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Thread: Is It Legal?

  1. #11
    cpt_azad's Avatar Colonel
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    Originally posted by 3rd gen noob@2 January 2004 - 02:41
    ich spreche nicht deutsche
    hahaha . i don't speak german, but i'm guessing that means "i don't speak german" or "i don't understand german". and the smiley face per post, brilliant .

    god i'm so lonely...

    Jeff Loomis: He's so good, he doesn't need to be dead to have a tribute.

  2. File Sharing   -   #12
    It`s not illegal to use a cracked KL program. It`s only illegal to crack the KL program and distribute it. In Germany you are allowed to re-engineer every program you like and use it at home. It only depends on what you are doing with that cracked program.

  3. File Sharing   -   #13
    @ wenze1:

    Any Disclaimer in German or English Language is not forcing anybody in Germany.

    Disclaimers legally don`t work in Germany. You have to sign a real contract until you are bound to a disclaimer or the contract. We have some court decisions referring to that problem.

  4. File Sharing   -   #14
    njsashford's Avatar Member
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    No, It is not illegal to install or use it. What is illegal however, is dowloading/sharing copyrighted files whihc is (kinda) the whole point. Thus, even regular-paid-for-legal Kazaa user commits a crime if he/she/(it?&#33 downloads files that are copyrighted. Thus if you use any filesharing program, the chances are you are breaking copyright laws so whether it's Kazaa lite or normal kazaa makes little diffence (apart from all the benifits of KL).

  5. File Sharing   -   #15
    If you use KL, i advise you to use Peerguardian - it will block most fake files and most ips that are linked to scanning activities.

    ( see link below )

    Greez ! B)

  6. File Sharing   -   #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Burmoda triangle, right behind you!
    It's illegal to smile in Canada (I'm not joking) so if you are have a new SIN # u can't smile in the pic
    who tells me what is wrong and what's right? I decide what to do with my comp. If the govn't pays for my computer/internet connection, then I will follow rules.
    Click the longhorn icon to visit my website.
    <span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'> You try Everything in my/our post(s) at YOUR own risk. I/we do not take responsibily for damages, caused by the post(s). Clicking on/or modifying anything in here is not permitted. Whoever edits my sig is a pussy.</span></span>


  7. File Sharing   -   #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Originally posted by 3rd gen noob@2 January 2004 - 05:49
    k-lite was made using reverse engineering of kmd kazaa

    this process is illegal

    Although it may NOW be illegal in Germany, this is not much different than the reverse-engineering NEEDED for IBM compatibles to EXIST.

    SOME reverse-engineering is LEGAL.

    Kazaa Lite&#39;s falls into the very gray-to-black area though because it&#39;s still using the original&#39;s sourcecode and isn&#39;t refferring to itself as a &#39;patch&#39; like Random Nut first called it.

  8. File Sharing   -   #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    ...Glass tubes all look alike from the inside.
    Right... Reverse engineering was one of the methods that allowed a lot of early computer software to exist. Even now, its a commonly used technique in research facilities (especially those pertaining to security issues and anti-viral routines, but also in applications outside these fields, like designing a cross-platform compiler set, for instance, where its not always easy to get all the infomation you need).

    As a side note, Software itself is a grey area. The code itself is a method - not copyrightable, and it&#39;s not quite clear wether patents on it can actually be enforced (obviously, this depends on your country&#39;s laws). It that sense, reverse-engineering or reverse-compiling the software is itself a grey area - it&#39;s not easy to say wether it is legal or not.
    What CAN be said is that the files that go alongside a program - the art files, images, audio recordings, models, and so on, are definately copyrightable, but copyright itself allows for something called fair use - your still allowed to break it provided its for specific purposes and you follow certain guidelines.

    Well, That&#39;s how i understand the situation anyhow. It&#39;s a topic that remains a focus of much debate between various groups, and will continue to be so for some time.

  9. File Sharing   -   #19
    Do like i did........ when the cops came to bust me capped 6 of them with my phazer, drop-kicked a 7th, jumped in my hummer doing 350kph..... near the road block i tapped the speciale button that turned my hum into a chopper.
    there is 30 billion bounty on my head but i ain&#39;t scared. I am still sharing. Oops getting backup copies of software / moviez i legally own.

  10. File Sharing   -   #20
    Rip The Jacker's Avatar Retired
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    I don&#39;t know about you guys over in Germany, but here in America, whether it&#39;s illegal or not.... your still gonna do it.

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