to lynch.
    As for why PF believes Bunny regrets not saying something at the time - he's actually talked to her - have you?
    Bunny67 had plenty of opportunity here to say how she feels and had not expressed any regret. I see no reason to assume she does. Even above, she is apologizing for Agent's actions, and not her own participation in the channel.

    If you honestly think I deserve criticism for not speaking up, that's your call to make. Seeing as you seem to think no one other than Agent deserves blame regardless of their participation, I think you're going to have a tough time making that case.
    i have said it was out of order and he was wrong for posting ips like hello ive even spoke to certain members ,so how the fuck do you know how i feel about it?? you a mind reader ?at the end of the day ive said sorry to people i know and they have excepted .so what is your problem?was your ip posted ?if not really what is it to you?do you think you deserve a sorry from me? for my angle you seem to have a problem with me as its my name you keep throwing up so pm me

  7. BitTorrent   -   #67
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    My name was posted on the scn list, and i do belive bunny. in the same day i pmed bunny on another Irc channel and she tolled me while the list was still fully online that she is sorry for agents actions. she also tolled me that a few staff members were not involved in this and are sorry for agents actions.
    she never laoughed at me and helped me all along.

  8. BitTorrent   -   #68
    Hello Silver here...

    I did NOT wish to reply to any of the posts that have been posted about me and other staff at scn ..simply because i decided at an earlier date (when there was a kiddies playground fight between scn and rts and the fact that most of the fst staff are or were rts staff at 1 point) not to ever post here again..

    ..however some people have posted things here that are simply lies and obviously posted by certain people that have there own hidden agendas..

    So the staff at scn has been attacked because agent the sysop of scn decided to post ips of some people..

    ..YES we are all to blame ..but why ?..because we are a TEAM and thats what being staff at a site is all about..if a decision is going to be made then we ALL have to agree..BUT..In this particular instance we did not know about the ip posting nor were ANY of us consulted on the matter..i personally did not know anything about what was happening until it was done..and brandon knows this and thats why he posted here also...because i was chatting with him on msn when this happened lol....why didnt i voice my opinion ?...again because i am part of a team...and anything i would have said..would have been pointless since the ips were already posted..but because we are a team all the staff have to accept blame..simple as that.....

    All of the scn staff im my opinion are decent people..and people who i would meet in real life..including agent just because someone makes a mistake i wont not speak to him or say hes a bad guy..hell no hes a great guy with a good heart..he made a mistake and thats it...dont we all ?

    On the subject of my rep being tarnished...well the only thing i have to say about this is..the people who are important to me and the people who i staff with and used to staff with and many many member's have respect for me and me for them..if certain people want to judge me or the other scn staff on what others think..or say then thats fine and i personally do not wish to gain there respect or trust...

    PF seems to know things about me or my past..i find this laughable because its so sad to see this man stoop to levels like this makes me think he has nothing else to do with his spare time..but whatever POST YOUR PROOF of why im such a bad person lol i dont have anything to hide and have always been truthful with everyone go ahead.

    Now as my nickname suggests this will indeed be my last post..not because im scared or dont have an anwser or any other bullcrap thats gonna get said but because im not a kid and i havent got time for nursery games with a few of the members here..i have children of my own i have to deal with..

    So as a final comment ever here..i will continue to staff in the community and those that do not wish to be staffed under me or any of the scn staff..then its your dont have to sign up or be a part of a site with us there..for those of you who see past the earlier childish posts then ..we will continue to be ourselves and see you around
    Last edited by ONELASTPOST; 09-03-2007 at 04:48 PM.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #69
    As SCN staff, I almost never posted here due to the fact that you guys [not everyone] take things and run with it forever. I have been with the site from the beginning and been staff almost the entire run. Unfortunately, i have been moving the past week or two, and was not there during the final days. I do know that a decision was reached to shut down the site due to lack of funds and lack of consistent coder. The SCN staff contributed countless amounts of money towards the site and had a max of about 30 euros donated each month. Many say we should have opened the doors and let more people in hoping for donations, but with open sign-ups comes even more duplicate accounts and cheaters and we know that would have started more bans and more whining here on FST about it.

    All the guys [and recent girl] at SCN were great people. When we started, it was just Agent47, Silver, BigBozz, Torrentslave, and me. We went through a number of coders and somehow managed to stay alive as long as we did with as little funds as we had. I believe a few unfortunate decisions [opening v2 so soon, sending mass message about donations] led to the downfall of what could have been a much bigger site.

    And to Patriot Foreve, with your dumbass screenshot.
    First of all, that wasn't our "first weeks" that was the 3rd month.
    Secondly, as you see on Shooter which you were talking about, it was only snatched 99 times. For an opening site with alot of hype and Free Leech, that is probably right.
    The 344 seeders could have easily gotten it from another site in hopes to seed at SCN and gain some ratio easily.

    But thirdly and most importantly, we had a problem from the start with mis-labeled seeder/leecher stats that we were never able to fix. Some times it would show too many s/l, some times it wouldn't show too few.
    But you cannot say that we faked that in our early goings to be big. Maybe a coding error, but you can't so easily jump to conclusions like that.

    This all makes me laugh so hard at how stupid everyone at FST is, staff and members alike. People begging for invites to sites, complaining about bad staff that banned them for good reasons, and other idiotic posts. You guys just get your panties in a wad way to easily, and just need to chill out and go have fun in Real Life. If you got someone who doesn't torrent to come and read some of these posts, they would laugh so hard at the idiotic statements and questions and conversations that go on.

    With that, i leave FST forever. If you need me, you'll know where to find me. If you can't find me, you don't need to find me.

    Oh, and I have no grudge against any SCN staff, or any other staff here or at any torrent site. We're all in it for the downloads, right?

  10. BitTorrent   -   #70
    ibnahmed's Avatar still employed BT Rep: +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35
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    u can live with the rest of BT trackers, there was nothing special in terms on content in scn, anything uploaded there is uploaded some hours ago in ftn and sct.

    if u are talking about losing relations and feeling sorry about how good the community would have been without what happened, then u may be right. i dont care actually.

    Left out

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