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Thread: Its Not Over Yet ! Lol

  1. #1
    Kazaa-Lite -v- Kazaa

    "K-lite may have suffered a setback - but it's far from over.

    "I personally believe that Sharman kicked themselves when they went after k-lite. This is the one excuse that k-lite has needed to act up."

    Bravado or just the facts? Time will tell.

    In the meanwhile the quote came from Razz, K-Lite's IRC admin during an interview with's news team, who originally broke the news that Sharman Networks, owner of Korporate Klub wannabe Kazaa, was trying to shut its nemesis, Kazaa Lite, down, using the DMCA as a bludgeon.

    It used a similar tactic a while back when it used it to force Google to remove or disable all access to the Infringing Material, said infringing material being references to Kazaa-Lite.

    The PG guys also spoke to moderator RatFaced.

    Now read on >>>>>>>>>>>>>> News Team
    What do you think about the Kazaa lite shut-down?

    K-lite may have suffered a setback but it is far from over. I personally believe that Sharman kicked themselves when they went after k-lite. This is the one excuse that k-lite has needed to act up. Now I'm not gonna say I know for certain what is going to happen in the next few weeks and months, but I do not see k-lite dying out like this.

    K-lite isn't shut down - We're evolving. We have always supported P2p in general, only concentrating on k-lite as Fasttrack was the largest network. Sharman's programs are notoriously crap, so if we don't give a decent k-lite, someone else will. News Team
    So you think this is just a setback?

    Well, Yes. I mean look at the developers we have on k-lite and look at the things they have accomplished. I seriously doubt they are going to let Sharman shut them down.

    Sharman made the grievous error of killing their own network when they attempted to rid fasttrack of k-lite, as most of the genuine users and sharers tend to use k-lite.

    It may not even be a set back ... it could be a push forward. There are 1000's of ways to distribute a program, if people want that program and others are willing to develop it. By attempting to take away something from someone that they enjoy, all that happens is that those people work all the harder. Sometimes they do this when they would otherwise have moved on to another project, just to give the finger to the Authority Figure.

    I think what Sharman doesn't realise is that Development was never organised. It was a group of people saying, Look at this, and someone putting all these things into an installer ... it wasn't rocket science. News Team
    A few months ago the WASTE system was shut down by AOL Time Warner, but it is still going strong on the net. Will the same thing happen with K-Lite?

    I can't see k-lite dying. They claim that V2.6 won't accept k-lite onto the supernodes and k-lite doesn't allow supernodes. This isn't true. K-lite's default is not to be a supernode. However, you can force k-lite to be a node. You cant force Kazaa. At most, k-lite will form a sub-network within fastrack. However, as the switched-on Fastrack users use k-lite, and we have therefore have a lower proportion of leeches, it's Kazaa users who are going to lose out.

    The k-lite board encourages other p2p programs, so very often the k-lite users have the latest releases. Kazaa users don't know what BT, IRC and newsgroups are or they wouldn't be using Kazaa.

    This is not their first attempt at locking out k-lite and it won't be the last. But as has been suggested by many people already, at the worst k-lite will end up forming its own sub-network. This may even be a good thing as I have already mentioned many of the genuine sharers use k-lite and thus we rid ourselves of many of the leeches and fake fileshares in on fell swoop

    Now I know the question about supernodes has arisen. News Team
    Yes, will Kazaa Lite function without the existance of kazaa?

    K-lite allows a user to force to be a supernode and thus help maintain the network. I myself have always been a supernode and I'm sure that many users will continue to do so. Kazaa-lite may even be better off without the existence of kazaa.

    I mean, I personally associate kazaa as one of the most known and thus more leech populated p2p mediums. Kazaa and fake files with all its leeches has been a major problem of FastTrack for a long time and this may actually work in our favour in the respect we manage to get rid of alot of that. Most k-lite users understand the concept of verified files and how to ensure not getting fakes.

    I am very excited by the concept of a new network just for k-lite. News Team
    So this is definitely not the end?

    I don't think so
    . I think it's just Sharman yet again shooting themselves in the foot. If they ever managed to remove k-lite from fastrack; there are ONLY fakes, leeches and corrupted mp3's left. How long will people stay on fasttrack then? And where will their revenue come from?

    Their management thinking is obviously as bad as their programming. News Team
    Doesn't it seem hypocritical that KMD are trying to attack K-Lite for copyright infringement, considering the true purpose of the Kazaa network?

    Well of course it does. But one thing you have to remember is that Sharman is not in the p2p business to bring the community together and promote freedom of data across the Internet. They are in it for the cold hard cash.

    K-lite was stopping them from acquiring even more money and thus had to be stopped. News Team
    OK, thanks for your time.

    I have to say that the above is my opinion, and can't be stated as k-lite board's. I'm not admin, and haven't got authority to speak on their behalf.
    I just wanted to pretty much state that there were my personal opinions and I am looking forward to see what the devs pull out of their hat ... since in the time that I have known the k-lite community its one thing I'm sure of - they will come up with something, they always do.

    (Wednesday 10 December 2003)



    PSlease a mod to remove the m from my topic title.Thank you.

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    Lord of the KLF
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hampshire, England
    lol emm they did a teeny mistake in that btw lol

    the end bit that starts
    I just wanted to pretty much state that there were my personal opinions and I am looking forward to see what the devs pull out of their hat ... since in the time that I have known the k-lite community its one thing I'm sure of - they will come up with something, they always do.
    that was not RF that was me lol - its been corrected on their main site already


  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    nostalgia's Avatar Frequent visitor
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    Well to both of you a big applause. Well spoken/written words!
    -- They tell me tomorrow will never arrive, but I've seen it end a million times. --

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    BigBank_Hank's Avatar Move It On Over
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    I just wanted to show my support. Ditto to the above.

  5. File Sharing   -   #5
    thewizeard's Avatar re-member BT Rep: +1
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    Well spoken Rat_Faced and kRAyZZed!

    Maybe we ketchup lovers can even create a coallition with the bolognese lovers, against Mr. Sharman...No. no, no... things are not that bad!

  6. File Sharing   -   #6
    Join Date
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    Good to hear there may be some light at the end of the fasttrack tunnel
    Stay positive everyone!!

  7. File Sharing   -   #7
    I applaud those taking on Sharman and will support u, but unless the file situation improves on FT (as is mentioned in the interview) the network will only wither,

    Even so, u guys gave me the best tools when I was a nb to p2p so I'll do whatever I can to prolong KL. I've become a node and will stay in touch with the forum for more ways to fight this.
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  8. File Sharing   -   #8
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  9. File Sharing   -   #9
    zapjb's Avatar Computer Abuser BT Rep: +3
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    Very, very nice! Yes, F the devil (shitman) with his own tail.

  10. File Sharing   -   #10
    Best Line:>>>

    If they ever managed to remove k-lite from fastrack; there are ONLY fakes, leeches and corrupted mp3's left. How long will people stay on fasttrack then? And where will their revenue come from?
    Absolutely. Kazaa is full of RIAA sponsored fakes, scratchy mp3s, & it's usually only k-lite users who are sharing, or more accurately, the sharers of REAL files. We bring the best to fast-track

    But How do they expect to keep Kazaa-Media-Desktop "in business," if there's nothing left to offer? If we go, so go the honest people out there, determined to see real win over fake, and avoid the evil lure of spyware generated revenue.


    (only time will tell, don't give up hope!!&#33


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