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Thread: Tit IRC

  1. #21
    sheriff 01's Avatar Safety First! BT Rep: +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlastGT1 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Frankthetank1 View Post
    Its not the #tit of old.

    This is the reason why i asked. I knew they wanted no part of FST.
    Even in the old days, we didn't want any part of traders or sellers. Sadly, no one even bothers to try and get in the honest way anymore, because it's all about "me me me, what can I get for me" anymore. Sad to say that the bittorrent world has gone to total shit in 2 years.

    I would have so much more respect for A.) FST Members, and B.) FST as a site, if I didn't know from personal experience that the vast majority of people who acquire accounts or invites to sites via trades/sales are either too inexperienced to handle what they're getting, or flat out do not care about the rules of the sites they are trying to get into. When you get into a site by breaking said site's rules in the first place, can you really EXPECT the staff of that site to be receptive to you, the person who hustled your way in?

    Here's the deal. Yes, some sites, as previously mentioned, will use FST and other sites like it to get members, because Lord knows that as soon as you announce free leech, open signups, or anything else, every large site like FST seems to know immediately that it's in progress, and storms your gates. If they later turn on the very places that they recruited from, then I agree that's pretty two-faced and pathetic. However, a site that takes a stand in the first place is different. It is the very rules that they put in place, and the way they handle themselves as staff of each site, that determines success or failure. Can any idiot get a copy of a torrent site source and a VPS or dedicated box for a month, then ask for donations? Yes, of course they can! But can any idiot spend quality time designing, implementing, and maintaining a top-tier site, the kind you'd kill to have a membership on? Hell no! So why the hell would you disregard their rules and try to get in via a proverbial back door?

    Stop and think beyond just your OWN immediate desires and wants. By circumventing rules and regulations, you destroy something intended to be good, both for and to you. How many users actually give a damn about community? I'd say about 5% if you're really lucky. Look around here, I guarantee you'll find that the vast majority of users here only post when they want something, or try to deal behind the scenes. And we do know about the super-secret hidden trader sections. There isn't a damn thing we can't or won't know about, sooner or later. And you never know WHO you can or can't trust.

    Bottom line: We wouldn't give a damn about any of you getting in if we knew you could be trusted, on the whole, to abide by the rules we set out for you, to maintain the integrity of our sites. But when you're breaking the rules BEFORE you even become a member, tell me how that should innspire us to have confidence in you as a member?

    Detale: I don't know who banned you from the IRC server, but yes, they could have handled that differently. Your Z-Line didn't come as a request from me. FYI: People's opinions of you can be influenced by the company you keep. Even if you "keep your nose clean" as they say, by hanging around with snot, you too can (and will) appear in need of cleaning. It's well-known that many FST staffers, former and current, are deep into the trading scene, and don't hesitate to break sites' rules for their own gain. I also know personally that your leader here (who it wouldn't surprise me if he banned me after this post, which would be typical), has a reputation for wanting to "cooperate" with torrent sites on enforcing their rules, yet gives little or nothing to those sites in return for their concessions, essentially lying to their face while stabbing them in the back. I've dealt with him myself when I was a member of TPG Staff, and I speak from firsthand experience. And yes, his name is RealitY, and we'll see if he gives me the boot, and perhaps deletes/edits my post as well.

    We don't trust anyone who shows themselves untrustworthy, whether by association or by action. By "we" I mean the collective of torrent site staffers, at least most of us. We put a LOT of time into doing what we do, none of it paid (except for the sites that seem to have ridiculously high bills everymonth and spam your inbox every WEEK with donation nagging), and we don't appreciate seeing floods of people come in whose only care or concern is "gimme gimme gimme, now now now!"

    I sincerely hope that some people here read this, and actually take it to heart. They say good things come to those who wait, and I can guarantee you that people who come to TiT's IRC, actually invest time interacting with members in the channel, and make themselves available to others as far as letting them get to know you, will get invites a whole lot easier than the people hiding in the Private Message halls of FST or like sites, making back room deals in the dark. Do you want to work hard for an account or invite that could end up earning you a ban or several, or do you think it's worth investing a little time to actually be a part of the human side of torrenting to get where you want to be? You can be honest, come into our IRC and say "I'm not a member, but I hope to be one day," and from there actually get to know a few people, have a little fun. I've seen it happen where someone actually gets an invite within minutes of showing up, just because they actually went that extra distance to show they were interested in more than just a torrent fix. But if you disappear from IRC like a hot potato out of someone's hands as soon as you nab that invite, it won't take long to have you watched like a hawk for eventual plank-walking if you so much as sneeze wrong.

