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Thread: This board breeds assholes

  1. #21
    befriending someone for the sole purpose of benefiting from them is quite low. Though I'm sure their motivation for friendship would look pretty apparent right at the uptake to any1 with a brain.

    It is unfortunate that the current system runs on social engineering. What does the ability to sweet talk ones way around forums have to do with ones ability to seed generously? Being an former forum adict once I can say, there is life outside of MMORPG and Online Forums.

    Invites seem like nothing more than a popularity contest for forum members.

    In the end it's the trackers lost when socialites are invited instead of great seeders.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #22
    TheFoX's Avatar
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    Do you know what? There are some genuine people in this place we call FST!

    Take the guy that offered me an OiNK invite, out of the blue, because someone had offered him an invite to another community, and he was in a good mood.

    Take the guys that contribute in a positive manner to this place, and as a reward for their maturity, are respected members at a number of torrent sites.

    While there may be the 'grabit' merchants, there are a fair few genuine people here who don't want, want, want...

    Yes, I have received begging PMs for invites, but I ignore them. We all get them on occasion. What makes this place special is that for each rotten apple, there is a wholesome apple. Judge not all members by the few who ruin it. If you do, then you would be stereotyping FST members.

    Also remember that the glass is not half empty, but half full. It may take a bit of effort, but there are potential friends here, who will help you without an ulterior motive.

    As for the WIAW thread, it does generate some negative vibes, but even without it, an invite at one of the rare trackers would still be rare, regardless, and everyone would be wise to the fact (especially this lot)...

  3. BitTorrent   -   #23
    ... can't touch this BT Rep: +1
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    lol Shadowfire

    Quote Originally Posted by LinkS v2.0 View Post
    wiaw is where the downfall started
    thanks patrotforeve
    Indeed, but don't forget about syD. He was the one who created the thread in the very beginning, Buggy and Patriot just took over after he retired. Of course, they're all responsible for ruining the bittorrent community.

    It's sad that now whenever someone discovers the world of torrenting, they soon become invite traders, and it's all because of sites like this that basically encourage them.

  4. BitTorrent   -   #24
    i have to clarify something here
    actually i really dont, i think some people are just stupid around here
    i didn't become friends with a guy in order to get an invite, how would i know in 6 months time id want an invite from him? im not sure how someone could think i talked to someone for 6 months for the sole purpose of obtaining an invite.
    also, i did not say have a friend buy you drinks repeatedly. it is a simple test one time to see if a person is a quality friend. if they aren't willing to spare $2 once in their life for you, are they a real friend?
    point is, lets say you had a lifelong friend, and he wouldn't give you an ftn invite because he wanted to potentially trade it at fst. this example is a bit extreme but it gets the point across. no im sorry, i know we have been friends for 20 years now, you are my daughter's godfather, and you saved my life, but i want to trade my ftn invite for fsc to make my epenis bigger.
    Last edited by furip2k; 11-07-2007 at 03:20 AM.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #25
    Ænima's Avatar 2 in 1 BT Rep: +1
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    No, it doesn't... maybe it just bred you; but that's not my problem, it's yours. Ist mir wurst.

    Quote Originally Posted by furip2k View Post
    i didn't become friends with a guy in order to get an invite, how would i know in 6 months time id want an invite from him? im not sure how someone could think i talked to someone for 6 months for the sole purpose of obtaining an invite.
    also, i did not say have a friend buy you drinks repeatedly. it is a simple test one time to see if a person is a quality friend. if they aren't willing to spare $2 once in their life for you, are they a real friend?
    point is, lets say you had a lifelong friend, and he wouldn't give you an ftn invite because he wanted to potentially trade it at fst. this example is a bit extreme but it gets the point across. no im sorry, i know we have been friends for 20 years now, you are my daughter's godfather, and you saved my life, but i want to trade my ftn invite for fsc to make my epenis bigger.
    Erm... welcome to the shallowness that is the intarwebz, I guess. Yeesh... I think some one needs some daylight. I mean that in the most humble and compassionate way possible. Then again, you can't trust anything I say, can you? Oh well...
    Last edited by Ænima; 11-07-2007 at 04:21 AM. Reason: grammar

  6. BitTorrent   -   #26
    Detale's Avatar Go Snatch a Judge
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    Dude if you dont like it here feel free to leave! I mean it we can disable your acct easily just say the word I would love to help you on your way. If there is something you don't like here TRY AND CHANGE IT! Don't just sit there and bitch about it, that does nothing but annoy people. OK I am a mod here and even I don't completely agree with 100% of all FST policies, but do you hear me complaining? No instead I try and help members and staffers alike. No need for name calling and badmouthing it here. Sure there are stupid people here, and what there are no other stupid people anywhere else in the world?? Gues what there are stupid people everywhere. Including one starting this thread. What do you hope to accomplish by posting this? If it bothers you so much GTFO!

    @ Fox I think you are a very wholesome apple

  7. BitTorrent   -   #27
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowfire View Post
    Without the What Friends are Worth thread, how would you know which friends you need to keep for trading favors? Friend rarity isn't created equal


  8. BitTorrent   -   #28
    Ænima's Avatar 2 in 1 BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skizo View Post
    Is that supposed to be an emoticon

  9. BitTorrent   -   #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Detale View Post
    Dude if you dont like it here feel free to leave! I mean it we can disable your acct easily just say the word I would love to help you on your way. If there is something you don't like here TRY AND CHANGE IT! Don't just sit there and bitch about it, that does nothing but annoy people. OK I am a mod here and even I don't completely agree with 100% of all FST policies, but do you hear me complaining? No instead I try and help members and staffers alike. No need for name calling and badmouthing it here. Sure there are stupid people here, and what there are no other stupid people anywhere else in the world?? Gues what there are stupid people everywhere. Including one starting this thread. What do you hope to accomplish by posting this? If it bothers you so much GTFO!

    @ Fox I think you are a very wholesome apple
    you're an asshole for a mod. seriously though, reread your post. is that something a mod would say? i bet you are going to warn me or something for saying this, but a little kindness there man... and i already addressed everything you said. i said it was just a rant and you flip out and act like i endangered your family. chill. is this the first post ever to bitch about WIAW and the community? no.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #30
    Cheffy's Avatar Slut up ! BT Rep: +4
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    Æmima, just google: Sage definition.

    I had to do it a few days ago :p

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