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Thread: Most Kazaa Users Don't Share Much

  1. #51
    That may be true for you but I find that most of the people who d/l from me do share. It may be certain files that are popular and you happen to have them.

    I have quite a broad range of music files and sometimes video and I have all sorts of people on all sorts of connections and I find that of the ones I do check most of the time they are sharing...sometimes too much lol.
    I once clicked to see what this guy was sharing and it almost crashed my computer because there were so many files lol

  2. File Sharing   -   #52
    MagicNakor's Avatar On the Peripheral
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    Nov 2002
    Some people share the Windows System folders to give the impression they are sharing. Most people that download from me are sharing, but a lot of the RPG-downloaders aren't. It's unfortunate that they don't get those books.
    things are quiet until hitler decides he'd like to invade russia
    so, he does
    the russians are like "OMG WTF D00DZ, STOP TKING"
    and the germans are still like "omg ph34r n00bz"
    the russians fall back, all the way to moscow
    and then they all begin h4xing, which brings on the russian winter
    the germans are like "wtf, h4x"
    -- WW2 for the l33t

  3. File Sharing   -   #53
    Originally posted by xander2003@12 February 2003 - 16:21
    That may be true for you but I find that most of the people who d/l from me do share. It may be certain files that are popular and you happen to have them.

    I have quite a broad range of music files and sometimes video and I have all sorts of people on all sorts of connections and I find that of the ones I do check most of the time they are sharing...sometimes too much lol.
    I once clicked to see what this guy was sharing and it almost crashed my computer because there were so many files lol
    I take that back LOL.
    I checked a load of uploaders that have had files from me, they WERE sharing when they were downloading. When I checked about an hour later only 2 out of about 20 were sharing ANYTHING!

  4. File Sharing   -   #54
    jetje's Avatar former star
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    Sep 2002
    it could be the logged out! you won't find files then. Also the "find more frome same user" sometimes fails!

    @ketoprak, i have one system sharing over 3000 files (mostly music). People seem pretty glad if they find THE one rare file they've been lookin' for. I don't run it for people to check my system, i run it for sharing. I can understand your problem, i have experienced the same sometimes. It's not nice when that occur's but think sharing is more important. Btw the other machines running just shares about 150 each, all divx.

    Back on topic, saw some posts in our board, from members that say the don't share. That i really can't believe. I think if you wanna participate in p2p, you need to share. That's the basic principle. Don't matter how much, but you share. Cap your upload speed i don't mind, but always share. B)

  5. File Sharing   -   #55
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Sharing TOO much is worse than sharing only a few popular/desireable files.
    I kick off leeches usually, after messenging them.
    The ones that reply back quickly with a good reason for not sharing (for them) I sometimes allow to download.
    The thing that bothers me the most is when they say they're on cablemodems and don't want to share because it'd slow their download speeds down.
    Leeches often have message blocking on too...
    Random Nut's random survey is probably close to accurate -- but if anything it may even be on the LOW side!

    Those that share mp3's number in the millions, but those that share movies or tv shows are FAR rarer.

    Although it's 'copyrighted content', I haven't heard of anyone getting into trouble for sharing broadcast tv episodes.

    I share almost entirely anime episodes -- and finding others sharing any particular anime series is near impossible except for the most popular ones. Somewhere between 30% and 60% of the people who (try to) download from me aren't sharing a THING.

  6. File Sharing   -   #56
    Join Date
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    Coventry, England
    LoveUSA and I seem to be on the same wavelength.

    Contrary to my earlier posting, I have not been using my pc as a tool, so at the moment I am sharing about 30 gig. To save memory, I have wrapped most of the artists that I have downloaded and called them DIY Compilations - seems a fair compromise, although I am sorry for those with only 56 kbps.

    To the point with LoveUSA - there is altogether too much 'popular' stuff hogging the bandwidth. Get more old and/or rare stuff out there!

    Sorry, I only have 27 Peggy Lee tracks, none of them from the Man I Love. If you get them I'd love to have them.

    Lastly, I would comment that the CDs from our own very modest collection, none of which I ever saw on KaZaa previously, are being uploaded like hot cakes. That does confirm to me that there is a great demand for different, rather than 'popular' music.

  7. File Sharing   -   #57
    jetje's Avatar former star
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    Originally posted by Switeck@14 February 2003 - 07:20
    Sharing TOO much is worse than sharing only a few popular/desireable files.
    don't agree but maybe because i don't understand what you exactly mean. Just like stuwho said it's nice to find rare things if you're lookin' for them. Man what will you miss if only the popular things are out there. Now sometimes just download some music cause i'm lookin for the unknown. Also oldies, not the famous ones but the ones that have hardly reached the charts. Live tracks or even better quality bootlegs. FC come help me out on this one, you must know where i'm talking of. Btw same goes for movies, it's easy to find "catch me if you can" but try "discovery of heaven" or "La Haine" the last two are much better but go find them.... i surely will miss that if every one only start sharing the blockbusters an top40 music.

    So why is sharing to much worse, i give limitted people acces at the time so they can get fair upload speed.
    So you have to wait, well i think if someone is lookin' for the rare stuff he enjoy's the waiting cause he know if he gets it the waiting was worth it. For these files isn't speed important it's the gathering that counts. B)

  8. File Sharing   -   #58
    FuNkY CaPrIcOrN's Avatar Poster
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    Louisville Kentucky
    Originally posted by ketoprak@12 February 2003 - 04:13
    I hate people who share too many files : it slows down my system when I retrieve their file list and sometimes freezes Kazaa.
    Thats cause you use Kazaa.....browse somebody elses files on another program.....alot easier.

  9. File Sharing   -   #59
    Sorry, but I do not think that your survey or its findings are very accurate. An example would be myself.

    Although I do not think I have ever downloaded from you, if I was a part of your survey you would clasify me as a leech.

    I only share 50 files out in this community, but I do not download.

    I am specialised in the types of files that I share, in my case I share current reality TV shows.

    I specialise, so that the users out there know they can look for me as a user to get those specific files every week and they do not have to worry about the wait being too long because they do not have to wait behinmd users dowloading a huge movie when they are looking for a 20min or 45 min reality show.

    Again I download maybe a movie a week from the Kazaa Community yet I upload thousands of megs a day.

    I do not think I am a leech do you?

  10. File Sharing   -   #60
    Originally posted by Area69@15 February 2003 - 04:06
    Again I download maybe a movie a week from the Kazaa Community yet I upload thousands of megs a day.

    I do not think I am a leech do you?
    Before replying to a thread, read the whole thread.

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