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Thread: Riaa To Announce Amnesty For File Sharing

  1. #21
    I hear ya!!! Good Point. Next they will ban taping movies on VHS tapes
    from TV Cable.... Doesn't make sense!! We already pay outrageous cable fees since nowadays you can't even get a good reception without cable. Vhs's will be obsolete in a few years
    anyway!! What are they going to do when DVD recorders FOR your TV
    become more affordable and everyone owns one? What's the difference between
    taping on a VHS or on a DVD? Or even downloading from a site other than taping from your TV or a double cd player/burner? Or taping a song using a plain ordinary cassete player off your radio? As with recording movies from cable TV with a VCR, everyone does it for their own PERSONAL library... we don't "sell" them!! How come that's not illegal? And if it was, they better start building jails right away to house multi TRILLIONS of people!! And if the RIAA people want to bitch, well then they could pay for them!! See how they would like that!!! Watch 'em run then!!! As for the recording Artists, they make enough money already...when they're not hanging babies out the window that is,
    and if they feel they are getting "ripped off", what about us? How much is a decent music CD anyways. What, $20 - $30 and most people just like ONE song on it!!! Isn't that the reason why radio cassette recorders were invented, what, about 30 years ago? And I hate to admit it... but the stuff
    you download from here is NOT like a 100 % perfect and it certainly won't stop people
    from BUYING new Dvd's or CD's, now would it? So as far as it affecting their
    recording rights, etc... it will affect them just as badly when cassette recorders, Vhs recorders and cable TV were invented. They must be nuts if they can't figure that out!!!! If they're making a big hoo haa over downloading from this site just so someone can enjoy their own personal collection of music or movies...why didn't they do the same with tape cassettes and VHS recorders! What the hell is the difference!!!!!

    Well, let's see how the manufacturer's of blank CD's and DVD's
    feel about all this... My guess is that they aren't too happy, are they? What about the computer companies with their sales of DVD and CD burners included within
    their computers... how are THEY feeling about all this? RIAA PEOPLE... YOU MAY BE BITING OFF MORE THAN YOU CAN CHEW... sorry.


  2. File Sharing   -   #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Yet to be determined
    I'm going to admit I share songs illegally.


    If I were insane.

    Live long Kazaa++ :beerchug:

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