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Thread: Throwing The Pieces Of A Car Off A Cliff

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    [TClite] whats your thoughts on the odds of building a car if you throw pieces of said car off a cliff?
    [3rd gen noob] yeah
    [3rd gen noob] i already said to him tc
    [TClite] infinitely
    [TClite] what'd he say?
    [Lamsey] you can't do it because throwing items off a cliff will never spontaneously, eg., weld components together
    [TClite] lol
    [3rd gen noob] you can't disprove it though
    [TClite] lmao
    [TClite] ok, answer this honestly
    [3rd gen noob] you can't though, it's impossible to disprove it
    [3rd gen noob] that's my honest answer, it's impossible to disprove it
    [Lamsey] ok.. it's unknown in a completely arbritary sense
    [3rd gen noob] if you disprove it, i'll buy liam his fecking can of bru
    [Lamsey] but in the real world it's not possible
    [Lamsey] WAIT
    [Lamsey] i know how you can disprove it
    [Lamsey] you can't throw something off a cliff indefinitely - that's not possible
    [3rd gen noob] you pick up the bits from the bottom and throw them down again
    [TClite] exactly
    [3rd gen noob] you throw them down once
    [3rd gen noob] it doesn't work
    [Lamsey] no, you actually can't throw something off a cliff indefinitely
    [3rd gen noob] you pick them up, throw them down again
    [TClite] basically you know yourself its impossible
    [3rd gen noob] no, but you can throw it off an indefinite number of times
    [Lamsey] there is the small matter of the Earth blowing up before you can finish
    [3rd gen noob] you can't prove it's impossible though
    [Lamsey] therefore there is a finite number of times you can do it
    [3rd gen noob] baws
    [TClite] some dumbass (much like yourself) decided to use it for some creative visualisation - most probably an american
    [MeTaL] OMFG
    [Lamsey] therefore you can't do it indefinitely
    [MeTaL] NERDS
    [Lamsey] therefore you can't do it
    [MeTaL] where do u come up with this shit
    [MeTaL] NERDS
    [MeTaL] NERDS
    [MeTaL] NERDS
    [MeTaL] :-)
    [3rd gen noob] yeah, you can do it indefinitely
    * MeTaL hides
    * FlyingDutchman2 sneaks up behind Liam, shouts BOOOO, and scares him so much he wets his pants
    [TClite] you cant prove it is possible
    [Lamsey] we can't help it if you're a moron metal
    [3rd gen noob] and you can't prove it's impossible
    * Lamsey kicks flyingdutchman2 for a change
    [TClite] so the argument is void
    [3rd gen noob] i'm eploying positive logic, so it's possible for me
    [FlyingDutchman2] ouch
    [Lamsey] noob - you can't
    [3rd gen noob] lamsey - you can
    [3rd gen noob] at least conceptually
    [Lamsey] explain to me how you intend to throw stuff off a cliff indefinitely
    [3rd gen noob] (as lievens would say)
    [3rd gen noob] you throw it off once
    * Lamsey indeed
    [3rd gen noob] go to the bottom of the cliff, pick it up, take it to top of cliff and throw off again
    [3rd gen noob] repeat
    [3rd gen noob] yeah?
    [3rd gen noob] is this clear?
    [Lamsey] you can't do that indefinitely
    [MeTaL] lamsey, im just very suprised, i mean i thought i was bad, knowing far too much about irc and its workings, but damn, to make up hypothetical situations just for the purpose of conversation, you should be a philosopher
    [3rd gen noob] why not?
    [TClite] lol
    [TClite] you cant prove your argument
    [Lamsey] the cliff will erode
    [3rd gen noob] and you can't disprove it
    [3rd gen noob] killed by your own sword
    [Lamsey] or it will be submerged
    [Lamsey] hoy, quit dodging
    [3rd gen noob] ok, a non-erroding cliff
    [TClite] gus youre argument is?
    [Lamsey] ok, it will eventually be submerged due to continental drift
    [MeTaL] what do you mean by indefinitely... like... keep throwing stuff off, like you have an unlimited supply of car parts, or will the car parts just continually fall down and never stop moving?
    [3rd gen noob] if you throw all the necessary components off a cliff an infinite number of times, at least once, you'll get a car at the end
    [FlyingDutchman2] As long as the object is heavier than water, you can still throw it down.
    [3rd gen noob] no, the car parts are the same
    [Lamsey] you'd drown fd2
    [TClite] no gus thats wrong
    [3rd gen noob] they are thrown an indefinite number of distinct times
    [MeTaL] youd still have a car lamsey
    [Lamsey] [3rd gen noob] they are thrown an indefinite number of distinct times <-- you can&#39;t do that
    [Lamsey] therefore the whole thing is bunk
    [3rd gen noob] of course you can liam
    [Lamsey] no you can&#39;t
    [3rd gen noob] look, fuck all your continental drift and erosion
    [TClite] you cant say to us that it will build a car
    [TClite] and you say it will
    [Lamsey] nice argument mate, "fuck your argument, i&#39;m going to ignore it because it proves me wrong"
    [3rd gen noob] right, say you get a machine to do it and you do it in an almost infinite gravitational field, the pieces can be dropped and picked up millions of times per second
    [TClite] because equally you cant disprove that it cant be disproved
    [3rd gen noob] and you can&#39;t prove it can be proved it can be disproved
    [TClite] nor can you the reverse
    [TClite] and so the loop continues
    [3rd gen noob] if you can tell me it won&#39;t build a car, i can tell you it will
    [TClite] so the argument is null
    [3rd gen noob] exactly my fucking point
    [3rd gen noob] lol
    [3rd gen noob] no, it&#39;s not null
    [TClite] indeed it is
