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Thread: Why is Mary a paedophile?

  1. #1
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    For my 5000th post

    I feel like explaining the roots now, without any motive prompting it as a requirement. Rather, the origin story stayed conveniently irrelevant, but there must surely be some curiosities that have sparsely been sparked.

    If I analyze it, it's really just a free speech issue. If one could freely discuss one of the most universally detested acts, feigning a truth and discussion of it from that perspective without castigation (or its newly coined sexual variant, castragation), it gives a broader feedback for the qualitative litmus test of free speech.

    I have never been on a board with as much untethered range to speak truths and falsities, whether they're creative or mundane, witty, dumbfounding or idiotic, as I have here on FST. I just wanted to remind myself of that, as I've been censored numerous times all around the internets. There are countries and ISPs that can set their own policies for controlling their people, but at the end of each tube of the internet there is a micromanaged site who get to arbitrarily set their own standards and policies regarding censorship.

    I went on Match dot com or Chemistry (one of those or similar sites) about 4-8 years ago (I seriously cannot remember when it was). The intention was for both me and my wife to create profiles and see if they tried to match us up (just a little curious experiment). We were never able to test it, as my profile had been immediately removed because I used "fuck" in some adjective emphatic context. I was sent an email detailing the violation of the TOS, and demanded that I write a lengthy apologetic letter explaining why I would ever defy their wishes, and additionally would have to convince them that I was genuinely remorseful over my actions if I wanted them to reactivate it. I sent them a letter alright, but I don't think I kept it since I've been through a couple hard drives since then. I do recall this much, I used some matter of phrasing in this letter that I joined their site in order to meet up with the children of the site creators/operators so that I could fuck them, and that my choice of diction was the least of their worries.

    So that's it, that's why you all have come to know me as one who partakes in carnal pleasures with young supple bodies. I have developed a relationship with the subject that not only helps me examine the levity of the readers and site ops, but can be genuinely humorous if you're skilled with it. This also goes for rape, murder, etc.
    Last edited by mjmacky; 03-13-2012 at 06:37 PM. Reason: did the maths
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  2. The Drawing Room   -   #2
    Quarterquack's Avatar sprclfrglstcxpldcs BT Rep: +3
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    Nice save. Why, though? Who do you think is following you?
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  3. The Drawing Room   -   #3
    chalice's Avatar ____________________
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    One wonders why you feel any need to qualify this.

    Clearly, judging on past form, any sniff of proved paedophilia has been handed to the authorities or banned forthwith.

    Edgy humour is a different matter. I agree. Abstract humour, placed in context is funny no matter what. However, why do you feel the need to make a post in the cemetery of this board to legitimise it? I applaud your breaching of boundaries.

    Joke about stuff all you like, but joke about it where somebody actually gives a fuck.

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #4
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    No explanation necessary, you fucking deviant.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #5
    manker's Avatar effendi
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    my name is manker mankerson and I make jokes about spastics even though I have nothing against them really, I even made friends with one once on holiday when I was about ten.

    I plan on beating him to death with his kids. I'll use them as a bludgeon on his face. -

    --Good for them if they survive.

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #6
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    You guys seem to be missing that this isn't about pedophilia at all, it's about free speech. I was inspired to post about it while pondering upon oppression around the world, and around all the microcosmic societies on the net. I thought sexy little school girls just might spice it up.
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  7. The Drawing Room   -   #7
    Artemis's Avatar ¿ןɐɯɹou ǝq ʎɥʍ BT Rep: +3
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post
    You guys seem to be missing that this isn't about pedophilia at all, it's about free speech. I was inspired to post about it while pondering upon oppression around the world, and around all the microcosmic societies on the net. I thought sexy little school girls just might spice it up.
    When I first read your little story I was stoned out of my tree, so sentient comment wasn't really on the agenda. The one thing that struck me, and has stayed with me while I considered your story was great concept, rather bizarre vehicle for your stance. What I mean by this is is, yes I get it, I clearly understand that your stance is about free speech and you revel in the birdbath that is the FST lounge because everyone can say what they want (as long as it is sane), but your vehicle to carry your protest against the censorship you rail at, is rather a twisted one.

    Yes it is confrontational, yes you like getting in peoples faces, and so paedophilia as a vehicle for free speech was bound to get a reaction, but you must remember, putting the levity aside, that it is a subject which causes considerable human suffering to a very vulnerable part of society. I say this because as a father myself, there have been times when the tone has made me cringe slightly.