    We do our damndest to be about community at TiT, because that was what made it strong in the past. There IS more to torrenting that JUT what you can download today or tomorrow, people. Some have the foolish opinion that the internet is useless for friends and interaction. How wrong they are, because you can make friends who are as close as blood. I've even managed to meet people who are fellow torrenters by being active within communities. It's really not as hard as you think to go about it the honest just have to be sincere, MEAN what you say and do, because it's easy to figure out who was faking. Personally, I wouldn't mind having all of you on TiT, if I could know that you'd be as honest in your dealings there as I am being in my dealings here. I sure hope some of you read this message, and begin to prove me wrong in my opinions and perceptions, that people in a forum like this truly CAN respect site rules while frequenting a site such as FST.
    Maybe fellow bit-torrenters and community socialists would actually respect your community a little bit more if you weren't so harsh with the vast members that you have dealt with in past situations. Respect is earned and when you operate with total lack of regard for members best interests you only jeopardize your main goal of achieving a site well worth being a member at.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #22
    n00b BT Rep: +1
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    TiT is really ok never had a problem with them
    Last edited by nobody; 12-21-2008 at 05:52 PM.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #23
    Frankthetank1's Avatar Über User BT Rep: +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25
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    The staff seems like they have a chip on their shoulders. If i remember correctly the reason the torrent community has gone down hill had much to do with tit and their staff. Their is a reason you get fook all p2p lamers in the nfo's.
    “Just because you’re miserable doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your life.”


  4. BitTorrent   -   #24
    respect is indeed earned

    some trackers wish to remain out of the public eye. theyre all over this site.
    some trackers dont like trading, guess what.
    some trackers dislike public giveaways.. what do you know.

    and WE are harsh ? I wonder why.

    this sites existance, proves the utter lack of espect with wich all trackers are treated.
    the fact that we exist gives you no right what so ever to enter, contrary to your own beleifs.
    once you realise that, and get over that deluded opinion, then many more trackers might just start to take FST and its people a little more seriously.

    we didnt hear him out.. ok not my choice. i was waiting for an answer to a question i posed to him when he got booted. (you do decide who enters your own house right? and what rules are theyre behaviour governed by whilst in your house.. your rules or theyres ? )

    how many times have FST been asked to stop plastering sites adresses/full names etc, all over the net?

    and they are still here, i cannot understand you lot. you can see with your own eyes that there is no half way point here, you do as you please, and blame your victims when they strike out.

    it worries me to be honest. "she had it comming, she was wearing a short skirt" same excuse your using here. wanting something gives you no right to it. the fact something is there to be taken, doesnt give you a gods given right to take it.

    im sure that a lot of ppl here are just hoping to get in on something many of us have enjoyed for years. unfortunatly the vocal minority will hold everyone else back. that is a real shame.

    takes ten seconds to delete a thread mentioning a tracker that wants no mention made of it in public

    takes us weeks to clean up after open invites, public giveaways. we wont ever be able to stop doing that.

    if someone is going to make the first step, its going to have to start here, and i dont beleive it ever will.

    but good luck changing things over time Detale, you would earn my respect if you ever managed it, i will even appologise for not beleiving you.

    and while we are not unreasonable. some things cause to much work to be worth the effort. this place is one of them.
    you know we dont want public giveaways and trades, they are here to be seen by all.
    so remind me how were the bad guys for treating you, the same way you treat us (with utter contempt) and how much of a problem is the loss of one tracker anyway ?

    be little more than a moments inconvinience compared to the damage this place does to so many trackers.

    how do you all behave when you enter someone elses home ? do you even knock, the fact there is a building means you can break in? its there so its yours ?

    change that attitude, and we might just change ours.
    but so few ppl can even grasp that much unfortunatly. instead inventing hilarious replies like the one above my post.