    [Lamsey] [3rd gen noob] right, say you get a machine to do it and you do it in an almost infinite gravitational field, the pieces can be dropped and picked up millions of times per second <- there will still be a finite number of times that that machine can drop them for one thing, plus you can&#39;t build a michine like that in such a field
    [3rd gen noob] it just cannot be solved any further than the initial decision with regards to negative or positive logic
    [TClite] i dont think its possible to apply sensible logic
    [TClite] it would never happen
    [Lamsey] tclite - the fact is that you cannot do it an infinite number of times, i have conclusively proven this and gus&#39; only response has been "fuck all that"
    [Lamsey] therefore we are right
    [Lamsey] and gus is wrong
    [Lamsey] AGAIN
    [3rd gen noob] no, you can do it an infinte number of times
    [Lamsey] you can&#39;t
    [Lamsey] it&#39;s not possible
    [TClite] no you cant...
    [3rd gen noob] you&#39;re just sidestepping the fundimental argument of mine
    [TClite] the earth will end
    [Lamsey] no noob
    [3rd gen noob] right, ok, we do it in deep space, in artificial gravity then
    [Lamsey] there&#39;s no such thing
    [FlyingDutchman2] [3rd gen noob] no, you can do it an infinte number of times <----- wrong
    [Lamsey] this is real life, not fucking star trek
    [MeTaL] lmfao
    [3rd gen noob] people have never been in space?
    [Lamsey] energy has to come from somewhere, meaning you need a fuel source such as a sun or a massive amount of fossil fuel
    [3rd gen noob] yeah, my craft is powered by the sun
    [FlyingDutchman2] infinite <------ is isn&#39;t possible
    [Lamsey] any energy source provides energy for a finite amount of time
    [3rd gen noob] and has a UPS of nuclear reactors
    [3rd gen noob] which go on forever and ever and ever
    [Lamsey] the sun will blow up for example, and will vape your machine
    [FlyingDutchman2] Even the sun is finite
    [3rd gen noob] plus i&#39;ve got loads of batteries
    [MeTaL] energy can neither be created no destroyed, so therefore ,it can never be self-sustaining
    [Lamsey] your nuclear reactors and batteries have finite fuel and charge respectively
    [TClite] its funny how you always argue that involves your opinion being completely wrong lol
    [3rd gen noob] what if it did actually happen though, before it had been done an infinite number of times
    [3rd gen noob] say it was done 100 times and it actually worked
    [MeTaL] so?
    [3rd gen noob] then we wouldn&#39;t need to do it an infinte number of times
    [FlyingDutchman2] Now he has a point
    [MeTaL] meh
    [3rd gen noob] and lamsey&#39;s point is rendered moot
    [Lamsey] because you changed the argument
    [Lamsey] ok
    [MeTaL] you changed it
    [FlyingDutchman2] n00b, good point
    [3rd gen noob] i never changed the fucking argument at all you lying cocksucking motherfucker
    [3rd gen noob] and you suck cock
    [3rd gen noob]
    [MeTaL] hehe
    [Lamsey] we still have the fact that you&#39;ll never be able to weld two parts together just by cropping them
    [3rd gen noob] i said that if you did it an infinite number of times, one time it would happen
    [3rd gen noob] well, if it&#39;s got to happen, then it will have to happen before you do it an infinite number of times
    [TClite] which is void
    [3rd gen noob] which could be the 100th time
    [3rd gen noob] and even i could throw stuff off a cliff 100 times in my life
    [Lamsey] *dropping
    [FlyingDutchman2] What&#39;s cropping ?
    [Lamsey] ^^^
    [3rd gen noob] photoshop welding?
    [MeTaL] ROFL
    [3rd gen noob] anything to say chaps?
    [Lamsey] we still have the fact that you&#39;ll never be able to weld two parts together just by dropping them
    [MeTaL] the impact would never create enough friction and heat to weld two metal parts together
    [3rd gen noob] who says they need to be welded?
    [IAMTHERIAA] hello
    [Lamsey] plus the glass would smash because the force involved in landing would break it
    [3rd gen noob] what if the cliff was nearly infinitely high?
    [Lamsey] there&#39;s no such cliff
    [3rd gen noob] nah, the glass is protected with bubble wrap
    [IAMTHERIAA] we dont die
    [3rd gen noob] (i thought of that)
    [MeTaL] 3rdgen: if you had no boundaries, than you would be god
    [3rd gen noob] i just built a cliff that&#39;s 9 million feet tall
    [TClite] but the bubble wrap wouldnt come off correctly
    [Lamsey] and it still wouldn&#39;t work anyway because such a big drop would destroy them
    [3rd gen noob] [MeTaL] 3rdgen: if you had no boundaries, than you would be god <--- lol, IF
    [3rd gen noob] nah, it&#39;s padded at the bottom
    [TClite] and the angles of some of the parts would be impossible to match
    [3rd gen noob] but the heat is still generated to weld the paerts
    [3rd gen noob] parts*
    [3rd gen noob] brb
    [TClite] gus you are wrong
    [TClite] decided
    [Lamsey] no matter how well you pad it, you can&#39;t do that
    * FlyingDutchman2 didn&#39;t get the original statement: Repeat please
    [MeTaL] using real-world places, and real-world tools, no, it couldnt happen... if this is the matrix, and you can bend the rules, then sure, you could do it
    [CrumbCat] Lamsey - whats that windows xp update rollup?
    [Lamsey] anyway if it built up enough heat to weld parts together, it would deform the parts
    [Lamsey] it&#39;s a collection of the Critical Updates up to the end of last year or so
    [MeTaL] almost bordering on chaos theory here
    [3rd gen noob] tc, you can&#39;t just say i&#39;m wrong
    [3rd gen noob] that&#39;s sheer ignorance
    [MeTaL] even in chaos there is order
    [MeTaL] etc
    [Lamsey] noob refute my argument if you can
