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Thread: The Complete Guide To A Professional DVD Backup

  1. #1
    WHiKWiRE's Avatar MooPhEuS
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    Toronto, Ontario


    The Complete Guide To A Professional DVD Backup

    I am going to teach you from start to finish on how to RIP, EDIT, ENCODE and BURN a DVD. Many people use programs such as DVDShrink, CloneDVD, InstantCopy, Nero Recode or DVD2One. Now these programs are great but unfortunately they use a transcoder. Now you ask whats the difference between a transcoder and encoder. This is not Doom9's Forums so that being said I will try to put this in layman's terms. A transcoder changes everything on the fly meaning that it changes some key values in order to fit your source DVD9 onto a DVD5. Now what a encoder does is it rebuilds the video from scratch meaning it builds your DVD Backup according to the new bitrate. Another huge downside to transcoders is they interlace the video. Interlaced video is like drawing a bunch pictures and taping them together to make them one. An encoder use progressive which is a constant image. Transcoders work a lot faster than encoders but you suffer a quality loss. So that being said this guide below is for those who choose quality over speed.

    *** Throughout this tutorial I will be using multiple DVD's but it won't matter because all DVD's are different anyway. ***

    Before I start you will need to download some programs found below. I will explain how to install DVD ReBuilder Pro as it can be a bit tricky but asides from that the rest programs install easily with the given nfo. Though if you have any problems private message me or hit me up on messenger at [email protected].


    The first tool we will be using is Slysoft AnyDVD v6.1.7.0. This to copy the DVD to the harddrive and to remove it's protection.

    The second tool we will be using is DVDRemake Pro v3.5.3. This lets us remove unwanted buttons, strip angles, remove audio tracks, remove foreign menus, and remove special features.

    The third tool we will be using is PGC Edit v8.1. This is to edit to the IFO files to fix any audio/subtitle discrepancies and also to jump to the main menu when the DVD is inserted. It can be downloaded here.

    The fourth tool we will be using is Cinema Craft Encoder SP v2.70.02.06. This is to encode the DVD files to fit on a DVD5.

    The fifth tool we will be using is DVD Rebuilder Pro v1.22.0. This works in unisen with Cinema Craft Encoder SP. This basically tells it how to run.

    The sixth tool we will be using is ImgBurn v2.3.20. This is to burn the DVD5 you made. It can be downloaded here.

    Once everything has been downloaded install everything but DVD ReBuilder Pro. I will go through the DVD ReBuilder installation below as it can be a bit tricky.

    DVD ReBuilder Installation Instructions:

    Open the setup file you extracted from the RAR's. Once opened it will first ask you to install AviSynth. Keep clicking next until you come to the screen where it asks you what components you would like to install. Choose full installation and click next.
    Refer to the picture below:

    Keep clicking next and it will begin installing. Once it's finished a box will pop up asking you to install setup language. Click OK.
    Refer to the picture below:

    Like before keep clicking next until you come to the screen where it asks you to find your CCE installation directory. If you didn't change the install directy when installing it should do it automaticlly though if you did you will have to find it via the browse button. Click Next.
    Refer to the picture below:

    You will now come to a screen asking what encoder you will be using and what version of that encoder you have. Just copy the settings from the picture below:

    Click Next and continue clicking next until it's installed. Make sure you uncheck the box Launch DVD Rebuilder. Now follow the instructions with the given nfo to crack the program.

    Ripping A DVD:

    Now we have to copy the DVD to your hard drive using AnyDVD. Open AnyDVD now Now insert the disc you want to copy to your hard drive and let AnyDVD scan it. When AnyDVD is finished scanning the DVD right click the AnyDVD icon in your system tray and click Rip Video DVD to Harddisk.
    Refer to the picture below:

    AnyDVD Ripper will now open. Specify your source and destination and click Copy DVD.
    Refer to the picture below:

    Give it roughly 20-30 minutes to copy the DVD to your hard drive.

    Editing A DVD:

    Now we have to remove the things were not going to use. Such as audio, foregin menus and special features. Open DVDReMake Pro and click the icon under the file menu.
    Refer to the picture below:

    A window will open asking you to find the DVD. Browse to the directory you saved the DVD in and open any of the files there. It will load your DVD.
    Refer to the picture below:

    It would involve a lot of screenshots to go step by step so instead I will just use a video. Obviously all DVD menus are going to be different so use the video below only as a guideline. This video can also be downloaded here.


    When your DVD has finished exporting close DVDReMake Pro and open up PGC Edit. When opened go to the file menu and click open DVD.
    Refer to the picture below:

    Now browse to the foler where you exported your DVD from DVDReMake Pro and click OK.
    Refer to the picture below:

    Like I was saying before all DVD's are different so if the piticular DVD your doing doesn't have any audio/subtitle discrepancies then you will not be prompted to fix them. However if there are discrepancies then one or a couple boxes will pop up asking you if you want to fix them. Just click Yes to All when the warnings pop up.
    Refer to the picture below:

    PGC Edit will fix the audio/subtitle discrepancies and your DVD will now be open. With the keyboard press Ctrl + T. At the bottom of PGC Edit Trace Mode will open. Click Run, this will scan the DVD and find it's main menu.
    Refer to the picture below:

    It will now scan the DVD to find the main menu. Give it a few seconds and your main menu will pop up. In the PGC table it will highlight the main menu in grey. Click it once then set a break point by pressing Ctrl + Shift + T on your keyboard. The main menu which was highlighted in grey will now be written in red as well. Now click the eject button in the bottom left hand corner of PGC Edit.
    Refer to the picture below:

    Click Run to scan the DVD again. PGC Edit requires we do because it wants to make sure that it found the main menu.
    Refer to the picture below:

