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Thread: Mirc

  1. #1
    Why the hell do ppl on mirc have to split everything into like 20 or so 15mb files and then compress it into one big file. WTF IS THE POINT!!

    They even do it with movies.

    Fkn every like 3 thing i download from mirc, the tar file is corrupt or something.

    It retarded.

    split up or not, your still downloading one fkn file

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    it comes from news gourps then is passed on to irc, and bittorrent
    sometimes it even makes it to fast track network in rar files

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    Double Agent
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    May 2003
    Originally posted by neattairoski@2 November 2003 - 00:17
    Why the hell do ppl on mirc have to split everything into like 20 or so 15mb files and then compress it into one big file. WTF IS THE POINT!!

    They even do it with movies.

    Fkn every like 3 thing i download from mirc, the tar file is corrupt or something.

    It retarded.

    split up or not, your still downloading one fkn file
    it's broken into parts is so if ppl need a particular part of the large file they can just redownload that part without wasting the time and bw to download the entire thing again.

    it's also easier to distribute on the network

    understand how things are done retard

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    understand how things are done retard
    You are the retard because you didnt even read my post. What i said was, what the fuck is the poing in splitting up a file into 20 or so files then zipping it up into one big file again or have you got a fucking reading disorder or something.

    Can you read you spastic ??

  5. File Sharing   -   #5
    Double Agent
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    May 2003
    Originally posted by neattairoski@2 November 2003 - 05:25
    understand how things are done retard
    You are the retard because you didnt even read my post. What i said was, what the fuck is the poing in splitting up a file into 20 or so files then zipping it up into one big file again or have you got a fucking reading disorder or something.

    Can you read you spastic ??
    are you stupid or something?

    ppl with fast connections can't be bothered to download files like that on irc channels so they zip it. use your brain not your dick you dickhead.

    if you had the time and energy to type 35 xdcc send commands then ur welcome to do so.

    like muchspl2 said those files are passed from newsgroups, often ver fast servers within isps contain those files, then ppl in newsgroups download them and release them in irc channels.

    also the reason why they split up the files in the first place is that if you dont grab stuff fast enough in newsgroups chances are they'll be gone tomorrow, you could ask somebody to repost the files again if you ask nicely. downloading from newsgroups can be pain in the ass, sometimes you have to download from different servers, that's why you can't have big ass files in newsgroups.


  6. File Sharing   -   #6
    if you had the time and energy to type 35 xdcc send commands then ur welcome to do so
    Well instead of calling me a retard why couldnt you just explain it to me. Not everyone is a mirc guru you know.

    Not once have i said anything bad about you in the forum and you call me a retard ??

    WTF is that about ?

    So what your saying is that for most files on mirc that has heaps of rar files in one big tar, you can download the the rar files seperately ?

  7. File Sharing   -   #7

    can't we just get along

    guess not

  8. File Sharing   -   #8
    Double Agent
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    May 2003
    first off the reason i called u a retard is because u called ppl releasing good stuff in irc channel retards without even finding out why they do it. that's stupidity on ur part.

    second, there are xdcc servers that host separate rar files if you can't get it all from newsgroups, but u'll have to look for it, if you find it good for u, if you dont then too bad

    the reason u r getting corrupted rar is probably u got interrupted while u r download and u r not rollingback far enough to cover up the currupted data when u resumed.

    try rollback 1MB and more and you wont have corrupted rars anymore

  9. File Sharing   -   #9
    Rip The Jacker's Avatar Retired
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    Los Angeles, CA
    james_bond_rulez is right. neattairoski if you have a problem with the fact that files are split into peices in mIRC, then simply don't use it. Use Kazaa Lite, I'm pretty sure you won't get corrupt files with K-Lite.

  10. File Sharing   -   #10
    Double Agent
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    May 2003
    Originally posted by KrackHead2k@2 November 2003 - 06:31
    james_bond_rulez is right. neattairoski if you have a problem with the fact that files are split into peices in mIRC, then simply don't use it. Use Kazaa Lite, I'm pretty sure you won't get corrupt files with K-Lite.
    good luck with that

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