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Thread: Newspost / Newsmangler

  1. #1

    I have been trying to post a file to newsgroups for awhile. I need to be able to script the newsgroup upload. the issue I am having here is newspost dosen't create nzb files, and newsmangler appears to freeze up, it never uploads anything (I am using Linux).

    I saw a post on these forums from zrubavel stating he had a patch for newspost that supports nzb after uploading, unfortunately the file has expired.

    maybe someone has an idea of what I can do to generate the nzb after all the files have uploaded.

    newsmangler seems awesome if only it worked. This is my exact issue:

    Let me know if these is anything anyone can help me with.



  2. Newsgroups   -   #2
    Would it not make sense to just visit Binsearch or something and create the NZB from there?

  3. Newsgroups   -   #3
    Quote Originally Posted by 3Bees View Post
    Would it not make sense to just visit Binsearch or something and create the NZB from there?
    That is possible, but can I do it automatically? I have an idea how to with using perl and search for the file create and download the nzb then add it, just thought it would be nice to use 1 step.

  4. Newsgroups   -   #4
    Newsmangler is distributed with several different yEnc encoding modules. One of them (yenc-vanilla) mangles yEnc, it's defective so don't use that specific module.

  5. Newsgroups   -   #5
    Quote Originally Posted by mesaman View Post
    Newsmangler is distributed with several different yEnc encoding modules. One of them (yenc-vanilla) mangles yEnc, it's defective so don't use that specific module.
    Thank you, I am using Freddie's yenc but the program still appears to be locking up in poll() do you use newsmangler what command line options do you use? Can you give me an example of the output?

  6. Newsgroups   -   #6
    Quote Originally Posted by mesaman View Post
    Newsmangler is distributed with several different yEnc encoding modules. One of them (yenc-vanilla) mangles yEnc, it's defective so don't use that specific module.
    How do you select the different yenc modules?

  7. Newsgroups   -   #7
    Quote Originally Posted by cola View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by mesaman View Post
    Newsmangler is distributed with several different yEnc encoding modules. One of them (yenc-vanilla) mangles yEnc, it's defective so don't use that specific module.
    How do you select the different yenc modules?
    newsmangler just detects it automatically after install:

    call1 newsmangler # ./ -f 'outtahere' -c sample.conf /home/john/newsmangler/iso/install-amd64-minimal-20120223.iso
    2012-03-04 18:38:13,615 [INFO] Using yenc-fred module for yEnc encoding.
    2012-03-04 18:38:13,888 [INFO] Posting 1 article(s)...
    ^X^CTraceback (most recent call last):
    File "./", line 146, in <module>
    File "./", line 141, in main
    File "/home/john/newsmangler/classes/", line 154, in post

    Here is my sample.conf
    ## Directory to download files into.
    #directory: ~/news

    # Create a per-group directory and save files into it?
    #use_group_dir: 0

    # Create a directory based on the .nzb filename and save files into it? If
    # you have the above option enabled, you'll end up with "group/nzbname".
    #use_nzb_dir: 1

    # The 'From' address to put on posts. If you change this then try to resume
    # a posting, many clients will get confused. Set it once, then leave it
    from: TVROCKz <[email protected]>

    # Default group you'd like to post to. If you'd like to post to more than
    # one group at a time, seperate the group names with commas.
    # default_group: alt.binaries.test,alt.binaries.test.yenc
    default_group: alt.binaries.test

    # Size of each article in bytes.
    article_size: 768000
    #article_size: 240000

    # String to prefix to each subject.

    # Generate a .NZB for each post?
    generate_nzbs: 1

    # Space seperated list of filenames to skip when posting.

    # Group aliases in the form "short: long".
    abt: alt.binaries.test
    abty: alt.binaries.test.yenc

    # NOTE: does nothing!
    # Driver should be 'mysql', 'postgresql' or 'sqlite'
    driver: sqlite

    # Connection info. If using SQLite, you only need to specify 'database'.
    hostname: localhost
    database: pynl
    username: freddie

    # Connection info for the server
    port: 119

    # Authentication info for the server
    username: username
    password: password

    # Number of connections to open to the server
    connections: 10

    # How long to wait (in seconds) between connection attempts
    reconnect_delay: 10

    When doing a tcpdump I see the connection to port 119 and when I ctrl+c I see the disconnect, but I do not ever see any files transfer

  8. Newsgroups   -   #8
    Quote Originally Posted by cola View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by mesaman View Post
    Newsmangler is distributed with several different yEnc encoding modules. One of them (yenc-vanilla) mangles yEnc, it's defective so don't use that specific module.
    How do you select the different yenc modules?
    I installed yenc-0.3-freddie.tar.gz and the program automatically selects it see command output below.

    Command Output:
    ./ -f 'outtahere' -c sample.conf /home/john/newsmangler/iso/install-amd64-minimal-20120223.iso
    2012-03-04 18:38:57,166 [INFO] Using yenc-fred module for yEnc encoding.
    2012-03-04 18:38:57,428 [INFO] Posting 1 article(s)...
    ^CTraceback (most recent call last):
    File "./", line 146, in <module>
    File "./", line 141, in main
    File "/home/john/newsmangler/classes/", line 154, in post

    ## Directory to download files into.
    #directory: ~/news

    # Create a per-group directory and save files into it?
    #use_group_dir: 0

    # Create a directory based on the .nzb filename and save files into it? If
    # you have the above option enabled, you'll end up with "group/nzbname".
    #use_nzb_dir: 1

    # The 'From' address to put on posts. If you change this then try to resume
    # a posting, many clients will get confused. Set it once, then leave it
    from: TVROCKz <[email protected]>

    # Default group you'd like to post to. If you'd like to post to more than
    # one group at a time, seperate the group names with commas.
    # default_group: alt.binaries.test,alt.binaries.test.yenc
    default_group: alt.binaries.test

    # Size of each article in bytes.
    article_size: 768000
    #article_size: 240000

    # String to prefix to each subject.

    # Generate a .NZB for each post?
    generate_nzbs: 1

    # Space seperated list of filenames to skip when posting.

    # Group aliases in the form "short: long".
    abt: alt.binaries.test
    abty: alt.binaries.test.yenc

    # NOTE: does nothing!
    # Driver should be 'mysql', 'postgresql' or 'sqlite'
    driver: sqlite

    # Connection info. If using SQLite, you only need to specify 'database'.
    hostname: localhost
    database: pynl
    username: freddie

    # Connection info for the server
    port: 119

    # Authentication info for the server
    username: xxxx
    password: xxxx

    # Number of connections to open to the server
    connections: 10

    # How long to wait (in seconds) between connection attempts
    reconnect_delay: 10

  9. Newsgroups   -   #9
    I got Newsmangler off GitHub and just run it. It always picks the vanilla module. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

  10. Newsgroups   -   #10
    Here is the link to yenc-freddie tar file , does your stuff actually upload I understand it's probably wrecked because of the vanilla yenc. Mine never uploads. What distro are you using? I am just trying to figure out why I can't make it upload at all.

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