    Give it a few seconds like before and your main menu will pop up. Now click the top menu PGC and choose Jump to PGC Upon Insert.
    Refer to the picture below:

    A window will open asking you if everything is correct. Click OK.
    Refer to the picture below:

    It will now ask you if you would like to scan for BOV. Click No.
    Refer to the picture below:

    It will now ask you if you want to remove the breakpoint you created. Click Yes.
    Refer to the picture below:

    This step is optional but I like to do it. Go to the DVD menu and click Set Provider ID.
    Refer to the picture below:

    A window will open asking you to enter the DVD Provider. Put what you want here, I put whickwire. Click Set ID.
    Refer to the picture below:

    Now close PGC Edit. It will ask you if you would like to save before quitting. Click Yes.
    Refer to the picture below:

    Encoding A DVD:

    Now we have to make the DVD smaller by encoding it so it will fit on a DVD5. Open DVDRebuilder Pro. Once opened you will have to set your source path, output path and working directory. The source path is obviously the place where the DVD files are. The output path is where you want the encoded DVD5 placed. And the working directory are temporary files needed for the DVD that is being encoded. Click the folder with the checkmark and browse to your source path. The outpath and working directory are set the same way you just need to click the corresponding tab.
    Refer to the picture below:

    Once the directories have been set you have to determine how many passes you would like to give your encoded DVD. Personally I do six but even CCE states that anything after 4 is not noticeable. To set how many passes with CCE you want to give your DVD click the settings menu then hold your cursor over CCE settings then click Advanced (Expert) Settings.
    Refer to picture below:

    A window will that let's you set how many passes you would like to give your DVD. Set it to your desired number and click save settings. Leave the other two setting alone!
    Refer to the picture below:

    Next you want to make sure that you are using Three-Click Mode opposed to One-Click Mode. To do this click the mode menu make sure One Click Mode doesn't have a checkmark beside it.
    Refer to the picture below:

    Now click the prepare button and wait for DVD ReBuilder Pro to analyze your DVD. The time it takes to analyze a DVD varies by the size of it.
    Refer to the picture below:

    Once that's completed it's up to you whether you would like to reduce the quality of the extras on your DVD. To do this go to the preview/edit tab. Since this would take quite a bit of screenshots I will use a video. This video can also be downloaded here. And like before use this video only as a guideline.


    Once finished click Encode and let DVD ReBuilder Pro do its magic. It will take roughly two to seven hours depending on how many passes you chose. It is possible to pause the encode by simply click Stop/Pause. This appears when you click Encode.

    When your DVD has finished encoding click ReBuild and wait 10-15 minutes.

    Burning A DVD:

    Now you have to burn the DVD5 you encoded. Open ImgBurn. When opened go to the mode menu and click Build.
    Refer to the picture below:

    When in Build Mode click the folder with the magnifying glass.
    Refer to the picture below:

    Now browse to the directory you saved your encoded DVD in and click OK. Now click the calculator in the Information pane the make sure folder to disc mode has been clicked.
    Refer to the picture below:

    Now click the Device Tab and set your write speed and copies. Insert a disc an click the giant button.
    Refer to the picture below:

    Congratulations you have just ENCODED (NOT TRANSCODED) your first DVD. Any questions or comments are most welcome. Always willing to help out with any DVD problems. And please tell me if this guide helped as it took quite a while to make.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by WHiKWiRE; 01-28-2008 at 06:24 AM.

  2. Guides and Tutorials   -   #2
    tesco's Avatar woowoo
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    Aug 2003
    Nice guide. The youtube is a nice touch.

    Are all those programs in your attachments free?

  3. Guides and Tutorials   -   #3
    WHiKWiRE's Avatar MooPhEuS
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    Apr 2006
    Toronto, Ontario


    Quote Originally Posted by rossco View Post
    Nice guide. The youtube is a nice touch.

    Are all those programs in your attachments free?
    Yah I got a decent screencap program and decided to give it a whirl. (I sent u an email also regarding google video which pwns youtube) And the programs in the attachments are cracked copies of the software I hope that's okay. The only reason I included them was because they are needed for the guide. If you have another suggestion about where to host them I'd gladly do it, it's just that I didn't want to use a something like rapidshare because files hosted on those types of servers are deleted in 30-45 days. I wait for your response seems no one has commented or even taken a liking to the guide. I doubt more will come.
    Last edited by WHiKWiRE; 05-28-2007 at 01:32 AM.

  4. Guides and Tutorials   -   #4
    WHRST's Avatar immortalis BT Rep: +13BT Rep +13BT Rep +13
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    thx, this is nice

  5. Guides and Tutorials   -   #5
    kazaaman's Avatar Proud Indian
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    Pretty comprehensive here. So as Borat would say, "Very Niceee!"

  6. Guides and Tutorials   -   #6
    O&A Party Rock BT Rep: +4
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    Dec 2006
    Very cool, never knew how to rip a movie the correct way. Just ripped my first movie encoded properly, this is gonna save me using some dvd9's on movies. Had no problems besides the remove breakpoint window didn't come up, just removed it manually.


  7. Guides and Tutorials   -   #7
    Awesome, Thanks a lot for this guide! Now I can uninstall all of my crappy transcoding software.

  8. Guides and Tutorials   -   #8
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    anyone have a problems running DVDRemake Pro v3.5.3. Seems to crash at random times while removing menus from the dvd file.
    Last edited by niceguy4; 07-13-2007 at 07:56 AM. Reason: backup problems.

  9. Guides and Tutorials   -   #9
    Mr. UKTV BT Rep: +1
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    gonna give this a try. hopefully i can start backing up my collection!

  10. Guides and Tutorials   -   #10
    Nice work ..

    thanx for the guide

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