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Jon L. Obscene
08-14-2005, 12:48 PM
This morning I turned up to work to be told the storage shed out back had been broken into.
This shed is ..........a shed, feather edge boarding with a crap hasp and staple and shitty padlock, no alarm, so it's really secure :rolleyes:
In this shed is about £3000-£4000 of stock, mainly booze.
The Boss stayed in the flat upstairs last night for the first time as he lives 50 miles away.
This morning at 5am he heard a noise and looked out the window to see 3 teenage lads pulling the boarding off the door in order to get in.
His wife shouted out the window she was calling the police and the lads ran off empty handed.
The door was pretty much demolished, so I came home and got some tools and boarding and spent the morning in the pissing rain fixing it and making it secure.
When I left off the boss gave me £30, I nearly fainted cos he's a tight bastard :dry:
What makes me laugh is that right next to the shed door they were breaking is a load of spur brackets and shelving, had they picked up a bracket and slid it behind the hasp they could have renched off the lock quite easily.
Instead they tried to dissmantle the door :rolleyes:
Also makes me laugh that they had from 10pm - 4am of darkness to do this under the cover of, but they choose to wait til it got light :lol:
Maybe they had no batteries for the torch.

The boss described one of the lads as "Very tall (taller than me , so 6'3+) , wearing a blue new york baseball jersey with hood up and a baseball cap under that.He was fat too, could'nt run properly he kinda waddled quickly" :lol:

Now, I know who that is, I known the lad since he was about 3y/o, know his mum and dad, this is the same lad who a couple of weeks ago got picked up for carrying £20's worth of weed and a lock knife, when in court they charged him for the possesion of the knife but let him off with a caution, his mum told me "He stood there and the solicitor said "He was caught with £20's worth of canabis" and the lad being the big I am and a twat stood there and said "No it was'nt, it was £40 quids worth" :lol: dickhead :rolleyes:
Anyway, I know it was him, so what do I do?

I don't wanna grass him up, don't wanna do that to his mum and dad :(
I thought what I might do is wind him up, gonna post a note thru his door saying "I know what you did last sunday" :lol:
Have a word with a few lads to get em to wind him up too.

What you reckon?

Jonno :cool:

08-14-2005, 12:54 PM
I thought what I might do is wind him up, gonna post a note thru his door saying "I know what you did last sunday" :lol:
Have a word with a few lads to get em to wind him up too.

What you reckon?

Jonno :cool:

Go for it, it will teach him a lesson :D

08-14-2005, 12:58 PM
Yeah, just have a larf about it.

No need to take crime seriously, why would we want to stop theiving scum from ruining other people's life.

Jon L. Obscene
08-14-2005, 01:02 PM
What would you do then JP? Seriously, put yourself in my shoes.I did ask opinion for a reason :)
His mum and dad are stressed enough about him , it's putting strain on their relationship, he's just been to court.

Sometimes to do the right thing , you have to do the wrong thing.

Jonno :cool:

08-14-2005, 01:40 PM
Hell of a moral dilemma you have there,you are more or less certain you know who it is,but without seeing him in the act you can't really do anything,the phsychological approch might be the best,keeping that much booze in a unsecure outbuilding is just asking for trouble,don't envy you this one Jon

08-14-2005, 02:58 PM
What would you do then JP? Seriously, put yourself in my shoes.I did ask opinion for a reason :)
His mum and dad are stressed enough about him , it's putting strain on their relationship, he's just been to court.

Sometimes to do the right thing , you have to do the wrong thing.

Jonno :cool:
You can't really do anything if you are only guessing, based on a description.

If however you know the guy well enough there is nothing to stop you mentioning to him that he fits the description of someone who tried to rob your boss. That if it comes to your attention that he may be robbing elsewhere then you will tell either his parents, or the cops that you think he is doing it.

If he is a twat and he can't be spoken to then tell his parents or report him. All you can say is that he fits the description your boss gave you of the person who he saw. He won't be arrested based on that alone, however it does give them a heads up and there may be other intelligence they have. They may even go and give him a warning.

This may lead to other people being protected from him and possibly even assault if they approach him when he is breaking in. I think more loyalty is owed to the victims than to the robbing twat.

08-14-2005, 03:31 PM
This shed is ..........a shed, feather edge boarding with a crap hasp and staple and shitty padlock, no alarm, so it's really secure :rolleyes:
In this shed is about £3000-£4000 of stock, mainly booze.
Just out of curiosity, what is the exact adress of this um shed? :shifty:

The boss described one of the lads as "Very tall (taller than me , so 6'3+) , wearing a blue new york baseball jersey with hood up and a baseball cap under that.He was fat too, could'nt run properly he kinda waddled quickly" :lol:

Now, I know who that is,

you know eminem? :huh:


08-14-2005, 04:14 PM
What would you do then JP? Seriously, put yourself in my shoes.I did ask opinion for a reason :)
His mum and dad are stressed enough about him , it's putting strain on their relationship, he's just been to court.

