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Thread: File-Sharing: How the Net Was Won

  1. #1
    twisterX's Avatar Poster
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    [news=]For millions of years, the universe existed in relative stasis. Although several million years appears to be an eternity to Earth’s human inhabitants, it reflects a mere nanosecond in the universe’s apparently endless span of existence. During this eternity, significant events would alter the history of the cosmic plane; the big bang, the formation of complex proteins, and the great rupture of the time-space continuum.

    The first two events had an ever-lasting effect on today's world. The Big-Bang, one of the leading theories on the formation of the universe, contends that all of the current matter that exists was at one point confined to an area no larger than the head of a pin. How long this matter was contained in this space is unclear, however at some point – perhaps as much as 15 billion years ago – this matter was expelled and created the universe we know today.

    Over the course of several more billion years, the ensuing chaos that developed would later become more organized. Galaxies, stars and planets would soon form, giving rise to another important event; the rise of life.

    We can only speak of what we know, and so far life as we know it only exists on Earth. Space exploration so far has yielded some hope that we are not alone in the universe. Various missions to Mars and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn hold some promise we might find evidence of past – and perhaps present – life in the form of single celled organisms.

    While the Big Bang and the advent of life are significant events whose impact is only realized over the course of billions of years; the great rupture of the time-space continuum impacted the universe in significantly less time.

    2.5 million years ago, an event happened that would alter the course of history. A dying star known only from its remnant light signature collapsed upon itself and thus created a black hole. The massive gravitational pull caused surrounding solar systems – stars, planets, asteroids, and comets – to be drawn in. Over the course of several thousand years, hundreds of star systems were drawn into this hellish cataclysm. However this event did not occur alone.

    If the universe is a winding string floating through space, as String Theory suggests, and several other strings run parallel, this event occurred in at least one other dimensional universe. For the intentions of this article, we will assume there is only one parallel universe.

    As the black hole expanded, time-space became so distorted on both planes that for a millionth of a second, matter from an alternate universe was ejected into our own. Once the two black holes interacted, the resultant force canceled the gravitational pull of the other, thereby restoring normal time-space in both parallel universes.

    Yet the expelled matter was now in our own universe. The expelled matter was the remnant of a world rich in organic molecules, obliterated by the gravitational pull of the black hole. The remnant matter; which consisted of a complex network of adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine, was now adrift and was being pulled by another gravitational pull – this time caused by a medium sized planet that would later be called Earth.

    During this period of the Earth’s history, modern man had not yet evolved. Instead, a proto human called Australopithecus Africanus was the dominant humanoid specie. While fairly smart, this proto human had little in the way of great intellect, as they could not use fire or express themselves through art or mathematics. The greatest use of technology was perhaps through some primitive flint tools.

    The network of organic molecules was now pulled into Earth’s orbit. Because of the highly advanced nature of this organic network, it was able to create an electromagnetic energy shield, protecting it during reentry. However, the network of organic molecules was not able to sustain itself, and deteriorated over southern Africa.

    The remnants of the network, now only independent strands of adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine, found its way into the Australopithecus Africanus specie. These organic molecules, the foundations of DNA, radically altered the destiny of this specie. What appeared to be a hopeless experiment in evolution suddenly erupted into the founding of a new genre of hominid – the “homo” or “handy man.” In perhaps one of the greatest extra-terrestrial influences to life and evolution (since the theory life on Earth came from Mars), the organic network brought about radical changes in human evolution that would lead mankind to where it is today.

    Millions of years later, this network would resurface – this time a manifestation of humanities inexplicable desire to once again reconnect through computers within a great community of organic beings.


  2. News (Archive)   -   #2
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Over here!
    I used to have respect for Slyck, but this is the stupidest article that's ever been on there.

  3. News (Archive)   -   #3
    BawA's Avatar FST Pioneer BT Rep: +1
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    what the hell was that

    "You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went; you can swear and curse the fates, but when it comes to the end, you have to let go"
    Benjamen button


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