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Thread: Looking For Beta Testers - Apply Now

  1. #11
    Benno's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    So 5 star members are discriminated eh?

    However I have windows 98se

    Dont know how many hours I spend online between 1 - 5

    Why do I want to became a tester.... because I like this stupid time consuming board and would like to help out. And of couse because I'm a curious bastard and want to see what you've been breeding

    I occasional use beta software and report bugs when I see them, though I havent really tested apps.

    Errm I have a list of my movies only though somehow I have a feeling that you dont count that as website

    You Better Keep In Mind That I Can Read Between The Lines

    Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to there level and beat you with experience!!

  2. File Sharing   -   #12
    Mr. Blunt's Avatar n00b
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Central California
    Member Rank (3 Stars): Yeah, I got that.
    We need to know your OS: Windows XP SP1
    How much time do you spend online: 2+ Hours
    Why do you want to become a beta tester (details): Want to help out the P2P community. We already had K-Lite taken away from us, we need something better for the people. I'm willing to use some of my time to test this program and make sure the P2P community will have a good experiance with it.
    Did you help to test other software ?: No, this is the first time I'm applying for something like this.
    Do you run a website ? (if yes: what kind of content?): Yes. I run a Kazaa Lite Website. It's doing really good for only it's second month online. I have some HTML skills. (Link)

  3. File Sharing   -   #13
    os: win98se - w2k

    online: 10 hours (maybe more on weekend )

    why: i want to help and i want to be a part of it AND i loved klitek++ :-)

    other: yes (software for education, e-learning for IT)

    websites: yes (contents: html, css, javascript, flash)

    hope to see you

    oh ... i forgot: i got my stars


    Status: APPROVED (you will get details by PM)
    *Please do not edit this post as I use my "edited by" to verify testers

  4. File Sharing   -   #14
    clocker's Avatar Shovel Ready
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Stars- yes

    OS XP Pro-SP1

    Time spent online- variable, depending on interest, usually 4+ hrs/day

    Why be a beta tester? 1) I'm bored with working on my PC, would like to work with it. 2) Sounds like an interesting process and when K-Lite was new to me I was a DLing fiend.

    Any beta testing experience- Well, I run Windows, does that count? I was also a beta tester for AOL Blue Hawaii (now AOL 9.0)

    Do I run a website- No, but I know what I like.
    "I am the one who knocks."- Heisenberg

  5. File Sharing   -   #15
    blank BT Rep: +1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    3 stars
    windows xp sp1
    9+ each day
    I enjoy trying out new projects/programs and seeing how good they are. Then helping with constructive crit afterwards. And I am just dead nosey and like to see what others have come up with!
    Running a few websites. Some sports based, some music based and one news based.
    Shut that cunt’s mouth or I’ll come over there and fuckstart her head.

  6. File Sharing   -   #16
    Originally posted by Benno@11 January 2004 - 21:27
    So 5 star members are discriminated eh? 

  7. File Sharing   -   #17
    Illuminati's Avatar Simple Bystander BT Rep: +7BT Rep +7
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    Originally posted by Benno@11 January 2004 - 21:27
    So 5 star members are discriminated eh?
    Well, yes and no

    The intention is to have an even spread between all three levels of members (and mods ). A fear was that the beta testing team would fill up with practically all senior members, which would give the impression that the spaces were given as rewards to the amount of time spent on the board.

    That is not the case - We're not looking for anyone who's the be-all and end-all of P2P gurus, because in the end that's likely to lead to trouble. What are looked for are regular users who know what they haven't liked in past P2P programs, and can see what should & shouldn't be there (in terms of bugs) and who are able to try out new features in respect to the program, not to anything else that might have tried the same but botched it (If you tried a flavour of ice cream for the first time in a shat shop, would you want to buy the same flavour in an ice cream parlour?)

    Which is why I expanded on 7th when I said that Junior & Senior members applications are still taken. However, chances are that the majority of this wave will be regular members.

    Doesn't mean that J & S Members won't get in though

  8. File Sharing   -   #18
    uNz[i]'s Avatar Out of order
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    - Member Rank (3 Stars) - Yep
    - We need to know your OS - XP Pro SP1
    - How much time do you spend online - at least 5 hours/day, usually more though
    - Why do you want to become a beta tester (details) - Because I'm a picky sod who likes finding fault.
    - Did you help to test other software ? - Yes there have been a couple of small apps I've helped test:: KDP file sorter (aka Kazaa Downloads Placer), and Deep Impact, a resource calculator for an online game I was playing a couple of years ago.
    - Do you run a website ? (if yes: what kind of content?) - Yes, I have a personal site I hand coded in Notepad. Nothing there of any interest to folks here though.
    Just contains links for mates who live in my area and me waffling on about various stuff.

    Edit: Oh yeah, I suppose I should also mention I'm on dialup.

    Status: APPROVED (you will get details by PM)
    *Please do not edit this post as I use my "edited by" to verify testers

  9. File Sharing   -   #19
    vivitron 15's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    North East England, UK
    - Member Rank (3 Stars)
    Got that one....or i did last time i looked
    - We need to know your OS
    XP Pro SP1 mainly...also XP Pro and can use VMware on 98se if necesary
    - How much time do you spend online
    varies a great deal - can give 1-2 hours per day to this project at my home pc; though spend time online at uni (2-3hrs per day)
    - Why do you want to become a beta tester (details)
    nosey as hell for the new client, and ive tried most software and find fault-finding natural - a pedant i guess. Ive yet to find a flawless client/software, so this has great potential.
    - Did you help to test other software ?
    - Do you run a website ? (if yes: what kind of content?)
    just a home one - i have pretty good xhtml knowledge and am working on learning php right now, whenever i have time.

    Status: APPROVED (you will get details by PM)
    *Please do not edit this post as I use my "edited by" to verify testers
    <insert signature here>

  10. File Sharing   -   #20
    Spider_dude's Avatar cawk BT Rep: +4
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    Aug 2003
    under the sea
    - Member Rank (3 Stars)

    - We need to know your OS
    yeah i use xp, i know it pretty well

    - How much time do you spend online
    pretty much 16 hours a day at the moment.

    - Why do you want to become a beta tester (details)
    i am interested in helping out any way i can

    - Did you help to test other software ?

    - Do you run a website ? (if yes: what kind of content?)
    i have a website with my music collection on it and also a forum.

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