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Thread: Which Is Your Worst Ever Self Inflicted Injury

  1. #31
    Nightwolf's Avatar Old Guy
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    I hate to argue over semantics, but I still believe self-inflicted means intentional. Most of the injuries listed here were accidents.

    For instance, when I pierced my ear with a thumbtack, that was self-inflicted.

    When I nearly cut off my finger reaching into a pile of scrap metal, that was an accident.

  2. Lounge   -   #32
    namzuf9's Avatar Poster
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    The Armpit Of The Universe.
    To many stupid scars to count!
    2 burn scars on my right leg from dancing naked over a bonfire in a trashcan.
    Scar across right wrist where my veins are from trying to catch a craving knife thrown at me by a friend (we used to do it a lot, it was our party piece&#33
    Small cigarette burn on right calf from drunkenly falling asleep with a fag in my hand. Apparently I didn't wake up and my girlfriend had to take it off me.
    Scar on the crown of my skull from using a claw hammer to break up an old cabinet to take to the dump. I raised the hammer to high above my head and whacked myself!
    Small scar on my forehead from having a brick thrown at me.
    Various chunks taking out of my shinbone from sk8board.
    A few scars on my left hand from (drunkenly) falling over with a bottle of Becks in my hand, I spent days trying to get all the glass out
    And a few more that I'm not proud of which were self-inflicted as a teen.

    I think we should see a few pics posted (not that I'm a freak or nothing )
    I got the bonfire dancing on tape somewhere with a good close up of the fresh burns

  3. Lounge   -   #33
    DarthInsinuate's Avatar Died in battle
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    once I stapled my finger
    another time is, stuck my finger into a live wall socket
    and also i've run into the table (i was 3 feet tall at the time)

    not really serious injuries, and they were all when i was little
    The Sexay Half Of ABBA And Max: Freelance Plants

  4. Lounge   -   #34
    Not my injury, but self inflicted.

    In 10th grade biology class a friend of mine picked up a pair of metal forceps and said "they always tell you not to stick these things into electrical outlets"

    He then proceeded to stick it in an outlet. A huge spark flew, he screamed, and saving his life he dropped the forceps. Most of the time the muscles spasm and grab onto the object.

    He really should be dead now, amazing thing to witness.

    Again, not myself, but my rabbit "Calvin".

    Rabbits love to chew on things and often times they like insulated wires. One night my girlfriend and I were sleeping and we heard a "discharge" and the furious clicking of claws. I turned on the light to see Calvin looking rather confused and all his normal straight whiskers were either missing or curled crazily.

    He was otherwise fine, the next day. He woke me up at about 7:00am for his morning snack, a piece of banana. How does a 4 pound rabbit wake up a human? He jumps on the bed, hops up to your face and licks the inside of your nostril. That is a weird way to wake up. When you finally rouse you find a little black rabbit about 2 inches from you eyes, just staring at you.
    Aren't we in the trust tree, thingey?

  5. Lounge   -   #35
    fkdup74's Avatar Pneuberator.
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    took a swing at a dude once and he ducked, leaving my hand to connect to the semi truck behind him (broke the hand)
    stuck a knife all the way through my left hand separatin some feckin frozen hamburger patties (but that didnt really hurt, just bled like hell and freaked my girlfriend out)

    but that aint shit
    i was a machinist for about 5 years, and we witness/hear about all the good stuff
    wasnt there, but this guy forgot to clamp down a work piece on a mill
    when the cutter hit the work piece (spinning at about 2000 rpm's)
    it grabbed the work piece spun it around at him (bout 1000 lbs of steel)
    fucked his day up when it hit him
    cant tell me that isnt self inflicted, even through stupidity, its self inflicted
    I am just a worthless liar. I am just an imbecile.
    I will only complicate you. Trust in me and fall as well.
    I will find a center in you. I will chew it up and leave.
    I will work to elevate you just enough to bring you down.

  6. Lounge   -   #36
    Double Agent
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    i've fallen from 2 flights of stairs cuz some mofo pushed me

    cracked my head and had 16 stiches ...... mother fks....

    i've cut my lags open by sliding it again a sharp metallic table, i didn't know it was sharp.......

    errr what else.... ...

    i've electricuted myself trying to fix stuff....glewed myself in the face....nailed my finger....and got my foot run over by a car

    that's about it.....

    *cocks jbr's shotgun*

  7. Lounge   -   #37
    Join Date
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    I had a bad paper cut once, didnt stop bleeding for ages.

    And I cut my self shaving.

    ..... or maybe I should make up some BS instead?

  8. Lounge   -   #38
    Join Date
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    i cut off two of my fingers. and then they were sowed back on, so im okay. at least i missed 6 weeks of school

  9. Lounge   -   #39
    FvKin GeniuS :D
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    I shot myself in the leg with my freinds gun fucking around and I Got shot in the nuts with a paintball gun Wow it hert i was peeing blood
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  10. Lounge   -   #40
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    I think I got the winner.

    A friend of mine and I were installing a tow-through car-wash (actually reassembling it at a new location).

    The tracks which kept the cars aligned were all tweaked a bit from a sloppy disassembly, which required my buddy and I to use an eight-foot pry-bar (2 1/2" hex, cold-rolled), inserted between the tracks to get things aligned while someone else tightened them down.

    Me hanging on it (220 lbs) and him pushing from the other side (240 lbs), both of us bouncing on the bar-

    It slipped.

    Fractured skull; about a 13"-14" crack-didn't even break the skin.

    I didn't draw a coherent breath for about a month (it is often argued that I still haven't).

    That was one thing; there were a few others as well.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

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