    [3rd gen noob] which one?
    [CrumbCat] ahh - thanks
    [Lamsey] both
    [TClite] if god asked him at the pearly gates what he believed the answer to be (god knowing the answer) and told him that he would be banished for selecting the incorrect one, i wonder what hed chose
    [3rd gen noob] liam doesn&#39;t believe in god, so i can&#39;t answer
    [Lamsey] noob
    [Lamsey] if it built up enough heat to weld parts together, it would deform the parts
    [Lamsey] answer please
    [3rd gen noob] nah, these parts are made out of pure well strong parts
    [3rd gen noob] but you can weld them
    [3rd gen noob] cos they&#39;re magic
    [Lamsey] not possible
    [3rd gen noob] seriouslty though
    [Lamsey] no such thing as magic
    [3rd gen noob] seriously though*
    [TClite] answer gus
    [Lamsey] if there was such a thing as magic i would concede your theory holds up
    [3rd gen noob] the onus is not on me to prove myself correct, rather you to prove me wrong
    [Lamsey] but there isn&#39;t
    [Lamsey] we have done noob
    [3rd gen noob] i&#39;ve not seen any proof
    [3rd gen noob] did i miss it somewhere?
    [Lamsey] it is now up to you to prove that we are wrong
    [TClite] ok, straight to hell then
    [3rd gen noob] when did you throw the parts off the cliff?
    [3rd gen noob] how many times did you do it?
    [Lamsey] if it built up enough heat to weld parts together, it would deform the parts <-- you have not refuted this, therefore you concede it is true
    [3rd gen noob] liam, i don&#39;t need to do shit, you need to totally and beyond any doubt, experimentally prove me wrong
    [Lamsey] and therefore you concede my entire preceding argument is true
    [3rd gen noob] no, i don&#39;t need to
    [Lamsey] yes you do
    [Lamsey] that&#39;s the way arguments work noob
    [3rd gen noob] you NEED to prove me wrong
    [Lamsey] i have proved you wrong
    [3rd gen noob] i&#39;m not talking about us sitting here on computers
    [Lamsey] you cannot refute what I have said, therefore you concede i am right
    [3rd gen noob] if you want to actually win this one, go and buy some car parts and chuck them off the cliff
    [Lamsey] you can&#39;t just say i&#39;m wrong
    [TClite] [3rd gen noob] i give up, im gay as fuck and talk shit, you guys are superior in everyway, i also dont doubt that your cocks are any comparison to my deformed baldy half incher
    [3rd gen noob] just because i cannot refute it doesn&#39;t mean it&#39;s correct
    [3rd gen noob] see, that&#39;s why i just ignore anything tc says in an argument
    [TClite] i have satisfied my argument
    [Lamsey] noob... we are clutching at straws no?
    [Lamsey] i sense another can of irn-bru
    [TClite] i dont consider it an argument anyway, i see it as you being wrong
    [3rd gen noob] no
    [3rd gen noob] prove me wrong
    [Lamsey] ^^^
    [3rd gen noob] not theoretical proof, experimental proof
    [3rd gen noob] lmao
    [3rd gen noob] so gravity then...
    [TClite] you prove your theory experimentally in the same vein
    [3rd gen noob] we don&#39;t need to prove it, i&#39;ll just say, the apple falls
    [3rd gen noob] and it&#39;s right
    [3rd gen noob] no need to do any experiments
    [3rd gen noob] this thing we call science
    [3rd gen noob] fuck it
    [3rd gen noob] we&#39;ll just sit down and decide things
    [Lamsey] noob - i applied the rules of science in my argument, therefore science backs me up
    [3rd gen noob] no need to do anything at all experimental, cos i know i&#39;m right
    [3rd gen noob] etc
    [3rd gen noob] doesn&#39;t work really does it?
    [3rd gen noob] no, you applied your interpretation of theoretical science
    [TClite] its hard to take someone who doesnt believe a red pool table cloth is red because he decides to believe red is in actualy fact not red, and what he makes it to be lol
    [Lamsey] my theory is entirely based upon proven observations, therefore the theory itself is proven
    [TClite] actually*
    [Lamsey] yours is based upon a load of shite, and it is the same
    [3rd gen noob] so what is proven that you&#39;ve used then?
    [3rd gen noob] that you can&#39;t get metal hot enough to be welded without bending it out of shape?
    [Lamsey] [Lamsey] anyway if it built up enough heat to weld parts together, it would deform the parts
    [Lamsey] [Lamsey] any energy source provides energy for a finite amount of time
    [3rd gen noob] my car&#39;s made of wood though
    [Lamsey] [Lamsey] [3rd gen noob] right, say you get a machine to do it and you do it in an almost infinite gravitational field, the pieces can be dropped and picked up millions of times per second <- there will still be a finite number of times that that machine can drop them for one thing, plus you can&#39;t build a michine like that in such a field
    [TClite] gus you also dont believe 1+1=2
    [3rd gen noob] i never mentioned metal
    [3rd gen noob] you assumed it was metal
    [FlyingDutchman2] Liam, in atombombs the uranium half balls are welded by explosives.
    [Lamsey] [Lamsey] no, you actually can&#39;t throw something off a cliff indefinitely <-- been there, proved that
    [Lamsey] etc
    [3rd gen noob] liam, my car is made of wood
    [3rd gen noob] so you can take your metal and shove it up your ass
    [Lamsey] lol
    [Lamsey] a machine with an internal COMBUSTION engine, made of wood
    [Lamsey] lmao
    [3rd gen noob] who mentioned an internal combustion engine?
    [3rd gen noob] not me
    [3rd gen noob] assumption again
    [3rd gen noob] ?
    [3rd gen noob] tsk, tsk
    [Lamsey] a car has an internal combustion engine
    [FlyingDutchman2] Fred Flintstone had a car, no engine.
    [3rd gen noob] solar powered cars don&#39;t
