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Thread: Im Very Deppressed And Angry

  1. #31
    Its magic baby!
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    RGX. my advice is take it slowly your only 17 youve got plenty of time to discover who you really are.

    if you get rid of your friends now you might regret it in a month when your felling better. teh best thing to do is to introduce your self slowly to them don't tell tehm all this stuff just introduce new bits of your self everysooften. if tehy don't take well to teh new bits then you need some new friends. which at 17 is not to difficult a task.

    what ever you do you need to feel comfortable in yourself so if your in a situation where you feel your not being yourself. just step back from teh convosation or what ever and re collect your self.

    lastly don't worry about what other people think about you don't be like i wonder if they liek me or not. becaus eyou will never know if they really liek you until you are yourself.

    Enjoy your youth dont worry or fret over it to much.

    go buy your self somthing nice have a goood christmas and forget it.

  2. Lounge   -   #32
    Skweeky's Avatar Manker's web totty
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    Dec 2002
    Awwww RGX, this sounds like me when I was 17.

    Hey listen, it's not wrong to burn all your bridges. It's better to do that instead of just trying to make the best of what you have. It can be painful, it can be difficult. But it's even harder to stay inside a crowd that doesn't even know who you really are. Go to places you usually don't go. Stay yourself, don't try to impress anyone with who you are (or would like to be).

    There ARE people out there who will respect you for just being who you are, and they're not that hard to find.

    /me hugs RGX

    It'll get better, I promise

  3. Lounge   -   #33
    WeeMouse's Avatar Small and Squeaky
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    Glasgow, Scotland
    Hey Man, listen - i've just turned 18 and i left school this year. I went to work while ALL of my other pals went to University or College, so trust me when i say "this is when you find out who your true friends are".

    I've drifted away from some, grown apart from others but the ones who like me for being me (Small, strange, talking crap) are still hangin about.

    I am the crazy and bizarre one of all my pals, but it's not an act. I really am THAT weird I have about 3 really good friends. Friendships like that take time so forge, so just meet people and see what happens! Not every single person will like you (some people don't like ME! ) But screw 'em!

    That's the ramblings straight from the mind of Mouse!

  4. Lounge   -   #34
    dwightfry's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Fargo, ND
    Originally posted by RGX@13 December 2003 - 20:04
    Let me give you a break down of who I am. I am someone who constantly seeks attention. Whether it be childish insults or jokes, or hanging round wiht the "in" crowd, i need attention, I need to feel respected, I need to feel needed...and I dont get it because im so insecure with myself that people treat me as a shell someone who can be fun for a while but anything deeper? Fuck no.

    My friends think im cool, but hardly talk to me unless about surface things, they talk to the shell of me, the character I have created that they all love, and the real m doesnt get a chance because im seen as an empty shell, with nothing deeper, and agressive, without any emotion....

    And I feel suffocated, trapped, and very very alone. No one truly respects me, they like this false me I have built around myself....and theres nothing I can do because they wont take me as anything else now...

    I am the exact same way. If I started this post, I wouldn't be surprised if I would have written the exact same thing word for word. Unfortunatly I don't have any solutions. I'm hoping to get help by the replies as well. Just so you know though, your not alone.

    My story:

    I used to, and to this day, still feel stupid and bad about myself after hanging out with friends. My IQ drops 40 points and that is how they saw me. When I started dating my now ex-girlfriend of 3 years, It was the first time that I felt I was really being myself. I wasn't acting stupid to get people to like me. You know what happened? They stopped calling, the talked to Rachel (My GF) and said they don't like hanging out with me when I'm with her, which sucked because for the first time I was happy. After weeks without hanging out with people, I got back to my old routine. I'm still trying to figuar out what to do. It doesn't seem right that I hang out with them if I don't like who I become while doing it.
    Life should come with backround music
    -Dwight Fry-
    Coconut, the desert's onion
    -Dwight Fry-
    Why stand when you can lean, why lean when you can sit, why sit when you can lounge, why lounge when you can lie
    -Dwight Fry-

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