View Full Version : Codemasters

04-13-2003, 02:32 PM
Well I guess Codemasters did actully implement a rather annoying feature to stop piracy etc. IUp until now I have heard about people saying the game play degraded while you played and that sometimes the cars would just start flying into the air as If they had exploded. Well now it has happned to me lol, playing on a all Alfa GT race, race starts then BOOM every single car is repeatedly thrown into the air spinning. Com pletely unplayable lol. there is a way to get round it by saving after each race then exiting and restarting it, but thats tedious lol. Well off to buy the real game :D

04-13-2003, 11:40 PM
Although, how do they expect you to make a legal backup of your bought disc if they do that? ;)


04-13-2003, 11:46 PM
Im not sure buddy, but hey it says in the intro its copyright is unique and dammmm I believe it, its virtully unplayable. Just played and the walls attract you like clue, sometimes they revers the keys for steering etc. Its too good to be true in the eyes of a developer trying to stop piracy lol