    we all started out somewhere, and i never traded, begged, stole, bought an invite, anywhere.
    just took a little effort. and a good (far as i know) standing in the community.

    some trackers just dont want a part of it, theyre ignored, kinda like some ppl wouldnt welcome you into theyre homes.
    i hope that way of thinking doesnt carry over into real life, or if it does, you hail from a country with armed residents.

    beleive it or not we can be quite reasonable. but when the same rules are broken over and over, we have to act. and beleive me, id rather be saying welcome, than dealing with bloody cheats and morons. unfortunatly that is life these days, for every moments joy, there are 5 hours of tedious work. cleaning up after yet another person who couldnt simply follow a few rules. and we are all to well aware of the fact, that some of them are indeed our own members. but they get banned too.
    Last edited by cownoodles; 12-21-2008 at 07:32 PM.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #25
    Frankthetank1's Avatar Über User BT Rep: +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25
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    They sure are all high and mighty, especially since they screwed the entire bittorrent community. As far as i am concerned they should be black listed. Tit will never be the tit of old or even come close.
    “Just because you’re miserable doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your life.”


  6. BitTorrent   -   #26
    sheriff 01's Avatar Safety First! BT Rep: +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100
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    cownoodles there is no amount of explaining that you or any staff member at your site for that matter could do to get you out of the hole that you guys have dug for yourselves. i will not get into details right now but i know for a fact that many members from there have been disrespected and shit on there by the staff. I agree with you there is rules set forth everywhere but when a site makes decisions in haste with no real evidence that is utter bullshit and know way to run a site period!
    Instead of crying about how FST has treated you why don't you look at the real problems at hand and stop pointing the finger at everyone else blaming them for your problems.

  7. BitTorrent   -   #27
    Something Else's Avatar sex a wolf in a bag BT Rep: +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Detale View Post
    Anyone know what it is? Thanks
    Quote Originally Posted by thrillerboy View Post
    theres a site named torrentit, their IRC channel i guss
    The only person that answered the actual question. Well done to you sir.
    Now go away.

  8. BitTorrent   -   #28
    Detale's Avatar Go Snatch a Judge
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    Quote Originally Posted by integral View Post
    You're just going to have to come to terms with the position you are in. A guy going around banning someone who is attempting to catch traders is not going to have a good look in the face of staff, and that's just a fact. Even if that's not the reason you were banned, some trackers are just going to react that way when FST is brought up.

    For what it's worth, I don't think you really anything wrong. I think you and all of the mods I've seen in action do an excellent job, and make quite an effort to help this site (and subsection). Hopefully in the (near) future, majority opinions will change on FST.
    I fully appreciate the position I'm in. I don't spend my days "going around" trying to ban members. I'm pretty sure I'm one of the more easy going mods here. I'll say this again because I guess you missed it. This is the reason I was banned,or at least the reason I was given. I gave the guy 3 chances to cease and desist. If you get a letter from your ISP wouldn't you stop? or would you keep going and when they ban you be pissed at them? I'm not even that mad at the actual ban more so the way it was handled.

    Hello Blast,

    I appreciate you taking the time to address this here, I wanted to handle this privately but I was left with no choice. With all due respect I am going to call Bullshit on much of your post. This is a way out dated point of view and I invite you to make more that 5 posts in 2 years and try and see things the way they are "these days" as this is not the "old days" anymore.

    I will give you that the BT community as a whole IMO has gone down hill in recent months but as this is your community too it's ALL of our responsibility to try and clean it up don't you think? Not by policing any harder but through education and guidance as that's what I see has gone wrong around here. I feel it's not the new members but the veterans who have "given up" on the community aspect of things and don't teach the next generation of BT users the proper way of things. They stay in their little click and keep uber secret circles to themselves and post things like " STFU no0b" . We have all the new people believing that they have to trade to get into sites. Some sites don't exactly go out of their way to express their point of view much they simply bitch and ban.

    You know from personal experience what?? Again you have 5 posts in 2 years man so how recent are your experiences here? Again I invite you to stay and put your finger on the pulse for a while.

