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Thread: Sig2dat Error

  1. #21
    nsane's Avatar .
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    why can't you make a mature response to anything?

    EVERYTIME something doesnt go your way you start flaming someone like the little spoiled fat kids you see on Maury

    you need to grow up

    btw, i have a 10GB HDD, which is plenty for what i do

  2. File Sharing   -   #22
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Originally posted by nsane@4 May 2004 - 19:01
    why can't you make a mature response to anything?

    EVERYTIME something doesnt go your way you start flaming someone like the little spoiled fat kids you see on Maury

    you need to grow up

    btw, i have a 10GB HDD, which is plenty for what i do
    dude grow up, just because you are kid you don't have to act like one, you did know that right??

  3. File Sharing   -   #23
    nsane's Avatar .
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    your the one acting like a kid, i'm making completely mature responses to your ignorant replies and all you can say is "get a bigger hard drive", which sounds more like a little kid than anything i've posted

    like i said you need to grow up...

    MUSCLEMAN: people wont do things my way, boo hoo hoo hoo....mmmm chicken

  4. File Sharing   -   #24
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
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    All of you do...

    Cool it guys...

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  5. File Sharing   -   #25
    nsane's Avatar .
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    he had a sig2dat problem, why not help him with his problem instead of saying "download klt k++"

    i had no beef with with MM, he decided to flame me for speaking my mind and Lite for posting another way to solve the problem, besides downloading klt k++ (which is what got MM going), but thats not the WHOLE reason he posted, he was simply giving a quicker & better way of solving the problem, in his & my opinions (which we're allowed to have)

    none of that requires him to flame us, tell me to "grow up" and "get a life" & you telling me to "shut my fucking mouth"...i mean it was all just completely uncalled for, its senseless & childish really

    Edit: this was in response to Ghost 1337's, deleted, post

  6. File Sharing   -   #26
    Originally posted by nsane@5 May 2004 - 01:38
    he had a sig2dat problem, why not help him with his problem instead of saying "download klt k++"

    i said that, not MM

    just forget it man

  7. File Sharing   -   #27
    nsane's Avatar .
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    i was speaking about EVERY uneeded post to download klt k++ in general...not just that 1 time

  8. File Sharing   -   #28
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    Originally posted by nsane@4 May 2004 - 21:45
    i was speaking about EVERY uneeded post to download klt k++ in general...not just that 1 time
    there are no unneeded post for downloading klt k++, since when do you decide for other people what they want and when they want it?? we are just informing people of other options they have and that seems to be bothering you. i suppose if it was upto to you, you would just get rid of klt k++ because you don't like it or need it or use it, which is fine but you make your own decision and let others make theirs.

    none of you two business how big the download is, the person will look at it then decide if they want it or k-sig alone they don't need you to decide for them or get mad at us for killing 8 birds with one stone, just because we didn't use the stone you like. get over yourself and let people decide for their own. unlike you we don't tell people one day "oh you need the new version of k-sig" downlaod that.

    second day "oh you need k-dat downlaod that"

    third day "oh get mp3shield"

    day four "oh you need gspot for that"

    day five "oh you need a kazaa corruption fixer"

    day six "oh get the lates kazupernodes"

    day seven "oh you need kanat"

    day eight "on for bin you gonna need to extract it use winiso or isobuster"

    in realizing over the time i have spent here that evey body at one time or another needs these tools, i added them all to klt k++ and ofcourse its bigger because it has all the tools you need. and wtf does the size matter anyways??

    now if you don't like it get over it and let every body else decide what they want they don't need you for that. now grow up and get over yourself

  9. File Sharing   -   #29
    Join Date
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    Yet to be determined
    At least those are solutions to existing problems, not the dreaded " KLT K++, it will fix all your problems"

    I got the Sasser virus, should install KLT K++ maybe it has the removal tool.

  10. File Sharing   -   #30
    jetje's Avatar former star
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    Sep 2002
    well this will be an endless debate this way.. although RF asked to cool it so closing this one

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