
When it comes to convert avi to dvd, I always used WinAVI, but lately was enough to give me problems, and I decided to change software.

The software ConvertXtoDVD is a very cool, has many options, we can make many funny things on the menu. But there is a problem, the subtitles. In WinAVI, he convert using a DirectVobsub to input the subtitles, thing that the ConvertXtoDVD not use, he make it alone (at least on default settings) but even with the same font that I use to see the movie, they don't look like same.

Here are the differences:

Watching on pc with DirectVobSub

After convertion on Convertxtodvd without the DirectVobSub

Is there any way to the use the directvobsub on ConvertXtoDVD to input subtitles and not the own software? Or make anything to make more equal?
