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Thread: Has Cox Isp Called You? They Will Now!

  1. #31
    Realty and everyone who read this.

    QUOTE (powershot @ 13 August 2003 - 05:21)
    Emule: All Games

    Kazaa: I have not run it in about 2 months so that might be why It was not brought up. 

    File Names?

    The files that they new I downloaded were the following:

    Enter the matrix

    3 games.

    Sorry I had not responded earlier however for some reason I could not see this forum for a few days. Dont know why. Anyways thats another issue. Also just as FYI I use to DL/UL more then 1gb a day sometimes. As I'm sure many of us do/did.

  2. File Sharing   -   #32
    I have a friend that is a sub contractor for cox. He isn't very computer literate. I was at his house the other day. He has some software from cox that allows him to see what sites you have gone to recently. How much you have ul / dl.
    If you use the software that cox gives you to configure your computer to access the net you install spyware. You can connect to the net with cox and not use thier software.

  3. File Sharing   -   #33
    Last edited by muchspl2; 02-20-2005 at 06:34 PM.

  4. File Sharing   -   #34
    FvKin GeniuS :D
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    AHAHAH i have Road Runner Time wanner i havent got a call yet Yaayayay and i dl like 6 gigs a day since i have a 2 120 gig hard drives

    Board rule: max 500x150 Pixels (w x h)

  5. File Sharing   -   #35
    wormless's Avatar Beauty
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    have u seen if yr on riaas list?

  6. File Sharing   -   #36
    wormless's Avatar Beauty
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    opps wrong address!

    try this one if its rite

  7. File Sharing   -   #37
    wormless's Avatar Beauty
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    sorry dunno where other link came from this is rite im gonna click and check

  8. File Sharing   -   #38
    wormless's Avatar Beauty
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    it dnt ecsist grr ne one got tht address where u check if yr on their list pweese

  9. File Sharing   -   #39
    Just a simple question for which I really don't know the answer:

    Is it legal for your ISP to monitor your traffic?

    I really wonder...

  10. File Sharing   -   #40
    Technically you are using THEIR networks to share copywrited files, and they are the ones who get subpoena'ed first, which is a bad thing, because they probably are ordered by a federal judge to hand over your name.

    It's not really your ISP that monitors files, basicly these anti-pirate groups distribute the software themselves, and record your IP and time of day durring the transfer, they later associate your IP with your ISP, and get the courts to order them to hand over the logs of who had that IP at the time in question. They probably give your ISP a list of what you "stole" and the ISP forwards that to you, advising you to stop.

    The DMCA is really quite a pain in the butt, seeing how it stops you from "stealing" from an "unlimited supply." Talk about an oxymoron.

    Until these rules are changed. it is VERY DANGEROUS to share files, it is a federal offence in the United States (ever notice that big logo on movies that says FBI in bold red or black text), and some files can even break international laws. basicly the US has a 3 felony = life time in prison rule, every file (or maybe it's 3 files) is a felony, while they probably don't consider file sharing severe enough to lock someone up for good, it is possible. but if they don't, they can make you pay for every file found on your computer that you don't own, plus tack on fines. And you have to pay damages to the companies for "lost profit". which usually gets bloated up to thousands of dollars in a court room, and you still can get jail time.

    I am not a lawyer by any means, but if you get this notice, you should check with your ISP to see if you're info has been handed out via subpoena, and if so. get a good one. chances are you're in the "sharing" category and will be potential meat to pay thousands of dolars in "lost profit"

    To sum this up.

    It's not Cox who's monitoring your files, it's someone much more dangerous, (FBI, RIAA, International Police, DMCA dudes) who are telling Cox exactly what you are doing, and when you are doing it, and to make matters worse, they either have your name, your parents name, or are trying to get it. Cox has no choice, if they did, trust me, they would NOT give out your info, it is bad for their sales.

    If you are a minor and get one of these letters, you definately want to show it to dad, as hard as it seems, as his wrath isn't going to be as bad as the courts.

    A side note to any financial advisors for companies who insist on making a CD cost over 50 dollars, please reconsider your pricing shema! This is what leads to piracy, when something costs too damn much for the average consumer, you're not the only software that they need to buy, and when prices add up through all the software that they need, they find themselves unable to afford it all.

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