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Thread: Last one to post wins the internets (archived)

  1. #3561
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Quote Originally Posted by anotherone View Post
    That's why you believe you can go around stealing other peoples facebook foaties and use them as a form of abuse, without consequence.
    There was no "theft". The poaster gave out his facebook page as an indication that he was open to having his identity associated with his membership. I decided I liked the pic (he's rather handsome, don't you think). Some may find humor in it (I do), but 99.9% of the members here have no idea what the pic is from- it is as random a pic as if I'd typed "mullet", or "Dave Dowell" into Goofle, and used one of the pics that surfaced there.

    If you care to poast your facebook phoatie, I will give the available pics some consideration as to their usefulness as a future avy.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  2. Lounge   -   #3562
    Artemis's Avatar ¿ןɐɯɹou ǝq ʎɥʍ BT Rep: +3
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    Quote Originally Posted by anotherone View Post
    Oh you definitely need to hang around then, when the time comes I shall provide you with a nice video that will have you rolling on the floor laughing about how mental all of this is.

    I imagine it's quite incongruous for you all, especially for you who proclaims himself to have some understanding of the human psych. To discover that there are some people out here who don't have to fuck off into the distance if/when you abuse them. That there are some people for whom your rather pathetic excuses about "how it's only the internet and nothing I say or do matters" and how "nothing any of us say can have any consequences, because it's only something being said by someone who you will never know". The rather special bullies one about "how it's only a laugh, innit"... I can see why someone who hides behind such pathetic justifications for their behaviour towards others would find it completely mental to discover that there are some to whom the power of words is actually something very real.

    That's why you believe you can go around stealing other peoples facebook foaties and use them as a form of abuse, without consequence. That's why you believe you can not only invade other peoples lives and personally abuse them and every aspect of their real life. Because you're all stupid enough to believe that the words you use are irrelevant, and that because they're irrelevant to you, so you can decided that they'll be irrelevant to others. It's why you can take the vicious lies spewed forth in that PM, and believe nothing will come of you verbally abusing the target of those lies, because you're all genuinely stupid enough to believe that because your words have no meaning for you, they must have no meaning for anyone else. Or that even if they do hurt that other person, that person will have no option than to just take it and fuck off into the distance.

    You are all the most interesting study into the stupidity of people I have ever seen. You most certainly fit the definition of "sheeple" I've often seen referenced, all being stupid enough to believe that me and my mates can all follow each other into being personally nasty towards another person without consequence, because we "all believe we can".

    As we're having this lovely discussion about what is and isn't 'mental' Artemis, here's a questsion for you.

    In the history of humanity how many humans do you think have been killed through the misuse of words?

    Tell me again about how your (and your mates) rather pathetic excuse about how "it's only the internet" provide you (and them) with a get out clause for your words.

    From where I'm sitting the history of how damaging words can be, demonstrates perfectly clearly that only a complete retard would believe an excuse like "it's only the internet" would provide them with a get out clause.
    And you wonder why you were banned? Seriously who would want to read this all the time, you have only one shtick, your twisted persecution complex and the belief that everyone needs to pay for each imagined wrong. You have said the same thing for YEARS across multiple forums, the end result they ban you..... Why is that a surprise?


  3. Lounge   -   #3563
    Hairbautt's Avatar *haircut
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    My gawd. This thread is still here.
    Last edited by Alien5; Jun 6th, 2006 at
    06:36 PM..

  4. Lounge   -   #3564
    Skweeky's Avatar Manker's web totty
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    Another death threat - what a treat on a Sunday morning

    Good morning world! I'm havin's sausages and mushrooms for breakfast. Tasteeeh.

  5. Lounge   -   #3565
    brotherdoobie's Avatar Long live Hissyfit BT Rep: +1
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    Hello, Harold.


  6. Lounge   -   #3566
    Morning Skweeky :-)

    Ummm sorry but that's not a threat, it's a statement of fact. See I gave manker and his vicious little mates here my word, and Barbie decided his right to be an offensive little twat towards another human beings real life was far more important than her life. I've been trying to get that through to the thick twats for what seems like an age now, just like I've been trying to get them to understand that you don't need to stalk someone whos personal real life details you already know. It's not worked though, they're all enjoying the abuse far to much to realise or care that they crossed the line and have caused real life consequences.

    The funniest bit is that manker is dull enough to think he can just make it all go away. They choose to make it personal real life stuff, without any understanding that in doing so they lost any right to dictate where it would go.

    I hope you are well on this fine Sunday morning.

