Originally posted by delphin460@8 March 2004 - 13:12
um no dumbarse , he has gone to symantec nd found the details on the virus he has , if he had a working a/v he WOULD not have got it in the first place

ignorance is no excuse, the reason this p2p is so *edit* up is still even in this day and age we have cowboys that either choose of prefer to ride bareback and take no precautions

security and protection is the responciblilty of every member of this p2p not just a few

if you choose to download and share on any p2p, and do not run a a/v up todate then you are a *edit*, full stop

i make no excuses for my flaming, and suggest that if you do then you are part of the problem.

get an antivirus checker or *edit*, dont like it bad luck
Thou shalt not use the lord's name in vain

but GOD YOUR FUCKIN STUPID DUMASS, if you actually think ALL viruses were caught before they got into your computer, do you think that viruses would be such a big problem? DAMN MAN, your the kind of person that ruins good forums.

Damn dickhead. I bet you people think or call you an ASS in real life geez