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08-29-2005, 12:12 PM
and could take one thing back in time,say 20 years what would you take?
Mine would be a list of all the winning numbers on the UK lottery since it started :w00t:

Jon L. Obscene
08-29-2005, 12:15 PM
:lol: I knew someone would start a topic like this :lol:

If we're talking possesions I'd take my ps2 and claim it as my invention :01:

Jonno :cool:

Edit: Having said that I could do the "Rightous" thing and take back medical information or info that would help the world etc. And maybe tell Simon Cowel and friends that if a group of 5 girls or boys wanna start singing poop....I mean pop, it would destroy the music industry :lol:

08-29-2005, 12:39 PM
I would take a time machine.

Jon L. Obscene
08-29-2005, 12:40 PM
Good idea. then you could bring old stuff forward to today and pretend you invented it :blink:

Jonno :cool:

08-29-2005, 04:41 PM
Good idea. then you could bring old stuff forward to today and pretend you invented it :blink:

Jonno :cool:

That was actually quite funny. :01:


08-29-2005, 05:52 PM
Good idea. then you could bring old stuff forward to today and pretend you invented it :blink:

Jonno :cool:

That was actually quite funny. :01:

I never understood it :cry:

I feel temporarily inferior.

08-29-2005, 07:22 PM
If things worked out alright, and I wasn't sent to a different "state of time" or "demision" due to the claimed limits of time travel, I'd go into the future and hopefully bring back a mobile time travel device. Hell go back three times and get three more, so to save a trip, I'd grab four in the first place..ah ah .
Then, for now on, if something pissed me off or whatever...I could go back a few minutes and correct things. I'd probably become spoiled of something rather 75% of perfection, due to the fact that perfect is impossible. Most people makes mistakes. I'm not sure about a Monk or Convict with life in prison. I suppose that's choosing 70% positive things or 70% negative things..

08-29-2005, 09:25 PM
I would like to go back 100 years in time, wearing revealing modern day goth or punk cloths - just to see how people react.

(And a CD player with a Dir en grey CD in it)

Jon L. Obscene
08-29-2005, 09:28 PM
I feel temporarily inferior.

*Screenshots......takes photos....video footage.......emails page to all people in address book........2 mails sent*


Jonno :cool:

08-29-2005, 09:33 PM
Condition people to expect so much and one little flaw gets them all worked up.

Jon L. Obscene
08-29-2005, 09:38 PM
I'm actually kinda sad....my belief of the perfection reached by Mr. Beam has been quashed.....I almost feel alone :unsure:

Like a broken eye on a fishing rod......it will break the line.....ok that makes no sense, I know what I mean but it would take me hours to explain it :rolleyes:

Jonno :cool:

08-29-2005, 10:06 PM
If you could Time travel, I would save the Dodo,

dodo n., an extinct flightless bird, once a native of the island of Mauritius. Discovered 1598, extinct by 1681


To me the Dodo was a very fascinating bird, A mix of a chicken & penguin,
Well tasty bird me thinks (i)

08-29-2005, 10:46 PM
and could take one thing back in time,say 20 years what would you take?
Mine would be a list of all the winning numbers on the UK lottery since it started :w00t:

Did you get the idea from Back to the Future 2 too? :P

08-29-2005, 10:57 PM
Go back in time and either:

Kill Bill Gates = you'd end up with Macintosh XP...Macintosh Vista

Kill Steve Jobs = you'd loose both Windows and Macintosh... the world would crowd libraries once more.

Bring back 10 T-Rex eggs = Bad idea

Bring back the lifeforms depicted on Easter Egg Isle = Government would kill em and tell everyone to go home.

Heh, Gather the top 10 most famous people in history = Really awesome and strange at the same time. They would have problems coping with today.

Bring Mozart back to our time = Some amazing forms of rap, techno, metal, etc maybe...or a mental patient due to repetitive exposure to rap, techno, metal, etc.

Bring back the world's tallest man to be known of = Just plain cool. I'm pretty sure they could cure his foot problem with today's medical advances. (prosthetic)

Ejaculate in the primordial soup = ???