    [3rd gen noob] wind sail cars don&#39;t
    [Lamsey] you intend to make a solar-powered car from wood?
    [3rd gen noob] nah, i&#39;m making a windsail car
    [3rd gen noob] it&#39;s made from wood
    [TClite] lol
    [3rd gen noob] there are 6 pieces on my car
    [Lamsey] ok... if it&#39;s made from wood the force of dropping the components will break the wood
    [Lamsey] there is no wood strong enough to withstand that kind of fall and not crack or break
    [3rd gen noob] the body shell, one axle with 2 wheels, 2 sails and fluffy dice
    [3rd gen noob] who said it was a large fall?
    [3rd gen noob] it&#39;s only 10 feet
    [3rd gen noob] and the wood is strong as fuck
    [celerystalksme] *yanws*
    [FlyingDutchman2] n00b will transform it to carbonfibre, a hightech car
    [Lamsey] it&#39;s not possible for the parts to assemble themselves in that distance
    [3rd gen noob] yeah, it&#39;s a carbon f1 car
    [3rd gen noob]
    [3rd gen noob] says you liam
    [3rd gen noob] speculation
    [3rd gen noob] doesn&#39;t sound particularly scientific
    [celerystalksme] why are you guys talking about wood...are you gay or something??
    [TClite] yes they are
    [FlyingDutchman2] In fact, wood IS high-tech.
    [Lamsey] it&#39;s not, they&#39;d have to be travelling a lot faster than the velocity picked up when falling in the earth&#39;s gravitational field
    [celerystalksme] oh yeah reading those quotes...i remember now
    [Lamsey] unless you drop them ready-assembled
    [3rd gen noob] no, they&#39;re not ready assembled, that&#39;s the point
    [Lamsey] there you go
    [3rd gen noob] but i&#39;d like to see proof that they&#39;d need to be falling gfaster
    [3rd gen noob] faster*
    [3rd gen noob] have you got any proof at all?
    [3rd gen noob] hmmm?
    [TClite] have you otherwise?
    [celerystalksme] jerry springer time
    [3rd gen noob] tc, i don&#39;t need proof otherwise remember
    [3rd gen noob] you need to prove me wrong
    [celerystalksme] u got no proof my man was playing wiff wood
    [TClite] no your also assuming yuore correct
    [Lamsey] if you drop, not throw, discrete pieces of wood off a cliff there is no way they can assemble themselves into a car, because they wouldn&#39;t be moving fast enough
    [TClite] youre*
    [Lamsey] if the cliff is ten feet high
    [3rd gen noob] proof for that lamsey?
    [3rd gen noob] right
    [3rd gen noob] [TClite] no your also assuming yuore correct <--- you have to prove me wrong, it&#39;s my argument
    [Lamsey] simple maths, the speed needed to move them together would be more than the speed built up by gravity
    [3rd gen noob] proof for that?
    [3rd gen noob] i ask once more
    [Lamsey] you have studied physics, you know the proof already
    [3rd gen noob] you can&#39;t just say "oh, it&#39;s obvious that the sun rotates around the earth"
    [3rd gen noob] because as we all know, that&#39;s bullshit
    [3rd gen noob] well, hopefully
    [3rd gen noob] the proof?
    [3rd gen noob] i was never taught a proof where you drop pieces off a 10 foot cliff and they can&#39;t psosibly be travelling fast enough to assemble into a car
    [celerystalksme] i think its all bullshit
    [3rd gen noob] you care to refresh my memory?
    [TClite] can we take a vote
    [TClite] is gus wrong
    [TClite] i say yes
    [3rd gen noob] lmao
    [TClite] lol
    [celerystalksme] i think the world is wrong
    [3rd gen noob] voting is the least scientific way to to this
    [Lamsey] ok... speed acquired by an object over ten feet < speed required to move them together into one single car
    [3rd gen noob] prove that lamsety
    [3rd gen noob] lamsey*
    [3rd gen noob] you&#39;re just repeating the same statement over and over again
    [3rd gen noob] i want to see your proof
    [celerystalksme] cock+pussy+semen+egg=mistake
    [Lamsey] this is because for the parts to be discretely placed, they must be more than ten feet apart
    [TClite] gus you know youre wrong
    [3rd gen noob] i never said how big my car was did i?
    [TClite] youre being ignorant now lol
    [celerystalksme] thats as scientific as i go
    [3rd gen noob] how exactly am i being ignorant?
    [3rd gen noob] explain...?
    [Lamsey] a car is a vehicle which carries humans
    [Lamsey] there aren&#39;t any cars which don&#39;t carry a human
    [3rd gen noob] nope, not necessarily
    [Lamsey] name one
    [3rd gen noob] only by your definition
    [Lamsey] you can&#39;t redefine what a car is
    [3rd gen noob] erm...never heard of invention
    [3rd gen noob] what would they have called a car before a car?
    [Lamsey] you&#39;re inventing something which isn&#39;t a car
    [fkdup74] RC cars?
    [TClite] youre being ignorant because youre not thinking with any sense
    [3rd gen noob] no, it&#39;s still a car
    [3rd gen noob]
    [celerystalksme] my car has seats and a steering wheel
    [fkdup74] lmao
    [Lamsey] right... so let&#39;s see what your argument is now
    [celerystalksme] im gonna watch snatch today
    [3rd gen noob] the film?
    [fkdup74] HOORAY FOR CELY"S SNATCH&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [celerystalksme] cely dont have a snatch at the moment
    [celerystalksme] *sighs*
    [fkdup74] damn
    [fkdup74] me either
    [Lamsey] if you drop the 6 parts of a wooden sail-powered car which is smaller than a regular car off a 10-foot cliff, it is possible that on the, say, hundredth time that they will form a car
    [TClite] lmao
    [fkdup74] ever hear of beginner&#39;s luck?
    [3rd gen noob] what&#39;s a regular car?
    [3rd gen noob] let&#39;s just say a car of undisclosed size
    [celerystalksme] i didnt even see my ex snatch when i went down to brissy for a long weekend
