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Thread: New Worm On Downing Street

  1. #21
    Snee's Avatar Error xɐʇuʎs BT Rep: +1
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    on something.
    I was sort of hoping he was joking, really. But that's just me believing in the inherent good of all men (and women), or something.

  2. Lounge   -   #22
    I can't believe the intolerance I am reading from some people on this thread.
    What about all the billions of pounds that Tony Blair has wasted on this stupid war, killing thousands of innocent people. Why aren't you protesting about that?

    The policies (eg world trade policies) of the Western world have ruined many third world countries, and now you wonder why they want to escape. Is it a crime to emigrate for a better life?

  3. Lounge   -   #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by Sparkle1984@6 September 2003 - 18:36
    I can't believe the intolerance I am reading from some people on this thread.
    What about all the billions of pounds that Tony Blair has wasted on this stupid war, killing thousands of innocent people. Why aren't you protesting about that?

    The policies (eg world trade policies) of the Western world have ruined many third world countries, and now you wonder why they want to escape. Is it a crime to emigrate for a better life?
    Like I said - people who post stuff like that are dickheads either way.

    However that does not necessarily mean I agree with your other stances. For example I have no desire to protest against "this stupid war" by which I take it you mean the Iraqi liberation.

    We can agree to disagree on that, without either of us resorting to blatantly racist posting. I have to say I would have expected the authorities here to make comment on a member posting stuff like that. There surely must be rules against it.

  4. Lounge   -   #24
    Snee's Avatar Error xɐʇuʎs BT Rep: +1
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    on something.
    It does sound a tad wrong...but as for Tartan, I think it was an attempt at being sarcastic.

    Edit: and I sort of agree with JPaul on the Iraq issue, I feel that although the reasons for starting the war may have been less than noble, I'm not sure it's appropriate to complain about the results.

    Oh, and I haven't read about it in the Sun or anywhere else where those doing the reporting were biased towards the US or UK as far as I know.

  5. Lounge   -   #25
    However that does not necessarily mean I agree with your other stances. For example I have no desire to protest against "this stupid war" by which I take it you mean the Iraqi liberation.
    Liberation??!! LOL. Where do you get your news from? From what I have heard on the TV news, life in Iraq is in some ways worse than it was before the war began. For example, many areas are still without electricity and running water. Many people there know someone who has been killed. How can dropping bombs on people ever be called "liberation"?

    Where are the weapons of mass destruction? If Saddam really had them, surely he would have used them before or during the war??

    Remember that many newspapers (eg The Sun) are owned by multinational companies, and have vested interests, and this affects the reliability of their reporting.

    I think there are rules about it in this forum, and I'm quite surprised the moderators have allowed this thread to continue for so long.

  6. Lounge   -   #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I don't read the sun.

    Where are the organised rape gangs or the torture camps or the mass graves of the dissapeared people. All organised by Hussein and his sons. Hopefully they have stopped using explosives strapped to people as a form of murder. Or pulling people teeth out with pliers. Or setting starving dogs on women who wouldn't sleep with them willingly.

    Where are the billions of dollars that they stole from their own people. Where is the infrastructure of an oil rich country which hasn't been invested in properly for a decade.

    Like I said we can agree to disagree, however I would appreciate it if you did not make assumptions on the source of the information I use to form my opinion.

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