  7. Lounge   -   #3567
    Artemis's Avatar ¿ןɐɯɹou ǝq ʎɥʍ BT Rep: +3
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    Quote Originally Posted by anotherone View Post
    Morning Skweeky :-)

    Ummm sorry but that's not a threat, it's a statement of fact. See I gave manker and his vicious little mates here my word, and Barbie decided his right to be an offensive little twat towards another human beings real life was far more important than her life. I've been trying to get that through to the thick twats for what seems like an age now, just like I've been trying to get them to understand that you don't need to stalk someone whos personal real life details you already know. It's not worked though, they're all enjoying the abuse far to much to realise or care that they crossed the line and have caused real life consequences.

    The funniest bit is that manker is dull enough to think he can just make it all go away. They choose to make it personal real life stuff, without any understanding that in doing so they lost any right to dictate where it would go.

    I hope you are well on this fine Sunday morning.
    I don't personally enjoy reading this over and over and over again, you say the same manic things time after time:

    How in any meaningful way has the world tipped on it's axis since this forum knows your first name?

    The age of your daughter you posted clearly on mumsnet, I saw the posts myself, again not a mystery, this forum knows more about my personal life than it does yours, because I have chosen to share some parts of my life with them.

    Yet you say because of personal information getting out you are being stalked? Really?

    Again I will say this, do you really wonder why on earth you were banned, who in their right mind would actually want you posting on their forum for any length of time apart from some ultra-right wing neo-nazi hate sites I don't think too many would welcome you with open arms, all you do is say the same thing over and over again, but what can you actually do? Seethe and read posts that upset you then wait until there are no moderators around so that your latest lunatic membership has a few hours of life before the banhammer?

    Well that's an achievement, I bet you're proud of that one and tell all your mates about it!

    Last edited by Artemis; 07-29-2012 at 11:03 AM.


  8. Lounge   -   #3568
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by anotherone View Post
    Did you know MBM that manker considers using a members photo without their consent a bannable offence? He told me so himself... but then he is a low life piece of scum who makes up what is and isn't acceptable to suit himself and his mates, isn't he?
    I share your contempt for manker but in my case mainly because he's Welsh.

    PS MBM is American so obviously I hates him as well.

    PPS The women well that speaks for itself,the whores.

    PPPS Nothing against the Irish other than them being Irish obviously.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  9. Lounge   -   #3569

    Explain to me again how you choosing to share some details of your real life with the members of this board is in some way equivilent to the scum of this site stalking me and gathering the real life details you have (and have all derived such a great amount of pleasure using against me) of my real life.

    Anyway, as it's apparently irrelevant I'm sure you'll have no problem sharing all the details of your (and your friends lives) with me, we can start with all your real names? No? Thought not.

    I will give you the following advice Artemis, next time you go out to the pub, find yourself the biggest meanest looking bloke you can, go ask him what his name is, then personally abuse him for a few hours. Once you've had enough (got bored of it) tell him that he doesn't get to decide what he is going to do about that, that you have decided for him that he wil just fuck off into the distance. See how far that gets you... don't be surprised if you find him stood outside with a knife later on. I suppose you could always try and tell him it "didn't matter", that he "didn't know you", and that "it was only a laugh"... I bet he'd find that funny.


    Hi Idol :-)

  10. Lounge   -   #3570
    Artemis's Avatar ¿ןɐɯɹou ǝq ʎɥʍ BT Rep: +3
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    Quote Originally Posted by anotherone View Post

    Explain to me again how you choosing to share some details of your real life with the members of this board is in some way equivilent to the scum of this site stalking me and gathering the real life details you have (and have all derived such a great amount of pleasure using against me) of my real life.

    Anyway, as it's apparently irrelevant I'm sure you'll have no problem sharing all the details of your (and your friends lives) with me, we can start with all your real names? No? Thought not.

    I will give you the following advice Artemis, next time you go out to the pub, find yourself the biggest meanest looking bloke you can, go ask him what his name is, then personally abuse him for a few hours. Once you've had enough (got bored of it) tell him that he doesn't get to decide what he is going to do about that, that you have decided for him that he wil just fuck off into the distance. See how far that gets you... don't be surprised if you find him stood outside with a knife later on. I suppose you could always try and tell him it "didn't matter", that he "didn't know you", and that "it was only a laugh"... I bet he'd find that funny.


    Hi Idol :-)
    You're not the biggest meanest guy in the pub you fantasist! In fact if we did meet in real life I am quite sure who would do the running away, with or without your knife.




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