Originally posted by Sparsely@9 July 2004 - 09:43

While I am most certainly flattered and gratified by your kind words, there are two points that I feel I must clarify.

1. It's not been photoshopped. I use FireworksMX for everything.
2. It is vector art. Not a digially manipulated image. I created it all myself
(with the exception of the original angelboy, whose origins are completely unknown to me)

but w000!
runs off to polish his crown
Oh dear. I feel a flippant comment designed to connect a sig with a title with a liking for a weightlifting singer's undergarments has been misinterpreted. probably because of my ignorance to all things graphically designed :">

But then, it is a really cool sig, I wouldn't be able to tell you what anyone else's was all about without checking. Sparsely, O' King of the Sig, would it be too much trouble to make me a similar one with 'seven of nine' accross the waistband and her tiny likeness instead of the angelboy?