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Thread: Paris

  1. #41
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post

    I dont know whats worse, that he said it or that he received applause when he said it.


  2. The Drawing Room   -   #42
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skiz View Post
    I dont know whats worse, that he said it or that he received applause when he said it.
    The more scary part is you really don't know if he is or not The only ones i know are not killers, i am friends with, anyone else i give 50/50.
    That is reality, and until 50% of them point out the corrupt ones, that is the only way you can end the guessing

    Then and only then you can say without a doubt, you won't kill innocent Muslims

    Is that scarier ??
    Last edited by shaina; 11-23-2015 at 09:16 PM.

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #43
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    You make my head hurt and not in a good way like booze does.

    Also unless you somehow vet your "friends" to a greater degree than several levels of international and national agencies do,I hate to inform you but you know that thing you thought you lost?Well you didn't. One of your friends took it.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #44
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    You make my head hurt and not in a good way like booze does.
    Also unless you somehow vet your "friends" to a greater degree than several levels of international and national agencies do,I hate to inform you but you know that thing you thought you lost?Well you didn't. One of your friends took it.
    What like the Canadian Government is... Kick the military out of there homes, and only let the women with children(so far no age restrictions on kids) in and if they have family here already that is ok too, and they start coming in a week!!! plenty of time for vetting
    Now you place them in Quebec and CFB base where the majority of the Mosques there are recruits for ISIS , you know where our new Prime-minister likes to visit
    Then you open up closed hospitals and fill them with nurses and staff so the refugees get priority treatment and true Canadians die because they go on the bottom of the list..We all know the free health care we have in this great country is overstaffed in the hospitals that they did leave open here...

    It is a heck of a lot easier to know my Muslim friends are not terrorists, that i can assure you!!..(They wouldn't even take a tee out of my golf bag without asking, and i wouldn't give 2 shits if they did!!)..

    They are not housing any near me, so good luck....

    Plus i am still trying to figure out why other Middle East countries/states don't take them in and Canada and US just fund it?? At least now you are not taking them out of there norm.....

    A small pea they call Israel would never refuse a Jew to live there (not 100% true there are a few they did refuse)
    Yet Fellow Muslims countries/states are not stepping up and helping there fellow Muslims...And they will get National help/funding without question!!
    Why not open up Qatar and Doha, the most beautiful oasis in the middle east where every terrorist has there head office
    Plenty of room and money they got there to help there own people...
    To me that makes zero cents why they don't step up and make all the Muslims proud!!!
    What is wrong with that picture???

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    Last edited by shaina; 11-24-2015 at 12:14 AM.

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #45
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    If your trying to convince me that politicians have their own agenda which often don't align with the best interests of the people , I'm afraid that boat's already sailed.

    If it's any consolation though,if it were up to me we'd take all the money away from the richest people and spread it out equally among the poorest.
    This probably wouldn't solve anything and might in fact make things worse but hey for the a day or two before everything went to hell I'd be feeling pretty damn pleased with myself.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #46
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    If your trying to convince me that politicians have their own agenda which often don't align with the best interests of the people , I'm afraid that boat's already sailed.
    If it's any consolation though,if it were up to me we'd take all the money away from the richest people and spread it out equally among the poorest.
    This probably wouldn't solve anything and might in fact make things worse but hey for the a day or two before everything went to hell I'd be feeling pretty damn pleased with myself.
    I have had it both ways in my life... And i can honestly tell you i splurge every once in a while, but most of the time i am a frugal cheap prick!!!
    And i know lots of people that don't have a pot to piss in and they live a lot fancier than me. So even if i gave them money they spend it as well...
    I think that is the difference between having money and knowing what to do with it...And a high percentage is spent on my kids/education, that comes first with me considering my parents didn't think that way...
    Money doesn't drive me... My kids success does...That is the difference..
    Remember if my bathroom needs a new sink or toilet, i change it myself hens cheap prick!!