    [Lamsey] [Lamsey] if you drop the 6 parts of a wooden sail-powered car which is of undisclosed size car off a 10-foot cliff, it is possible that on the, say, hundredth time that they will form a car
    [fkdup74] heh
    [fkdup74] i saw mine
    [fkdup74] she took me to a fkn gay bar
    [fkdup74] wtf?
    [celerystalksme] i didnt see any of my ex snatches...*sighs*
    [3rd gen noob] yeah, ok
    [fkdup74] i think she has turned....
    [3rd gen noob]
    [celerystalksme] omfg...why do girls always wanna take their ex guys into gay bars/niteclubs??
    [Lamsey] right.... this sail powered car will need the sails to be tied to the rigging, yes?
    [Lamsey] otherwise they will blow away
    [3rd gen noob] no, they&#39;re made of carbon
    [3rd gen noob] they&#39;re stiff inherently
    [fkdup74] [celerystalksme] omfg...why do girls always wanna take their ex guys into gay bars/niteclubs?? <----you to huh?
    [Lamsey] right, how big are these sails then?
    [TClite] laim stop, you have won
    [3rd gen noob] undisclosed
    [celerystalksme] yeah...but i didnt go...
    [3rd gen noob] smaller than the car obviously
    [fkdup74] hehe
    [Lamsey] if they can provide enough drag to pull a wooden car, they must be larger than it
    [fkdup74] i was fkn drunk already
    [3rd gen noob] i never said the car worked
    [Lamsey] oh ffs
    [fkdup74] and i figured i still got a pretty good left hook, so....
    [celerystalksme] the beat = gay niteclub...the whickham = gay bar *figure those 2 out*
    [Lamsey] if you drop the 6 parts of a wooden sail-powered car with carbon sails which is of undisclosed size and which doesn&#39;t actually work off a 10-foot cliff, it is possible that on the, say, hundredth time that they will form a car
    [fkdup74] lmao
    [3rd gen noob] i never said it didn&#39;t work either
    [Lamsey] if you drop the 6 parts of a wooden sail-powered car with carbon sails which is of undisclosed size and which may or may not work off a 10-foot cliff, it is possible that on the, say, hundredth time that they will form a car
    [celerystalksme] and my best friend tried to get me and his girlfriend to go with him to the gay niteclub...and we went in she got hit on by this chick and i spent my time up against the wall...the we decided just to act like a couple and let my best friend get his ass raped
    [3rd gen noob] yeah, that looks right
    [Lamsey] ok then, what are these 6 separate pieces?
    [3rd gen noob] i listed them above
    [fkdup74] i spent my time up against the wall... <--lmao&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [Lamsey] the body shell, one axle with 2 wheels, 2 sails and fluffy dice
    [Lamsey] how are these attached to each other?
    [3rd gen noob] they slot neatly in
    [fkdup74] even at 10 ft, the parts will accumulate enough velocity to bounce, rather than stick to the other parts
    [Lamsey] that wouldn&#39;t work, the wheels would fall off - they have to be fixed in some way
    [3rd gen noob] yeah, they&#39;re slotted into the body
    [3rd gen noob] (remember it doesn&#39;t have to work)
    [Lamsey] the force of the impact would force them apart
    [TClite] youve just completely manipulated the argument to suit yourself ya mad cheater ye lol
    [Lamsey] unless they were fixed together somehow
    [3rd gen noob] they slot nicely in
    [Lamsey] more details on how they &#39;slot nicely in&#39;
    [3rd gen noob] the axle goes through a hole in the body, the wheels fit onto the ends of the axles
    [3rd gen noob] axle*
    [Lamsey] can&#39;t happen, if you drop something vertically they won&#39;t move horizontally
    [3rd gen noob] the body is dropped perpendicular to the axle and wheels
    [Lamsey] how is it supposed to &#39;slot together&#39; then?
    [FlyingDutchman2] Still constructing a vehicle?
    [FlyingDutchman2] velcro
    [Lamsey] velcro? ffs
    [fkdup74] dont give noob any more ideas FD
    [fkdup74] ;P
    [3rd gen noob] the wheels falls first, the body next, the axle falls next, through the body and into the wheel, the second wheel next onto the axle and the sail and dice fall last
    [celerystalksme] anyways im back and back to my gay niteclub story...i then went up to buy a pack of smokes...and on the cig machine...there was this stack of papers...and it they have a weekly issue of gayTV
    [fkdup74] hehe
    [fkdup74] them fkrs even have their own channel on dtv i think
    [fkdup74] keep seeing commercials for &#39;alternative&#39; programming
    [celerystalksme] homosexuals are trying to take over the world
    [FlyingDutchman2] [Lamsey] velcro? ffs <--------- LOL
    [fkdup74] [celerystalksme] homosexuals are trying to take over the world <----and the fkn liberals are letting em
    [celerystalksme] it was so best friends girlfriend is a johovas she&#39;s got the full set of christian she is totally against homosexuality...fuck it was funny
    [celerystalksme] good ol arnie is still against those pricks tho
    [fkdup74] one good thing that i&#39;ve seen from him
    [Lamsey] ok, so your argument now is that: if you drop the 6 parts of a wooden sail-powered car with carbon sails which is of undisclosed size off a 10-foot cliff, it is possible that on the, say, hundredth time that the first wheel falls first, the body next, the axle falls next, through the body and into the first wheel, the second wheel falls next onto the axle and the sail and dice fall last, and they all slot together perfectly so you have a car on its side which cannot be moved because it&#39;ll fall apart
    [3rd gen noob] no, it&#39;ll stick together
    [fkdup74] dont forget it is held together by velcro
    [3rd gen noob] it can be moved
