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Thread: Can you believe this shit...

  1. #1
    Funkin''s Avatar home skillet BT Rep: +4
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    Round 1 Game 1. The Bulls vs. Sixers. Under two minutes in the game Derrick Rose injures his knee. He had to be helped off the court. Which you people who are not in the know, Rose was last years NBA MVP, but he has missed a total of 27 games this year. Eventhough, this kid is the most "Jordan-esque" player that I have seen since his 'almighty'. He's the most explosive player to the rim, and he can make shots that just should not have been made... Needless to say, the kid has skills...

    I mean, Bulls went 18-9 this season when he was out on injury(the Bulls' 'bench mob' is the best in the NBA), so I have no doubts that they're going to continue on to at least the Eastern Conference Finals. But without Rose, i'm not sure if they're going to go further than that...

    Being a Chicago sports fan for all my life, I am indeed sad... In my opinion Rose shouldn't even have been playing in Round 1. Pretty much without a doubt, they're going to beat out the Sixers in 4 or 5 games. So why didn't Tom Thibodeau sit him out(so his body could get more to 100%) until he was needed in Round 2, against a better team?

    I'm heart broken...

    Good thing I have a fresh dirty pair of Idol's sis's panties to help lift my spirits and keep my mind off of this...

    Anyways, you queers...who's your prediction to go to the Finals and win it(like i care, but just thought i would ask)?

    Oh. And if you don't agree with anything I've typed, you can eat my shit, choke on it, and die...

    UPDATE: He's out for the rest of the season with a torn left ACL. What the fuck?
    Last edited by Funkin'; 04-28-2012 at 10:32 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  2. Sports Club   -   #2
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    It's disheartening when you go to all the trouble of making a post about something you are interested in and no one bothers to answer isn't it?
    Anyway since we are friends and shall remain so until we actually meet in real life and I walk away with a look of palatable disgust on my face I feel compelled to reply.

    First I should mention that I no very little about Jordan other than he seems to be some Asian shoe manufacturer that has found a way to infuse his shoes with a chemical that causes people to lose higher brain function to the point of paying $200 for something that is actually worth $6.50 with the side effect of causing them to riot. This is only conjuncture but I believe he may have learned the process from Steve Jobs.

    Second my knowledge of basketball is limited to knowing that they have some racist rule in place that prevents white men from playing in the NBA.

    Sorry I digress.They should grow up give Rose a break over his gambling and let him in the Hall of Fame and Rangers in six.
    Last edited by IdolEyes787; 04-30-2012 at 11:56 AM.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  3. Sports Club   -   #3
    Never wish any injury on anyone. Man I feel bad for D. Rose. He is a beast. It will change his game forever.

  4. Sports Club   -   #4
    Funkin''s Avatar home skillet BT Rep: +4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giddy View Post
    Never wish any injury on anyone.
    Then you're different than the 76'er fans. Little bitches appluaded when Noah rolled his ankle tonight(they kept showing the shot over and over, i cringed everytime i saw it only because when i used to play basketball i would fuck up my ankle constantly and i know how that feels) and then boo'd at him when he got up and walked off on his off. What a bunch of twats... I would rape each of their mothers if i could... Wrinkly snatch or not...

    Anyways, the way the Bulls are playing right now they don't deserve to get past the first round. They played hard in the first three quarters, but in the fourth quarter, the quarter that means the most, they completely fell apart and lost the game(just like in game 2). I mean, if they can't sweep/beat a #8 seed what chances do they have against Miami?

    Series is at 2-1, Sixers. I honestly doubt the Bulls are going to win this series now... I think the out'ing of Rose was too much for them to bare mentally...

    I personally think it's going to be the Heat from the East and the Spurs from the West(i'm betting that Spurs will beat OKC when they meet them in the Western Conference Finals) in the Finals. And if it is, that is going to be one fantastic series.

    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    It's disheartening when you go to all the trouble of making a post about something you are interested in and no one bothers to answer isn't it?
    How the hell did I miss your post? I mean, seriously. I replied to Giddy's post before i even saw that you left one. Five days ago... Guess I'm blind.
    Needless to say, I wasn't intentionally ignoring you. I know I do that to a lot of people(probably have done that to you, but only because I simply have nothing to say, then again I'm drunk and really apologetic, i may look at this reply tomorrow and say fuck you), but I wasn't doing it this time.

    But yeah, I wasn't expecting a huge conversation since the Sports section here at FST kinda sucks. Unless you're talking about football(again, the kind that sucks, not the kind that actually matters) or wrestling. So...meh...

    Anyways, I love you and I will most definitely throw you a pity post as well if you ever create a topic and nobody replies in it.

    Seriously though, start watching the playoffs. Give it a try. Sports, video games, drugs, and little girls are basically all that I live for anymore. And I find it hard to believe that anyone with a pulse couldn't get pumped when a team comes back from a 27 point deficit to win a game.
    Last edited by Funkin'; 05-05-2012 at 06:27 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  5. Sports Club   -   #5
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by Funkin' View Post
    And I find it hard to believe that anyone with a pulse couldn't get pumped when a team comes back from a 27 point deficit to win a game.
    I've always thought basketball would make more sense if they eliminated the first 46 minutes as usually only the last 2 seem to matter anyway.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  6. Sports Club   -   #6
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    I thought basketball would be more interesting if the announcers screamed GOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAL every time someone made a basket.
    Everything is brought to you by Fjohürs Lykkewe.

  7. Sports Club   -   #7
    Funkin''s Avatar home skillet BT Rep: +4
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    I've always thought basketball would make more sense if they eliminated the first 46 minutes as usually only the last 2 seem to matter anyway.
    That's pretty much how it's been throughout this years playoffs. You can just DVR/download a game and basically skip past to the final few minutes of the fourth quarter to get to the most intense playing. It's been a good series so far, and it's only in Round 1.


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