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Thread: Bargain?

  1. #11
    i kind of skimmed the review, making note of the con stated in the conclusion
    i'm also wondering why they used such apparently 'slow' memory...

    hopefully it's not gonna matter hugely anyway, but it does look like a good budget/middle range card
    <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>BLAH</span>

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  2. Software & Hardware   -   #12
    DarthInsinuate's Avatar Died in battle
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    skimming through i don&#39;t think it mentioned the card has a temp. sensor

    i don&#39;t really get all those finer details - i just know its a 9600pro and its cheap
    The Sexay Half Of ABBA And Max: Freelance Plants

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #13
    3rd gen, my friend;

    you are going to be really happy with that card. I am stoked because you are going to be stoked on that card. It appears to me that if well overclocked, you can get the performance of the 9500 pro, which is one badass sample (no hiccups in games or anything at all)...Midnight Club 2 is excellent with my 9500 softmod/pro, I am sure you will be a Radeon freak after you try one. The image quality boost itself from the Radeon series will also be a cause for a "yipppie&#33;"

    Anyways, dude, make sure that you, after, of course, downloading and installing the newest Catalyst driver set (it depends on your preference, I personally use Omega&#39;s driver set as it has the 9500non pro>9500 pro mod integrated into the install, and they are nice too...) and control panel that you download and install (doesen&#39;t one go with the other...make sure NOT to download the whole the driver and control panel and NOT the "package for high speed connections" as you are not getting the "All in Wonder card series")

    After installing the drivers and connecting the card to the power source (the card will probably be one freaking powerhog) and achieving stability, install Rage 3d tweak, the best radeon tweaker

    And Follow this guide as it walks you throught the more advanced feature set of Rage 3d Tweak...

    Anyways, dude, I am happy for ya, keep us updated...

    your bud B)

  4. Software & Hardware   -   #14
    thanks for the advice
    i downloaded this driver set from the ati site today:


    heard some bad stories about older ati drivers (hasn&#39;t everyone) so i&#39;m not taking my chances with the ones that come with the card...

    i&#39;ll take a look at the rage site, but i&#39;m not really looking to overclock as soon as i get it
    i&#39;ll try running for a period at standard speeds, if i want more performance (hopefully i won&#39;t) then i&#39;ll give it a go

    i overclocked the card i have just now (geforce 3ti200) from 175/400 to a stable 209/500, so i know of the huge benefits, but hopefully i won&#39;t need to overclock too soon...

    anyway, i should have the card and my new hard drive any time between 8am and 6pm today...i&#39;m looking forward to it
    <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>BLAH</span>

    <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Wayne Rooney - A thug and a thief</span>

  5. Software & Hardware   -   #15
    From that X bit article it seems that the card is already a little overclocked from the default speeds. You should not need to overclock to see massive improvements from your older card. Just make sure to play with the Rage 3d app in "advanced tweaker mode." For sure you should set "3dNow" because you have an AMD based system. BTW, do you overclock that?

  6. Software & Hardware   -   #16
    Originally posted by adamp2p@23 September 2003 - 05:05
    From that X bit article it seems that the card is already a little overclocked from the default speeds.&nbsp; You should not need to overclock to see massive improvements from your older card.&nbsp; Just make sure to play with the Rage 3d app in "advanced tweaker mode."&nbsp; For sure you should set "3dNow" because you have an AMD based system.&nbsp; BTW, do you overclock that?
    ok, will do
    thanks for the help, again

    i&#39;ve not really overclocked my current cpu, i only did it once a wee while ago...
    went up about 50MHz (not a huge difference, but enough to &#39;transform&#39; my 2700 into a 2800...

    i think my current setup is pretty good anyway, with regards to cpu performance, i don&#39;t really work it hard, only some games and occasional movie conversion...
    <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>BLAH</span>

    <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Wayne Rooney - A thug and a thief</span>

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