    [celerystalksme] i dont think there is many other good things
    [fkdup74] about arnie?
    [Lamsey] how can it stick together without some sort of fixation between the components noob
    [3rd gen noob] i thought you said "anime" first time
    [3rd gen noob] glue
    [fkdup74] teh fkn velcro ffs
    [Lamsey] glue is another component
    [3rd gen noob] that&#39;s the fixation
    [fkdup74] hehe
    [celerystalksme] uh huhs poor arine
    [celerystalksme] arnie even
    [3rd gen noob] no it&#39;s not
    [3rd gen noob] ok, even if it were, we&#39;ll throw away the dice
    [fkdup74] well, cely, he hasnt been in office for too long, have to see
    [Lamsey] lol
    [3rd gen noob] ok, so theglue replaces the dice
    [fkdup74] and he&#39;s had that fkn gray davis metoring him
    [fkdup74] so that is a minus
    [fkdup74] *mentoring
    [celerystalksme] he could do a lot better than any aussie political asshole
    [fkdup74] lmao
    [fkdup74] dunno
    [Lamsey] hold on noob, won&#39;t this be a wind-powered bike
    [fkdup74] dont know any aussie political assholes
    [Lamsey] two wheels
    [celerystalksme] exactly
    [3rd gen noob] no, a car with two wheels
    [Lamsey] it would fall over
    [FlyingDutchman2] Tricycle
    [3rd gen noob] nah, it&#39;s got a good centre of mass
    [fkdup74] how does it balance?
    [Lamsey] not possible noob
    [3rd gen noob] the sail keeps it up
    [3rd gen noob] you see, it&#39;s staggered to one side naturally
    [3rd gen noob] and the sail balances up the stagger
    [fkdup74] hehe
    [3rd gen noob] so it ends up perfectly righted
    [Lamsey] the slightest change in wind would upset it
    [fkdup74] yep
    [FlyingDutchman2] n00b, make it kite-powered, that can be stable.
    [3rd gen noob] nah, it can actually monitor the wind speed and direction and calculate
    [3rd gen noob] yeah, it&#39;s incredibly sophisticated
    [Lamsey] how does it do this with the 6 pieces you mentioned
    [fkdup74] so now it is a computerized wooden car?
    [3rd gen noob] built into the sail
    [3rd gen noob] the computer is actually solar powered
    [FlyingDutchman2] Kites would do the trick
    [3rd gen noob] it&#39;s all on the sail though
    [Lamsey] uh-uh - that&#39;s more components
    [3rd gen noob] there are also kites
    [Lamsey] kites would just make the thing fall over
    [FlyingDutchman2] No
    [3rd gen noob] nah, it balances itself
    [3rd gen noob] i told you
    [celerystalksme] wooden kites??
    [fkdup74] lmao
    [Lamsey] it can&#39;t, noob
    [3rd gen noob] of course it can
    [Lamsey] how does it balance itself
    [3rd gen noob] look, i invented the fucking thing
    [Lamsey] how does it balance itself
    [3rd gen noob] i told you this already
    [FlyingDutchman2] It works
    [3rd gen noob] the inherent design is for the car to fall over
    [3rd gen noob] right
    [3rd gen noob] but...
    [celerystalksme] im really fucking confused
    [3rd gen noob] the sail acts as a counterbalance to hold it the right way up
    [3rd gen noob] and there&#39;s a kite built into the sail
    [fkdup74] and the wind counters teh counter balance
    [3rd gen noob] yeah, that&#39;s it
    [Lamsey] if you are counterbalancing it then there is no force acting on the car
    [Lamsey] if you balance it so that there is no force making the car fall over (ie equal forces on both sides), then there is no force to propel the car
    [3rd gen noob] nah, some of the sails force is directed into propulsion
    [fkdup74] but.....
    [3rd gen noob] there are equal forces in the x plane, but unequal in the z
    [FlyingDutchman2] n00b, don&#39;t act like a n00b, you dont need to counterbalance.
    [celerystalksme] hmmm im gonna apply for some government jobs this week
    [fkdup74] the forward force on the sail will detract from the counter force for the balance
    [3rd gen noob] the sail can cope though
    [fkdup74] or however you fkn say it
    [Lamsey] if there are equal forces in the x plane then it cannot move in that plane
    [3rd gen noob] it moves in the z plane
    [3rd gen noob] silly
    [Lamsey] it flies?
    [fkdup74] lmao
    [fkdup74] it does have sails....
    [3rd gen noob] nah, i shifted the y and z around
    [Lamsey] it can&#39;t do that, the axle is the wrong way round
    [3rd gen noob] nah, the axle is perfect for the job
    * fkdup74 thinks teh noob is digging.....
    [celerystalksme] &#036;2,566.20 - &#036;2,751.60 per fortnight. (&#036;66,950 - &#036;71,787 per annum). Does that sound like good pay??
    [Lamsey] you need to balance the forces perfectly along one plane otherwise the car will rotate around the axle - the only way it can move is in this same plane
    [Lamsey] therefore it can&#39;t move
    [fkdup74] not bad cely
    [celerystalksme] dig up
    [fkdup74] find a job?
    [3rd gen noob] no, the sail is working as counterbalance in the x plane, the propulsion of the sail is in the z
    [celerystalksme] nah not yet
    * edud_redipS just watched gothika
    [edud_redipS] good film but kinda obvious in places
    [celerystalksme] Data Modeller for the Department of Child Safety...sounds pretty cool
    [Lamsey] which means the propulsion is at right angles to the direction in which this car moves
    [Lamsey] which mean it wouldn&#39;t be able to move
    [3rd gen noob] no, the peopulsion is in the same plane
    [3rd gen noob] obviously
    [3rd gen noob] the balance is at right angles to propulsion
    * edud_redipS going to sleep now
    [3rd gen noob] night
    [edud_redipS] night fuckers
    [Lamsey] bullshit noob, you know that&#39;s wrong
    [FlyingDutchman2] Nite Dude
    [Lamsey] it would be balanced on the wheels anyway along the y axis
    [3rd gen noob] nah, it&#39;s right
