Originally posted by haxor41789@29 February 2004 - 06:19


Yes, I do mean shit... If you are involved in that fucking money crunch
like everyone else, and you feel that your money should be spent on better
things, rather than shitty food, here are a few pointers for free food.
These have all been tested. If you are caught in the act of getting free
food, nothing will happen, and it will be a big source of amusement...

* Cheeseburger

On a busy drive-thru day, you can ask for a special order. Ask for a
hamburger with an extra item, like mustard or something, and casually
sneak in "extra cheese." If the employees are stupid enough (a given),
and the grill doesn't question it, you will find yourself with a nice
fresh cheeseburger for the price of a hamburger... whoopee...

* Any Item

The BEST thing to do is order something in the drivethru, and then
come in the restaurant with the bag from drive thru and say "You
forgot ..." If you ask the employees at the counter, 9 times out of
10, you will get it... To be on the safe side, you may want to go
home, call the McDonald's, say you went through the drive thru and you
didn't get your food item. You can give a bullshit name or whatever,
usually they don't even take the name, and the next time you go in,
you say you called, and you will get gift certificates or free food...
works every time.


If you want to attract a certain degree of attention to yourself, and make
employees and customers laugh, when you order food, fuck up the names to
say something cool... You'll still get the food you don't want, and this
too is a source of amusement. Spur-of-the-moment name bastardizations are
by far the funniest, but here are a few suggestions...

* SHMEGMA MAC, SHMEGMA SACK - instead of Mega Mac (shmegma is Dick Cheese)
* CHICKEN McFUCKUPS - Chicken McNuggets (be sure to ask for the 69 piece)
* McDICKEN - McChicken (ask for extra Mayo and smile...)
* CHOKE - Coke (I'd like a small choke with no ice)
* McRIBBED FOR HER PLEASURE - McRib... Do they still make this?
* FAGINA - Fajita (I'd like a FAGINA with extra cheese...)


Remember that McDonald's slogan is Food, Folks, and Fun... Just take the
"fun" part to the limit... You sort of have to compensate for the asshole
"folks" and the shit "food."

If you get bored, start harassing kids on the playland or just break
shit... throwing salt shakers (plastic or glass) at the outside wall of the
McDonald's is fun too... take advantage of whatever there is in
McDonald's... there are infinite possibilities to create your local
McDonald's an utter McHell. Don't consider it illegal (most of it isn't...)
consider it more of a public service. Yeah... That's it.

heres an easyer way to get free food from drive throughs depending on the layout
you want it to look like this:
(red arrow is the drive through lane box is resturant)

next thing you need to make sure is the location of the camera andd a safe spot where you will not be seen located here:
(red circle=camer black circle=safe spot)

now you know wich drive thrus you can rook lets beging drive up to the 1rst window ask for water shell say ok go to the next window smile and say thanks drive past the second window(may very depending on layout) past the camea and stop in the safe spot there you wait for anouther car to come from behind start driving towards the last window. the person at the window will hand you the persons order behind you simple smile and say thanks and drive off to enjoy your free score

i used to do this all the time when i was stap for cash enjoy peeps