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Thread: Downloading Music Is Illegal

  1. #71
    Arm's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a well
    Originally posted by legal_person@26 November 2003 - 21:42
    First, screwing over the the heck are you helping the artists in any way? Sure, you might be helping them get known, but you're also distributing their music for free and that doesn't profit them at all. Second, pumping the mainstream media full of crappy artists...from what I see, those "crappy artists" in the mainstream are making the most money and getting the most popularity. They have countless more fans than the non-mainstream bands, so obviously they aren't as crappy as you say they are. And as for price fixing...well, it is their industry, and like I said earlier, we do practice capitalism in this country (thank goodness for that) so they can set whatever price they see fit.
    Hey just because their popular doesn't mean they are any good. Nor does it mean they will be popular forever. Sure mainstreams got alot of good artists but alot of them are pretty damn bad too. I don't give a fuck how much money they make. They can be the richest peope in the world but money does not buy respect or make your music any better.

    Yeah it's their industry that means they can fuck over whoever they see fit. Gotta make a million dollars it doesn't matter who dies.

  2. File Sharing   -   #72
    UKMan's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Time to stop this thread me thinks
    The insults are not worthy and not justified

  3. File Sharing   -   #73
    NikkiD's Avatar Yen?
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Port Dover, Ontario
    I'm closing this thread, but first, I'd like to make a few simple points:

    1. Not everyone lives in the US and falls under their laws of what is legal/illegal. For some of us, the RIAA holds no threat and so your assumptions of illegality are totally bogus.

    2. You have clearly started this as nothing more than a way to start arguments between yourself and people on this board. If you're not interested in filesharing, then why exactly are you here?

    I'm closing this post, as it's become nothing more than flaming and insulting thanks to one person who has nothing better to do with his/her time.

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