    [edud_redipS] night fd2 and 4gn
    [3rd gen noob] draw it out
    [fkdup74] are the wheels in-line or side by side?
    [celerystalksme] night suckass
    [FlyingDutchman2] lamsey, are you saying you can&#39;t propel a bike by kite?
    [edud_redipS] cel night
    [Lamsey] this isn&#39;t a bike fd2
    [3rd gen noob] side by side
    [Lamsey] this is a car with a single axle
    [fkdup74] then you are fkd
    [fkdup74] when the wind propells it it wil tip
    [3rd gen noob] no
    [3rd gen noob] it works
    [3rd gen noob] really
    [Lamsey] there is no way it can move without falling over
    [fkdup74] ok ok ok
    [3rd gen noob] we had some good tests
    [3rd gen noob] i&#39;ll bloody draw it out
    [Lamsey] it can either be balanced or it can fall over
    [celerystalksme] i have a feeling this debate will go on for another 3 hours
    [fkdup74] lmao
    [3rd gen noob] but don&#39;t you go copying my fucking ideas, bitches
    [fkdup74] lmao&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [celerystalksme] copy+pasted this whole convo
    [fkdup74] hehe
    [FlyingDutchman2] When you make the axle so fat it can hold the cabin.... then it&#39;s always the right way up.
    [fkdup74] noob....
    [celerystalksme] looking for jobs sucks ass
    [FlyingDutchman2] I hear them think
    [fkdup74] to be more practical....
    [Lamsey] it must move at right angles to the axle, therefore it must exert an unequal force on the chassis to move in that direction; however an unequal frce applied in that direction would tip it over
    [fkdup74] do in-line wheels
    [fkdup74] and then propulsion waont fk it
    [Lamsey] it&#39;s not a car if you do that fkdup, it&#39;s a bike
    [fkdup74] ahhhh
    [Lamsey] and you&#39;d need two axles
    [3rd gen noob]
    [fkdup74] i have never seen a two wheeled car, so this is all new to me
    [Lamsey] i sense an MSPaint job
    [3rd gen noob] it kind of moves sidieways
    [FlyingDutchman2] when the kite&#39;s string is tied to the axle it won&#39;t tip.
    [fkdup74] lol
    [FlyingDutchman2] Damn it, I have a degree in engeneering &#33;
    [Lamsey] when the kite&#39;s string is tied to the axle it won&#39;t tip. <-- how do you tie a knot to something by dropping it
    [3rd gen noob] glue
    [fkdup74] ooh
    [fkdup74] good one lams
    [FlyingDutchman2] Velcro
    [Lamsey] then the string would wind round the axle
    [fkdup74] yep
    [celerystalksme] can u give me that degree might be easier for me to get a job with one of those??
    [fkdup74] thus relling in teh sail
    [3rd gen noob] did the high-tech visual simulation improve things?
    [fkdup74] or kite
    [Lamsey] no noob
    [fkdup74] teh high tech visual really fkd me up
    [fkdup74] lol
    [FlyingDutchman2] All bearings are without friction, right?
    [3rd gen noob] naturally
    [Lamsey] if there&#39;s any propulsion (ie inequal force) at any angle around the axle, the car will tip over the axle
    [Lamsey] except a right angle
    [Lamsey] which wouldn&#39;t move the car
    [3rd gen noob] no, because it&#39;s being held up by the sail
    [Lamsey] no, because if the sail is countering the force which is making it fall over then it&#39;s nullifying the propulsion
    [3rd gen noob] remember that the sail can counter any forces
    [fkdup74] then what is providing the drag to counter the pull of the sail?
    [3rd gen noob] only for the split second that it needs to provide stability
    [3rd gen noob] then it can flip between modes
    [celerystalksme] u wanna know how bad education is in queensland australia...there is 200 teaching jobs available
    [Lamsey] if it does that then it will gradually fall over, or the chassis will oscillate around the axle
    [3rd gen noob] see, they stole my idea
    [3rd gen noob] no lamsey, it works
    [FlyingDutchman2] :-)
    [Lamsey] bullshit noob
    [3rd gen noob] no, we did the calculations on it
    [3rd gen noob] it works
    [fkdup74] and have blueprints to boot
    [Lamsey] any inequal force will make the chassis rotate around the axle
    [Lamsey] an equal force will keep it stationary
    [3rd gen noob] not if it&#39;s being balanced by the sail
    [Lamsey] if it&#39;s being balanced then it&#39;s got no propulsion
    [Lamsey] balance requires equal forces on both sides
    [3rd gen noob] it flips between them
    [3rd gen noob] i just said that
    [3rd gen noob] keep up ffs
    [3rd gen noob] n00b
    [Lamsey] in which case it oscillates around the axle
    [Lamsey] it doesn&#39;t move
    [Lamsey] i already said THAT
    [3rd gen noob] it flips between them
    [Lamsey] so YOU keep up
    [3rd gen noob] so it gets a small amount of propulsion, then stability
    [3rd gen noob] etc
    [celerystalksme] u all fuckass
    [Lamsey] the propulsion will make it fall over, not move
    [Lamsey] the force required to make it fall over is less than the force required to make it moce
    [3rd gen noob] no, they&#39;re equal
    [Lamsey] bullshit
    [Lamsey] fall over, it&#39;s countering the friction of the chassis moving aroung the axle
    [3rd gen noob] no friction
    [Lamsey] move, it&#39;s countering the friction of the chassis moving aroung the axle AND the friction of the wheels moving
    [Lamsey] [3rd gen noob] no friction <-- this is in our universe, noob
    [Lamsey] our universe has friction
    [Lamsey] that&#39;s a bike fd2
    [3rd gen noob] nah, i stopped friction
    [3rd gen noob] i&#39;m neo you know
    [FlyingDutchman2] FFS, a brittish club
    [Lamsey] noob - if i&#39;m abiding by physics so must you
    [Lamsey] otherwise it doesn&#39;t work because martians with big elbows will come and steal the pieces all the time
    [3rd gen noob] ok, fine, can we continue this tomorrow, i&#39;m tired

