View Poll Results: Am i raising legit questions?

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  • Yes

    4 19.05%
  • I can't be arsed to read all that

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Thread: Random question about safety n trust.

  1. #1
    sez's Avatar c0V3r3Ð iN Ba57ArÐ BT Rep: +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23
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    So since FST,BT forums have popped all over the place ranging from exclusive to private and to some not so very..overtime,i have been on a couple and needless to say some are vividly close to BT trackers,some just too close(which upto a certain level is a good thing i would think).On some i have also realised how easily anyone can make mod.

    But we all know how this thing works,at one point tracker X will give you an invite that will just itch the shit out of you and you'll eventually want to scratch it off them nuts.
    Need I not mention that rule that we most certainly at one point will have violated as a result.

    On some forums i have noticed they have this thing called no movement trackers(i.e thou shall not use thy gods name in vain lest be striken with a mutated version of leprosy)<==a paradox in itself i would think.On others,i have also noticed how good they are at culling out the bad seeds(some for reasons that only a BT tracker would be privy of)
    what am i trying to get at here?As a general rule i think its never wise to use the same nick on a tracker as well as a place where you have the habit of talking "trash"(i.e speak your mind regardless)about trackers that deserve it or better yet hand invites to deserving people though against tracker rules.
    Now,most of us have been very successful at that.But then comes this emerging trend,there are people who generally believe its a good thing to use the same nick on all these BT forums regardless.That way to them it shows they have nothing to hide.Plus they think they are making a name for themselves for whatever reason that may be.
    My question though is where does one draw the line.

    Have you ever held back from giving away an invite here because someone at that other place is close to that tracker/staffs it or the tracker in question is on a certain forbidden list?

    Do you really trust those who run these other places when it comes to personal info?

    Is it ever wise to accuse FST of ratting you out when you lose an account if you are this type of person?

  2. BitTorrent   -   #2
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    My opinion is do whatever you believe is right ,whatever that may be.
    Only way to live a life really.

    Can't please everybody yadda yadda.
    Last edited by IdolEyes787; 06-09-2009 at 10:33 PM.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #3
    The_Martinator's Avatar I is posting MACHINE BT Rep: +6BT Rep +6
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    Imo, it's important how long such a forum has been around.

    The one that came up with the no movement list is a great one, for instance. In the end these no movement lists are not there, cause these forums have nothing better to do than think of l33t lists, they're there to portect usres. When giving away invites to sites from this list, they cannot protect you and the tracker may ban you just because you made that GA. the idea is that eventually the trackers themselves would do recruiting in these forums.

    Anyway, one good thing about them is also that they usually do a good job at keeping the traders out.

    To answer your question, yes, I have held back publicly giving such invites, but only in public. Via PMs I do GA such invites, even here, when I find someone worthy.

    At the forums where I'm active, I trust the staffers. I am, however a little paranoid, so have not yet given out too much of my private info.

    Imo, you should never accuse anyone of anything unless you have some kind of evidence. And you should also not just believe it when someone accuses someone. That's one thing I learned during my time in BT.
    I'm back. The downside is that I'm also old now.

  4. BitTorrent   -   #4
    Not trying to poop on your thread or something, but I think that you're putting too much thought in all this. This is about filesharing for God's sake, not about your career, or family, or hiding your porn collection from your girlfriend etc., things that matter.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #5
    sez's Avatar c0V3r3Ð iN Ba57ArÐ BT Rep: +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23
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    My opinion is do whatever you believe is right,whatever that may be.
    wise words,though not the answer i was looking for .Like what do you personally think is right?

    Not trying to poop on your thread or something, but I think that you're putting too much thought in all this. This is about filesharing for God's sake, not about your career, or family, or hiding your porn collection from your girlfriend etc., things that matter.
    i think that's being a little too simplistic,Invest in a seedbox(and am not talking $20),keep it for 3 months,go ahead and lose your account voodoo style then come and tell me if its not gonna hurt even a tiny little bit.

    In the end these no movement lists are not there, cause these forums have nothing better to do than think of l33t lists, they're there to portect usres. When giving away invites to sites from this list, they cannot protect you and the tracker may ban you just because you made that GA
    first off,if there is no list really then i don't see the reason why there is a list really and to defeat your argument completely it so happens that some people are not subject to these lists,so unless you mean they care more about their invaluable members than the more valuable ones i find your defence to be utterly dishonest.
    And say maybe you were right(which you obviously aren't)how in the hell will you get banned from that tracker whose invite you are trying to give away without the close involvement of the forum in question?

    And no am not talking out of hot air just so you know.

  6. BitTorrent   -   #6
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by sez View Post
    wise words,though not the answer i was looking for .Like what do you personally think is right?
    I kind of agree with Martinator that the reason that invite forums( although I've never visited any one other than FST- which hopefully has proven itself to be more than that) have no movement clauses on some sites is more about currying favour than showing respect.Of course I can't read minds so that is only an opinion.

    My personal belief is that I don't break rules that I have agreed to .Even if I think that they are wrong.Even if the people that made them have shown themselves to be less than worthy of my loyalty.

