Cinderella was sitting in her rocking chair, patting her cat, Puss-in-Boots in her lap, when her Fairy God Mother appeared. "Hi Cindy", said her FGM, "This is a follow up visit. Are you happy with your life? And Prince Charming?".

"Oh,", said Cinderella, "The years with Prince Charming were so good. He was so kind and generous, but he didn't know how to invest and ended up selling our palace. He died working in our plantation many years ago, and that's why I'm old and shrivelled, poor and all alone in this cottage, except for my pet cat, Puss-in-Boots.".

Seeing a potential lawsuit for Undelivered Promises looming in the horizon, Fairy GodMother promptly granted Cinderella three more wishes.

For her first wish, Cinderella wished that she was rich again. With a swish of her wand, FGM transformed the cottage into a beautiful, luxurious palace, loaded with urns overflowing with gold coins and jewels.

For her second wish, Cinderella wished for her youth back. And swoosh, with a second wave of the magic wand, Cinderella's ash-grey hair turned luxurious and golden blonde, her back straightened, her boobs swelled and regained her former perkiness, and Cinderella was restored to the lush blossom of her youth.

Resplendent in her former glory, Cinderella was feeling a certain moist heat in her formerly dessicated nether regions. For her third wish, Cindy asked for her Prince Charming back, but the FGM could not bring back the dead. So, Cinderella considered, and said, "Well, my faithful cat, Puss-in-Boots has kept me company for these many years since Prince Charming died. So, I would like him to be transformed into a man to keep me company for the rest of my years."

And with a final swish of her wand, Puss-in-Boots's fur fell away. He stood up, and sprouted long, golden locks on his head, and rapidly grew into a handsome, muscular young man. Her duties fulfilled, the FGM vanished again.

"Oh Boots," moaned Cinderella, as she hugged and peppered kissed on his lips, pressing her heaving bossom to his manly chest, "How I have longed for this day..."

To which Puss-in-Boots replied, "I bet you regret having me fixed NOW, huh?".