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Thread: Kazaa Protector V1.0

  1. #41
    Kazaa Protector works gr8. tested n satisfied. 1 BIG bug(well, not a bug actually).i keep the protector to keep ppl from seeing wat im downloading(like my little bro) n not keeping ppl fm messing with the downloads.
    pls add a function to password protect the My Shared Folder because wats the whole point in locking Kazaa when ppl kw wat ur downloading. i kw ppl will come up wit cons like ppl can close down Kazaa n Kazaa Protector n then access the My Shared Folder, but for ppl like me(n LOTS of others) its not a problem as we leave Kazaa on 24/7.
    pls add a function SOMEHOW to password protect the My Shared Folder
    10x a bunch in advance

  2. File Sharing   -   #42
    i think i saw a post under the tips section by preventing access to a folder by adding a (_) to the path in DOS mode. u can try that. wen we lock Kazaa it can also automatically add the (_) in DOS mode therby preventing access to the folder. other ppl wont suspect its such an easy method n think that Kazaa protector came up wit smetin new to protect folders. atleast its better than leaving the folder unprotected!!
    u could even rip off other softwares to find other methods but that would add to the file-size of the app
    just a thought

  3. File Sharing   -   #43
    - do you think it could also lock My Shared Folder? THIS WOULD BE PERFECT!!!

    - Close Install button doesn't work for installer

    - use the very nice lock icon for the desktop shortcut

    - When you right-click the tray icon of KzLock, the menu doesn't disappear when you click outside of it

    - When you install it more than once and look in Tools and Other cd_clints of KLExtensions, Kazaa Protector is there multiple times

    - still not fullproof. One can delete the registry entry of KLExt, can delete the Kzlock.exe file, can delete the cd_clint files, etc. Maybe make these files in use by windows so they can't be deleted? Maybe recreate the registry every time if not present? I dunno, something....

    Also, if auto-lock isn't on, then one can get in kazaa quite easily, by the two methods (A. and B.) I mentioned before.
    it won't stop any knowledgeable computer user...

    THX man

  4. File Sharing   -   #44
    hey u kw i thing, it just struck me that ne1 can just delete the KzLock.exe n the KzLockAddOn.dll and Voila! there u have it, no more protection. i think u should rename the KzLockAddOn.dll to smething more technical n less eye catching so ppl wont notice it easily.i kw ppl can still delete it if they want to but its just a lil eXtra precaution.
    N if u could delete KzLock.exe it would be nice to confirm wit password(i kw it aint posssible but atleast wen kazaa is on, it would atleast help those like myself who leave kazaa on 24/7 n for ppl for who kazaa starts at system startup)

  5. File Sharing   -   #45

    still not fullproof. One can delete the registry entry of KLExt, can delete the Kzlock.exe file, can delete the cd_clint files, etc. Maybe make these files in use by windows so they can't be deleted? Maybe recreate the registry every time if not present? I dunno, something....
    lol, you make me laff, of course its not fullproof, nothing is ... as soon as a program is charged in memory you can change it as much as you want ... just see what k++ make with the original kazaa prog

    when you use a keygen for your favorite prog or game, guess how it was made ... if you cant block Kzlock, then you crack it

    only tested with NTFS and XP PRO and a admin account:

    to protect your files from other users
    1) rigth click on file or folder
    2) under general tab, near read-only and hidden, click on advanced button
    3) click on encrypt data to secure content

    now that file dould only be used by your account... if it work well you should see his name as green

  6. File Sharing   -   #46
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Diego, CA
    Well indeed nothing is fullproof, but remmember that 90% of the people in earth are computer-diss~abled, so this may protect you from that percentage.

    Anybody with half a brain can get over any protection, including re-installing, reset the app password etc. or just delete as so elegently put,

    Now "Locking" the shared folder wud-nt help one bit, since people can just browse for it.

    there is one more way!!! but it cud be as fix by a simple re-install.

  7. File Sharing   -   #47
    Yes, absolutely no "Protector" program (including Windows accounts etc.) can be 100% foolproof. They can all be hacked/cracked in some way. But this program will protect against a large number of users, mostly beginners. But this program was made just to protect those siblings from touching/seeing your downloads, and this program does the job well (Especially for users who can limit access to the registry.) And for those who really want to password protect their My Shared Folder, maybe KzLock can change the dynamic ksharedfolder.exe/registry key so that the path ends with '_' or it changes the path or something until KzLock is unlocked.

    P.S. Yes, Close Install button doesn't work, and a desktop shortcut with the KzLock icon is needed (can be optional at setup of course). And possibly also options whether to install KL Extensions menu item etc. (And also remember this program maybe for normal Kazaa users, who may not have KL Extensions installed. So maybe a specialised (selectable/detection of whether KL Extensions is installed etc.) version that only replaces the cd_clint.dll or something...)

  8. File Sharing   -   #48
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Diego, CA
    Well this is more bullet proof than the last.
    Remmember that its still in beta so send in your bugz.

    KzLock v1.1 for K++ 2.0.3 (ALPHA)

    This offers a more HARD TO BEAT aproatch.
    TEMPORARY WEEKNESS : Installer resets configuration (PASSWORD INCLUDED). this will be taken care off on first release.

    I had to push this one down to ALPHA since its testing is to beging with your help.

    YES YES a general version will come out soon. K++ vALL

  9. File Sharing   -   #49
    secfan, im not only talking of disabling my shared folder through the shortcut but also through the windows explorer. isnt there neway of preventing access to a folder through windows explorer??!? theres got to be, if there aint pls hide the folder atleast wen the lock is activated n unhide it when unlocked, THE 90% would think it disappeared

  10. File Sharing   -   #50
    Originally posted by winXPHE@28 March 2003 - 11:57
    secfan, im not only talking of disabling my shared folder through the shortcut but also through the windows explorer. isnt there neway of preventing access to a folder through windows explorer??!? theres got to be, if there aint pls hide the folder atleast wen the lock is activated n unhide it when unlocked, THE 90% would think it disappeared
    I'm not sure if you can do it under Windows Explorer and other browsers etc. Maybe Microsoft has some info about it... But also hiding the folder would be a good idea (especially if the settings are changed so that hidden folders are not viewed... some people have limited access to those settings but other people that know how to change it can still easily change it... as i said this program is good for protecting siblings or beginner users but advanced users can still probably crack some other things as nothing is 100% foolproof - maybe the My Shared Folder, but maybe they may not be able to crack this new version of KzLock that is fully integrated with KL.)

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