Sometimes to do the right thing , you have to do the wrong thing.

Jonno :cool:

had a buddy (22yrsold) who got hooked on heroin (heavilly) - at last moment i called parents in the states to get him home.
he never spoke to me again - but hes off the stuff, married and has a good business.
the irony is that both his parent are psychotherapists

08-14-2005, 04:25 PM
Being a parent, I would want to know. The most important thing is the welfare of my child, and if he is up to things like this, then there is obviously a problem that needs to be dealt with. A 13 year old carrying weed and a knife isn't simply a criminal offense to be judged by the court, it's also something the parents need to deal with at home. If my son had been to court 2 weeks ago, he sure as hell wouldn't have the freedom to be running around with friends already, especially at 5 am. Hell, my 12 year old isn't allowed to sleep over at anyone's house for the rest of the summer because I found out he'd be out skateboarding after dark (9 pm).

Jon L. Obscene
08-14-2005, 04:50 PM
Ok firstly, I never said he was 13, he's actually 18 in a couple of months, always been in trouble, always will be in toruble.
Hmmm, confused now, thing is.....I don't grass, never have, thats sounds childish but hey, it's how I am.
If I go tell his mother she'll go nuts, his father would go even more nuts. I got enough going on, I don't really need more grief , which informing them or the police will no doubtedly bring.

Fucks sake :frusty:

Jonno :cool:

08-14-2005, 04:53 PM
Ok firstly, I never said he was 13, he's actually 18 in a couple of months, always been in trouble, always will be in toruble.
Hmmm, confused now, thing is.....I don't grass, never have, thats sounds childish but hey, it's how I am.
If I go tell his mother she'll go nuts, his father would go even more nuts. I got enough going on, I don't really need more grief , which informing them or the police will no doubtedly bring.

Fucks sake :frusty:

Jonno :cool:

Do it anonymously.

Peace bd

Jon L. Obscene
08-14-2005, 04:55 PM
Thats even worse!

Dammit, ok I could be wrong, I don't think he has a blue jersey :lol:

Jonno :cool:

08-14-2005, 05:00 PM
Thats even worse!

Dammit, ok I could be wrong, I don't think he has a blue jersey :lol:

Jonno :cool:

Why?...You're not doing this kid any favors by looking the other way.
He is nothing more than a common thief.

Maybe you could change his life...Isn't worth a try?

Peace bd

08-14-2005, 05:01 PM
Ah, I misread that. That doesn't change what I think about it though. He still lives with his parents I take it? Is under 18 considered a juvenile there? I'm not sure what your laws are. If so, he's still his parents responsibility. If not, then I would inform the police that you know of someone matching the description, regardless of how the parents react or how the kid himself will react. The fact that this kid is in trouble all the time is more of a reason to do so.

Jon L. Obscene
08-14-2005, 05:05 PM
No, he's not a theif.......he's just stupid, he does'nt steal stuff and I'm 100% sure all he'd have taken was a bottle of something. He's one of these people who gets pissed and does stupid things on the spur of the moment, I doubt very much if he planned it, probably just walking past and thought he'd have a go.

He's a stupid oversized kid, not a professional anything, oportunist of the lowest intelect.

The only threat he really is, is to other lads down town cos he's a "Hard nut" :rolleyes:

Then again he may only get more community service.
ffs, I'd still be grassing tho :(

Had this offence been more serious, like a house or something rather than a shed I would'nt hesitate, but I honestly think it was just cos they were pissed. (drunk)

Jonno :cool:

Edit: @ Nik.... Does he live at home?......sort of, when he wants to.
But you gotta remember I known this lad a long time, from when he was a little kid. I don't wanna see the boy go down, maybe I'll actually have a word with him and warn him to calm down a bit.

08-14-2005, 05:07 PM
Being drunk isn't an excuse for anything.

Jon L. Obscene
08-14-2005, 05:15 PM
I did'nt say it was, but you know as well as I do that you do things when you're drunk that you'd never do sober, very few people can deny that.

So what would you do in my position, not from your pov, put yourself in my position, think of a kid who you've known and watched grow up and who's parents are mates.

Also if I'm wrong I'll be lynched in a big way.

Jonno :cool:

08-14-2005, 05:21 PM
I did'nt say it was, but you know as well as I do that you do things when you're drunk that you'd never do sober, very few people can deny that.

So what would you do in my position, not from your pov, put yourself in my position, think of a kid who you've known and watched grow up and who's parents are mates.

Also if I'm wrong I'll be lynched in a big way.