    I also use only a couple of names on trackers IdoleEyes being one. I adopted the second shortly after becoming involved here not to hide anything but because someone who I thought should know about such things told me it was foolish to do otherwise.Shows what he knew .
    I have found that I would rather suffer the consequence of people knowing who I am that regret the fact that they lack trust in me because they do not .
    I don't worry about "talking trash " because I only do it in extreme cases (never against trackers btw .A tracker is an inanimate object and therefore can't be held accountable for it's actions)and then only when I really mean it so no regrets.

    That's my belief

    That is not to say that I don't struggle with these issues.I see a lot of pettiness and favortism doled out under the guise of security.I see total douchebags in sites that good people are denied access to.I see greed and dishonesty all the time.

    But like I said you just have to do what you believe is right because in the end that's the only thing that you really have any control over.
    Besides I sure that all of us will here now will be out of torrenting in a few years and since we will have nothing else to take with us ,we should leave with our integrity at least.

  7. BitTorrent   -   #7
    1000possibleclaws's Avatar BT God BT Rep: +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100
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    Get to the point, the poll doesn't make sense if you rant and then ask if your questions is legit. You asked multiple questions, and it's really not clear where you're going.

    I think you should join tracker's that you trust with your info, and then why not use the same nick on them? I guess if you're doing shady things then this might not be the best path, but I've been doing it for awhile and it works out for me. If you want to join whatever trackers are out there then sure precautions are a good idea, especially if you're not a suck up who only posts stuff that look ideal from a tracker staff perspective. I don't blame those people for using alt nicks, it's a legit precaution if you want to bother yourself with those sites in the first place.
    Last edited by T.S.O.L.; 06-10-2009 at 12:06 AM.

  8. BitTorrent   -   #8
    sez's Avatar c0V3r3Ð iN Ba57ArÐ BT Rep: +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23
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    kind of agree with Martinator that the reason that invite forums( although I've never visited any one other than FST- which hopefully has proven itself to be more than that) have no movement clauses on some sites is more about currying favour than showing respect.Of course I can't read minds so that is only an opinion.
    My personal belief is that I don't break rules that I have agreed to.Even if I think that they are wrong.Even if the people that made them have shown themselves to be less than worthy of my loyalty.
    I also use only a couple of names on trackers IdoleEyes being one. I adopted the second shortly after becoming involved here not to hide anything but because someone who I thought should know about such things told me it was foolish to do otherwise.Shows what he knew.
    I have found that I would rather suffer the consequence of people knowing who I am that regret the fact that they lack trust in me because they do not.
    I don't worry about "talking trash " because I only do it in extreme cases (never against trackers btw.A tracker is an inanimate object and therefore can't be held accountable for it's actions)and then only when I really mean it so no regrets.
    That's my belief
    That is not to say that I don't struggle with these issues.I see a lot of pettiness and favortism doled out under the guise of security.I see total douchebags in sites that good people are denied access to.I see greed and dishonesty all the time.
    But like I said you just have to do what you believe is right because in the end that's the only thing that you really have any control over.
    Besides I sure that all of us will here now will be out of torrenting in a few years and since we will have nothing else to take with us,we should leave with our integrity at least.
    now that wasn't hard
    I agree with 90% of what you've said.
    However you kinda lost me where you said you agreed with themartinator about these no movement lists.How are they protecting anybody and how in the first place does this security question arise?

    think you should join tracker's that you trust with your info, and then why not use the same nick on them? I guess if you're doing shady things then this might not be the best path, but I've been doing it for awhile and it works out for me.
    judging from this,you have barely read through the original post .Sounds like you are guessing a response by keywords after skimming through.

    P.S-may the person who edited the poll please get rid of it.kthx skiz

  9. BitTorrent   -   #9
    Quote Originally Posted by sez View Post
    i think that's being a little too simplistic,Invest in a seedbox(and am not talking $20),keep it for 3 months,go ahead and lose your account voodoo style then come and tell me if its not gonna hurt even a tiny little bit.
    If I lose an account 'voodoo style', it was not worth keeping to begin with. I respect the tracker staff and their rules, and I expect them to be mature enough to respect me, as long as I follow those rules. If 'voodoo style' implies getting banned for no good reason, the staff isn't mature, or the tracker is shit in general, and not worth keeping.

    And no, it wouldn't 'hurt me'. Annoy me, yes, but not hurt. Seriously, if there is one thing that isn't lacking in this world, it's bittorrent trackers, good ones even.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #10
    Sanka113's Avatar Bobsled King BT Rep: +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25
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    It depends on if you're the type that likes to start a ruckus or not. If you're a leveled headed and can get your points across without looking like a troll, i say you probably don't NEED to have a different nick on trackers. Also, if you're really unhappy with a tracker, and need to bash it publicly, why would you even bother being there if it no longer suits you? If you invested money in it and want your opinion to be heard, talk it out with staff. If you're still unhappy, then just remember how awesome it is to download free shit and go on about your business.
    See ya in another life, brother.

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