    What a load of shite... see what happens when bored uni students try and philosophise in the early hours of the moring?
    I look forward to round 2.

  2. Lounge   -   #2
    tralalala's Avatar The Almighty
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    May 2003
    could you summarize that conversation for me please Liam? i cant be bothered reading it, and as you said at the end of your message, its a load of


  3. Lounge   -   #3
    bigboab's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
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    Jul 2003
    I believe somebody was looking for a good dissertation. This would be a good example of students spend their grants. If you can have a wooden horse, surely you can have a wooden car?

    @ Liam&#33; &#39;warning - this is huge&#39;, I bet you say that to all the girls.
    The best way to keep a secret:- Tell everyone not to tell anyone.

  4. Lounge   -   #4
    bujub22's Avatar THE GREAT
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  5. Lounge   -   #5
    Spider_dude's Avatar cawk BT Rep: +4
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    under the sea
    this is the only important bit

    * edud_redipS just watched gothika
    [edud_redipS] good film but kinda obvious in places
    [celerystalksme] Data Modeller for the Department of Child Safety...sounds pretty cool
    [Lamsey] which means the propulsion is at right angles to the direction in which this car moves
    [Lamsey] which mean it wouldn&#39;t be able to move
    [3rd gen noob] no, the peopulsion is in the same plane
    [3rd gen noob] obviously
    [3rd gen noob] the balance is at right angles to propulsion
    * edud_redipS going to sleep now

  6. Lounge   -   #6
    RGX's Avatar Unstoppable
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    Mar 2003
    Read about half-way and gave up

  7. Lounge   -   #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I would like a poll on whether or not 3rd gen noob was talking complete and utter guff all the way through that conversation.


  8. Lounge   -   #8
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Nov 2002
    Oh, please...

    Even the comment as to it being huge.

    The post overwhelms the word.

    I wore out my mouse wheel scrolling it.


    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

  9. Lounge   -   #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    [Lamsey] ok, so your argument now is that: if you drop the 6 parts of a wooden sail-powered car with carbon sails which is of undisclosed size off a 10-foot cliff, it is possible that on the, say, hundredth time that the first wheel falls first, the body next, the axle falls next, through the body and into the first wheel, the second wheel falls next onto the axle and the sail and dice fall last, and they all slot together perfectly so you have a car

    This about sums up my argument
    On a given day or given circumstance, you think you have a limit.
    And you then go for this limit and you touch this limit and you think &quot;Ok, this is the limit&quot;.
    As soon as you touch this limit, something happens and you suddenly can go a little bit further.
    With your mind power, your determination, your instinct and the experience as well, you can fly very high.

    - Ayrton Senna, R.I.P.

  10. Lounge   -   #10
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Oh, please...
    Sorry, 4th Gen.

    Your post was too long to read.

    BTW-I&#39;m trying to DL something that may interest you; I will keep you informed.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

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