Jonno :cool:

I would have a talk with his parents...especially since they are mates.
Hello Nikki...how did the concert go? :)

Peace bd

Jon L. Obscene
08-14-2005, 05:25 PM
And if I'm wrong?

Jonno :cool:

08-14-2005, 05:31 PM
And if I'm wrong?

Jonno :cool:

Jonno, I understand where you're coming from...but if their mates
They'll also understand where you were coming from...right?

Peace bd

08-14-2005, 05:34 PM
I did'nt say it was, but you know as well as I do that you do things when you're drunk that you'd never do sober, very few people can deny that.

So what would you do in my position, not from your pov, put yourself in my position, think of a kid who you've known and watched grow up and who's parents are mates.

Also if I'm wrong I'll be lynched in a big way.

Jonno :cool:

First, if you can't control what you do when you're drunk, you shouldn't drink. It's a cop out to say "I was drunk" as an excuse for stupid behaviour. Part of being an adult is being in control of your actions. I'm not saying I've never done anything stupid when I've been drunk, but most of it I would probably have done sober as well (dancing on tables, stupid stuff like that). Harmless stupidity is a little different than destruction of property.

If you're concerned about his behaviour, then maybe it's best that you pull the kid aside and talk to him directly.

If it were one of my teenaged cousins or something, that's probably the route I would take if it was a first offense, after that I would definitely talk to their parents.

@BD - the concert was great. :D

Jon L. Obscene
08-14-2005, 05:35 PM
Heh, no.......trust me on this :lol:

If I'm wrong they will go balistic and acuse me of this and that, they're mates, not friends, difference.

To be honest if it was local lads then it was him, there is one other possibility but he's not as tall as me, but it's possible it could be holiday makers etc.
Shit, now I'm even more confused :frusty:

Jonno :cool:

Edit: @Nik ...
If you're concerned about his behaviour, then maybe it's best that you pull the kid aside and talk to him directly.

thats what I said :frusty:
And again I'm not excusing him for being drunk, I'm saying it hightens moods, excitment etc, you cannot deny that and I'm saying had they been sober they would not have done it. That sounds like a cop out lol, I know what I'm trying to say :P
And I'm sorry but I would not definitely not dance on a table sober.........drunk....I'd probably do it naked :rolleyes:

08-14-2005, 05:48 PM
Heh, no.......trust me on this :lol:

If I'm wrong they will go balistic and acuse me of this and that, they're mates, not friends, difference.

To be honest if it was local lads then it was him, there is one other possibility but he's not as tall as me, but it's possible it could be holiday makers etc.
Shit, now I'm even more confused :frusty:

Jonno :cool:

Edit: @Nik ...
If you're concerned about his behaviour, then maybe it's best that you pull the kid aside and talk to him directly.

thats what I said :frusty:
And again I'm not excusing him for being drunk, I'm saying it hightens moods, excitment etc, you cannot deny that and I'm saying had they been sober they would not have done it. That sounds like a cop out lol, I know what I'm trying to say :P
And I'm sorry but I would not definitely not dance on a table sober.........drunk....I'd probably do it naked :rolleyes:

Sounds like you have made up your mind...:unsure:

Peace bd

Jon L. Obscene
08-14-2005, 05:50 PM
No, I know what I want to do, but that's not nessecerarly (fucking word) the right thing to do.
But who's to say whats right and wrong........yup, I'm just sat here confusing myself :lol:

Jonno :cool:

08-14-2005, 06:07 PM
he obviously knew what was in there
does the rest of your town know about the shed?

1. do a deal with your stingy boss - to upgrade the "shed" to high security area
sell him everything double price and the work will be free
2.Tell Waggling dude that you know and if he doesnt work for you (and some extras) to fix up the shed(and some extras) youll tell the police/parents.
the profit margarine is immense

08-14-2005, 06:09 PM
No, I know what I want to do, but that's not nessecerarly (fucking word) the right thing to do.
But who's to say whats right and wrong........yup, I'm just sat here confusing myself :lol:

Jonno :cool:

I suppose a childs parents should say whats right and wrong, a judge, teachers...I could go on and on.

Peace bd ;)

Jon L. Obscene
08-14-2005, 06:09 PM
@z Thats actually not a bad idea :shifty:
Cept the deal with the boss, I already done one of them for the floor and got ripped off by several hundred quid :dry:

Jonno :cool:

08-14-2005, 06:11 PM
And again I'm not excusing him for being drunk, I'm saying it hightens moods, excitment etc, you cannot deny that and I'm saying had they been sober they would not have done it. That sounds like a cop out lol, I know what I'm trying to say :P
And I'm sorry but I would not definitely not dance on a table sober.........drunk....I'd probably do it naked :rolleyes:

I didn't say you would. I said I would. I don't recall doing anything when drunk that I was totally mortified by the next morning, other than perhaps posting on here and having to edit spelling mistakes. :frusty: What I'm saying is that whether they were drunk or not makes no difference to the police when it comes to being charged with breaking and entering or destruction of property. It's not like the police are going to say, "oh, you were drunk? Well that changes everything, don't worry about it."