    You say that "some sites" will use FST guess what, TIT DID THE SAME THING so basically you're saying Tit is "two-faced and pathetic" they didn't "take a stand in the first place". I wouldn't go so far as to say these things but you just did.

    the thing, I see sites that do this sure, sites like PTN but guess what they don't discriminate they take people for their own merit and don't call FST bullshit names and make mass judgments. Guilt by association is bullshit too. Can you honestly say you have never had someone in the BT world fuck you in some way, or let you down? At some point we all put our faith in the wrong person and get scorned by them. It just happens sometimes, way of the world I guess I don't know.

    I do applaud you on a well done secure site, good for you. I know the time and energy it takes is immense. I also appreciate you explaining your point of view like this it is well said and we need more posts like these so the no0bish can learn, it's a shame it's wasted in this thread. You may have gotten further if it was a thread addressed to the masses by itself so if you care about community as you say you do this may be something you look into in the near future

    5% of users not caring is Bullshit as well. Since you haven't done any kind of study or experiment on it you cannot call a number like 5% out and expect it to be believable. If 5% were nearly true sites like SCT,FTN, FSC would fail in their communities because their numbers would be the same as yours. The happen to have excellent communities BTW. I do know of a site that has done a recent experiment on something like this and I think the number was much higher. I'm not going to get them involved here also. No need.

    My Bottom Line: Some members here suck, surely. But many many of them are good users and community members of not only your, but many other sites as well, so again I call Bullshit.

    On to me
    Thanks for at least saying this could have been handled differently, that gives me some faith in your sensibilities. Too often many site staffers get a kind of god complex and it ruins things just as much as trading does if not more.

    I am well aware of how peoples opinion may be formed but they should be formed on the individual not some bullshit code of the company you keep. Obama hung out with a racist does this mean he's a racist as well? No he's president now. This is what I was trtying to do with Tit. Give them a chance to know me a bit better and explain my case.
    I don't have to keep my "nose clean" I'v done nothing wrong, the fact that you think I have is an insult.

    "Well known" that FST staff currently are involved in trading?? Not only has this been disproved but is the biggest BULLSHIT yet. Where do you get your information from? Are you somehow trying to discredit me or FST by simply saying the staff here trad? AFAIK all of us here are on to NZB's and have all the accts we need/want. I keep many acct open to contact staff when I need to or to post in the forums. For you to say we would trade for an acct is absurd and insulting, so insulting I'm going to say fuck you!. To make claims like this with nothing to back it up is irresponsible and libelous bullshit.

    Once again what does this have to do with me? I did trade when I first came here I have never said otherwise but this was years ago and someone took the time to coach me on the right way and I have benifitted from it ever since.

    Now you say that you do your damnedest to be about community? Maybe you are speaking about the Tit community, but surely you couldn't mean the BT community as a whole. FST is part of the BT community like it or not, if you see somethings here you don't like become active and see if you can make some changes here through guidance and education before passing a whim of a judgment on out community here.

    What happened before I was staff here is not my concern as I wasn't here yet. Sorry you and Reality had a discrepancy, I know nothing of that and it's not my business. I doubt very much he would delete or edit your post as I know him to be bigger than that, he will most likely deal with you in private about that.

    Hopefully YOU take this to heart and see that in order to form an opinion about anything you need to experience it first hand not only what you may have heard. Also much of your well written post is about traders and bad members, a narrow minded and small part of FST. Hopefully you and Tit can be bigger than these small issues and see the bigger picture here. So you are going to actively ban FST staff while we will not ban you? What does that say about our two sites? To me it would say the site you despise has more respect for people that the site you love. Ass backward view of thinking I think or in other words BULLSHIT!

  9. BitTorrent   -   #29
    Albo Da Kid's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +18BT Rep +18BT Rep +18BT Rep +18
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    I don't think you wanted to handle this "privately" Detale because if that was the case you would ask one of your mod friends to give you the TiT irc and not make a thread asking about it.

    You were trying to trigger something from the beginning.
    Last edited by Albo Da Kid; 12-21-2008 at 08:49 PM.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #30
    Funkin''s Avatar home skillet BT Rep: +4
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    It looks to me like the TiT staff take "torrenting" and the internet in general way too seriously.

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