    As for politics... know one can ever win that battle

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #47
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Rat Faced View Post
    I would like to convey my heartfelt sorrow to the Friends and Families of all those killed in the Paris attacks on Friday.
    and yet your silence was rather deafening the whole time hundreds of thousands( not just hundreds) of innocent Syrians were dying, many at the hands of the same group.
    Want to see some sadder than a bunch of semi-affluent 20-something concert goers getting shot.
    Oh no wait, his unfortunate death didn't disturb you're comfortable way of life so his relative's didn't get your "heartfelt" sympathies. Also I assume there was no bandwagon here to jump on.
    You know what Idol...

    You have a lot of good points here..The big problem is Muslims killing Mulsims doesn't sell newspapers in the western world, as a matter of fact it doesn't sell them in Arab countries either. I am and always have watched/read what goes on in the Middle East (Both sides and you know that i do) and most people just don't care, and using a percentage 80%(just an estimate) of the tragedies or accomplishments are never reported on western news Most Arab or Muslim news stations avoid televising what is really going on there, why you say? well what do you think it does to there reputation if they televise and show Muslims killing Muslims?? Yet you talk about the hundreds of thousands of people getting slaughtered and no sympathy was given, well you are wrong there, and there is, but by people that do watch and read what is going on in the Middle East by means of outside Western News, and i am one of those people that do. And your answer to the spotlight being turned at that time of many people being slaughtered was because of a Conflict between Israel and someone else. Yes people died and that is tragic as well, and being minute compared to what was going on around it, that sells way more papers in the Western world..Now there is nothing going on there right now (Rockets still going in every day from Gaza strip it is on western tv and newspapers all the time right?? and now problems going on in the west bank either but no worries there)
    I took the picture out of my post, but i can tell you my heart cries to see any child dead or killed no matter what Race or Color, but let me ask you?? what happened if that child lived and his family and race thought him to kill everyone that doesn't believe every life is important no matter what they believe in?? Again that is where it has to stop, Everyone can live the way they want and believe what you want, be it Churches Synagogues or Mosques, or your own dwelling. But when you decide to live in a country that has laws, religion does not supersede nor rule..Religion can be manipulated/interpreted into someones mind to be evil, now you get weak minded people to follow (sounds like a cult to me??), no good can ever come from it...

    My sympathy goes out to any good person that dies, and that is said to people that care about other human life no matter what faith they believe in

    And saying that Where is all the members here from the UK?? none are showing any sympathy nor commenting.
    To me that is very strange


    PS.What is a Christian Muslim?? Is that the same as a Jehovah Witness?
    Last edited by shaina; 11-25-2015 at 08:15 AM.

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #48
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rat Faced View Post
    Rather hard to comment when your not here.
    My sympathies in the Middle East are a matter of record. The West created the problem and the west should have the balls to clean its own shit up.
    I stated quite catagorically what I thought would happen if we went into Iraq, and more or less thats what we have.
    I've also expressed my sympathies for both Dead Palestinians and Israeli's over the years.
    Most people, of whatever religion, want to live in peace.
    However, it's been shown again and again, that cream is not what floats to the top when you talk politics.
    It takes a Bastard to stab enough people in the back to rise to lead a political party/group; so why are you surprised that Bastards are in charge?
    If you want a debate, then please start a thread.. but please don't hijack one that is merely letting people express sympathy.
    Rat Faced be it you have really nice stars (Sorry Idol)

    The rest i can say without a doubt you are Full Of Shit!!!
    Is is easy as that!!
    Last edited by shaina; 11-25-2015 at 07:50 AM.

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #49
    TheFoX's Avatar
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    The world is split in to two. The affluent west and the poor east, and while people are dying, us affluent westerners are moralising.

    We could end it all tomorrow. We already know there is enough wealth in the world to end world hunger, yet some are frightened to let go of that wealth, and would rather see the poor starve than diminish their own status.