Jon L. Obscene
08-14-2005, 06:17 PM
I didn't say you would. I said I would. I don't recall doing anything when drunk that I was totally mortified by the next morning, other than perhaps posting on here and having to edit spelling mistakes. :frusty:

I doubt that but if so then you're very lucky or just don't feel embarrasment/regret.......or can't remember anyway, that's always a good option :lol:

What I'm saying is that whether they were drunk or not makes no difference to the police when it comes to being charged with breaking and entering or destruction of property. It's not like the police are going to say, "oh, you were drunk? Well that changes everything, don't worry about it."

:lol: :lol: You funny :)

I did'nt say it was, I'm trying to think it's..........oh ffs now you've confused me :frusty:

Jonno :cool:

08-14-2005, 06:18 PM
he obviously knew what was in there
does the rest of your town know about the shed?

1. do a deal with your stingy boss - to upgrade the "shed" to high security area
sell him everything double price and the work will be free
2.Tell Waggling dude that you know and if he doesnt work for you (and some extras) to fix up the shed(and some extras) youll tell the police/parents.
the profit margarine is immense

Sounds pretty good to me.

Jon L. Obscene
08-14-2005, 06:23 PM
the profit margarine is immense

Wait a minute...........wtf is a profit margarine?......sounds messy :unsure:

Jonno :cool:

08-14-2005, 06:28 PM
I doubt that but if so then you're very lucky or just don't feel embarrasment/regret.......or can't remember anyway, that's always a good option :lol:

What am I supposed to feel embarrassed about exactly? The silly things I've done when I was drunk aren't so bad that I would feel ashamed about having done them. Most things I wish I had pictures or video of so I could laugh at myself. The only regret I've ever had when I drank was from the headache the next morning. Maybe I just don't embarrass easily.

:lol: :lol: You funny :)


peat moss
08-14-2005, 07:05 PM
Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind , I really don't know what I would do. If you confront him you may end up with a bottle thru your front window late one night. I'm sure his parents would want to know tho, but at 18 he should know better.

08-14-2005, 07:06 PM
I think Jonno's afraid of getting a kicking by the fat 6' 3" 17 year old if he finds out that he grassed him up.

Jon L. Obscene
08-14-2005, 07:07 PM
No, he knows better than to bust my windows....altho he's not too bright :rolleyes: probably burn me out, would'nt be the first attempt :lol: also if something comes thru the window I'm gonna get a face ful cos my puter desk is in the window :unsure:

Jonno :cool:

Jon L. Obscene
08-14-2005, 07:10 PM
I think Jonno's afraid of getting a kicking by the fat 6' 3" 17 year old if he finds out that he grassed him up.

Yes, thats exactly it, I'm terrified, I don't want the big guy to beat me up but if you don' mind.........I'll start shaking in a minute.

What would you do Manker?

Jonno :cool:

08-14-2005, 07:20 PM
I think Jonno's afraid of getting a kicking by the fat 6' 3" 17 year old if he finds out that he grassed him up.

Yes, thats exactly it, I'm terrified, I don't want the big guy to beat me up but if you don' mind.........I'll start shaking in a minute.

What would you do Manker?

Jonno :cool:Not a lot. Wasn't my (your) shed.

I'd tell your boss to report it to the police tho' - he could give the descriptions to them, as he did to you, so they could act upon it.

I'm guessing that there aren't too many 6'3" fat youngsters in Sheringham.

Jon L. Obscene
08-14-2005, 07:27 PM
Thats what I thought originally, was just gonna have some fun winding him up to boot :D

And no, there's only about 3 6'3" fat youngsters in sheringham, but on;y one who's likely to do this and wears those clothes.
Sheringham is mostly old people and holiday makers.

Jonno :cool:

08-14-2005, 08:01 PM
Yes, thats exactly it, I'm terrified, I don't want the big guy to beat me up but if you don' mind.........I'll start shaking in a minute.

What would you do Manker?

Jonno :cool:Not a lot. Wasn't my (your) shed.

That's the ticket, Jack.

08-14-2005, 08:04 PM
Not a lot. Wasn't my (your) shed.

That's the ticket, Jack.I'm all heart.

08-14-2005, 08:06 PM
That's the ticket, Jack.I'm all heart.

Was that really dead obvious. :(

08-14-2005, 08:11 PM
Only to the trained eye.

In that respect - I'm alright.

08-14-2005, 08:13 PM

08-14-2005, 08:34 PM
I think Jonno's afraid of getting a kicking by the fat 6' 3" 17 year old if he finds out that he grassed him up.

Silly...that happens all the time.

Peace bd