    I know it is in jest, I understand the black humor and sometimes too it made me laugh, but there is still the core, the truth that it is a subject that continues to cause needless suffering, and I cannot completely divorce the part of me that is the father of a young daughter, from the internet persona that is Artemis.

    This is in no way meant as any form of approbation, it is more an explanation of my personal feelings towards your choice of weapon to fight the censors who inhabit so called free speech forums and attempt to force their moral code upon others. I see the censorship myself, I have more than a few 'concerned' pm's and the banhammer dropped for inappropriate behavior, but although I have usually suggested they have sex with a variety of threshing implements, I never felt the urge to push the boundaries with any kind of a sexual deviancy.


  8. The Drawing Room   -   #8
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Artemis View Post
    When I first read your little story I was stoned out of my tree, so sentient comment wasn't really on the agenda. The one thing that struck me, and has stayed with me while I considered your story was great concept, rather bizarre vehicle for your stance. What I mean by this is is, yes I get it, I clearly understand that your stance is about free speech and you revel in the birdbath that is the FST lounge because everyone can say what they want (as long as it is sane), but your vehicle to carry your protest against the censorship you rail at, is rather a twisted one.

    Yes it is confrontational, yes you like getting in peoples faces, and so paedophilia as a vehicle for free speech was bound to get a reaction, but you must remember, putting the levity aside, that it is a subject which causes considerable human suffering to a very vulnerable part of society. I say this because as a father myself, there have been times when the tone has made me cringe slightly.

    I know it is in jest, I understand the black humor and sometimes too it made me laugh, but there is still the core, the truth that it is a subject that continues to cause needless suffering, and I cannot completely divorce the part of me that is the father of a young daughter, from the internet persona that is Artemis.

    This is in no way meant as any form of approbation, it is more an explanation of my personal feelings towards your choice of weapon to fight the censors who inhabit so called free speech forums and attempt to force their moral code upon others. I see the censorship myself, I have more than a few 'concerned' pm's and the banhammer dropped for inappropriate behavior, but although I have usually suggested they have sex with a variety of threshing implements, I never felt the urge to push the boundaries with any kind of a sexual deviancy.
    That's just the thing Art, nobody has ever exhibited a majorly negative reaction on here (in terms of being offended), including you. It's supposed to deliver a cringe or a laugh, but never a report and subsequent censorship. I think the expectation for levity prevents any of us from expressing our true prejudices, so I think I am kind of doing this out of consideration for all to air their grievances or criticisms (which is why I must have put it in the drawering room). I think I may have put it into overdrive a few times and felt it just needed some brake shoe friction.

    There is a topic I was going to bring up once in its own thread, one that puzzles me, but given my tendency to speak so lightly about cross-generational boot knocking, I have prevented myself to do so without introducing some confusion (i.e. do I treat it as a joke or seriously?). That particular subject was about teachers fucking their elementary school students (for male teachers it happens in later grades like high school, the female teacher take the bolder step to pick them out even younger), it's like some epidemic in Florida and really boggles my mind. There was a week when I heard 3 stories about it, and I sat in the car thinking WTF?! I wanted to start an FST thread about it, but backed down in response to my previously described reasoning.

    Not just that, there's also rape, racism, and rapist racism, aka rapicism. There are a plethora of shticks to choose from, I tried to retire the pedo thing once but found too many opportunities to play that card after the proclamation. I'm not really a fan of fruit, so if I'm going to have any at all, it has to be low-hanging.
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  9. The Drawing Room   -   #9
    Quarterquack's Avatar sprclfrglstcxpldcs BT Rep: +3
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    When I saw you were the latest poster, Alien, I opened the thread expecting some moronic 1-word response.

    I overestimated your intelligence.
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  10. The Drawing Room   -   #10
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Cicero View Post
    When I saw you were the latest poster, Alien, I opened the thread expecting some moronic 1-word response.

    I overestimated your intelligence.
    You made me click "view post" as he is still the only member on here that I keep on ignore. He seems to be even more non-comprehending and nonfunctional than either zig or jdye. Messing up the quote is the only reason it let him make the post.

    Edit: reported his post, letting it be known for transparency's sake.
    Last edited by mjmacky; 03-15-2012 at 04:52 AM.
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