    The Muslim religion is inherently peaceful, yet like all bodies, has a cancer growing within it that needs cutting out.

    When men and women start treating others as nothing more than walking meat, they lose their own humanity. Compassion is about the greatest virtue we, as humans, can have, yet it appears that a tiny percentage or our world community is lacking this very virtue.

    I don't think that anyone has realised that the only reason martyrs get all those virgins is because they are so fat and ugly that no normal Muslim would want to sleep with them anyway, and the only way to get rid of them is to pass them on to the delusional fools who think blowing themselves up, taking hundreds of innocents with them, will solve the world issues.

    Look at all the barbaric atrocities committed in the name of a God. Do any of them actually work? Suicide Bombings? Beheadings? Of course not. They are purely for the self gratification of those committing the act, and have no real world benefit. Allah would be appalled at what is being done in his name, hence the reason these idiots get all the fat ugly virgins sitting on their faces.

    How do you tell a good Muslim from a bad Muslim. The good Muslim isn't talking about killing random people to make a statement that no government would be interested in.
    Quote Originally Posted by OlegL
    You are one of the nicest and most mature people on this board; I would never ignore someone like you.

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #50
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheFoX View Post
    How do you tell a good Muslim from a bad Muslim. The good Muslim isn't talking about killing random people to make a statement that no government would be interested in.
    Very well written Fox, but this last statement, what about sleeper cells?? These groups that they implant into Western Democracy countries go unnoticed for years, until they are told to attack, you would never know. Yet where they go to blend and pray, they all know there, and that is where it could end if the others would come forward and stop the Ignorance of there religion being twisted for use of killing innocent people...And outside wealthy Arab countries/states stop funding these atrocities, and deny that they are involved...
    Really the biggest problem is the leaders/dictators don't want people to have freedom, they want control and power, and if something stands in there way?? we see the consequences. And remember Muslims are everywhere, and they can manipulate weak minds everywhere to join and kill at will, and have no regard for anybody.
    And i am not worried when you say that Fat ugly Muslim kills himself for the virgins in heaven?? I worry about the 40 innocent women and children they rape when they are alive and still think they deserve to go to there promise land!!
    Now that is Disturbing to think any G-D anyone prays for would accept and take you with open arms

    Somewhere else in the Middle East....
    Egypt just found Iron tunnels made from Hamas and funded by Qatar!!, going straight into Gaza(no media coverage in the western world because Israel is not involved!!) Qatar is a peaceful filthy rich place that never gets involved with terrorism, yet all the biggest terrorist leaders either live or visit often and there funding offices are all there in the open!!(And funny the beautiful US Military base not far from these offices and the ones they are fighting in the middle east). They found these tunnels to have 40cm thick walls and buried 10meters below ground..
    They are now all destroyed/flooded!!. We all know that it was used for smuggling weapons and contraband for the terrorist to use.. But i keep saying why is it that Egypt which has Arab Muslims choose not to help there own people?? And i am saying even the good Muslims that choose to live in peace?? There borders are closed!!
    It goes to your comment Fox that it is so hard to tell who is good or bad!! And once the bad ones get in, they have no regard for human life, just there cause or what they like to call Religion!!
    So why not just let the Western Countries or the One Democracy State in the Middle East take responsibility and let them fight or take in the shit and let them deal with it..
    The Arab Middle East countries/states are all Muslims!! No descents of English, German, Jews, Christians, Chinese, and lets not forget any Gays (at least not out in the open), that live there or citizens of there countries/states (Except Israel of course)
    Yet they want to come here and get along with everybody and make peace and blend?? To me that makes no sense??

    I really think there is no way to fix these problems, or at least not peacefully!!
    And again i feel bad/sad for the innocent people that do get killed because of Radical Religion or Cults, and it is sad they have no compassion for human life..
    Last edited by shaina; 11-28-2015 at 08:53 PM.

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