Give a group of cavemen each their very own M4 assault rifle = They ironically kill themselves due to stupidity, or You run from the prehistoric firing squad, or they end up getting fat..whilst shooting any enemies, shooting for food, and shooting anything else the normally required hard work......untill the bullets run out. Too stupid to reload.

Fly a hydro-jet around during a Medieval War for 10 mins..then come back = OWN THOSE NEWBS!!! Or just scare the shit outta them for a few minutes.

Bring the bulkiest caveman you can find back to modern day Olympic weight lifting. Train him to understand you want him to lift the 450Ibs, not that Ford Truck in the parking lot = WINNER!

yea, I wrote this a little fast, so theirs probably mistakes. Just a joke.

08-29-2005, 11:00 PM
A good fluffy towel. :happy:

08-29-2005, 11:02 PM
If I could time travel, I'd certainly make a mess of it.

Hehe, I've just watched Black Adder back and forth.

08-29-2005, 11:17 PM
I'd go back in time to April 14, 1912, around 11:30 PM with a bullhorn and begin shouting "ICEBERG!!!!" on the deck of the Titanic. Thus, we would never have to endure Celine Dion singing "My Heart Will Go On."

08-29-2005, 11:21 PM
I'd go back in time to April 14, 1912, around 11:30 PM with a bullhorn and begin shouting "ICEBERG!!!!" on the deck of the Titanic. Thus, we would never have to endure Celine Dion singing "My Heart Will Go On."

Much easier to go back in the 80s and shoot Céline. Strangely, it would be more satisfying too. :shifty:

08-29-2005, 11:21 PM
Go back in time with a full 40 men tactical espionage squad to hunt down and remove Adolf Hilter from history.

No more WWII.....for awhile i hope

08-29-2005, 11:39 PM
I'd go back in time to April 14, 1912, around 11:30 PM with a bullhorn and begin shouting "ICEBERG!!!!" on the deck of the Titanic. Thus, we would never have to endure Celine Dion singing "My Heart Will Go On."

Much easier to go back in the 80s and shoot Céline. Strangely, it would be more satisfying too. :shifty:

It could be more satisfying I suppose, making her beg in a shrill whimper. Torture would have to be involved. Perhaps a recording of her own songs blasted into her ears until they bled.

08-29-2005, 11:40 PM
Heh, Gather the top 10 most famous people in history = Really awesome and strange at the same time. They would have problems coping with today.

Wasn't that kinda the plot of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure? :huh:

08-30-2005, 12:10 AM
Boomstick. Chainsaw. Oldsmobile.

08-30-2005, 02:21 AM

peat moss
08-30-2005, 03:44 AM
Something medical related to help people and make money at the same time. And a copy of Xp to screw Mr.Gates and make money at the same time . :01:

08-30-2005, 03:52 AM
Something medical related to help people and make money at the same time. And a copy of Xp to screw Mr.Gates and make money at the same time . :01:
Windows Vista. :shifty:

peat moss
08-30-2005, 03:53 AM
Something medical related to help people and make money at the same time. And a copy of Xp to screw Mr.Gates and make money at the same time . :01:
Windows Vista. :shifty:

A Beta ,rather fitting Ross ! :D

08-30-2005, 04:33 AM
I would look for the last time machine I lost...

Peace bd

08-30-2005, 06:30 AM
Go back in time and kill George Bush Sr. at birth....I swear to god I didn't kill him, I just dropped him on his head when he was born.....okay okay so I stabbed him a few times, big woop :dry: :shifty:

08-30-2005, 07:31 AM
I would go to the year 9001 and trip out how futureistic it is.

08-30-2005, 09:49 AM
and could take one thing back in time,say 20 years what would you take?

20 years? so...... 1985. I was thirteen in 1985, so I'd probably take back some doughnuts...

I liked doughnuts... :)

08-30-2005, 09:29 PM
I'd probably go back to 1985 and steal some doughnuts from that kid called Barbarossa :p

08-30-2005, 09:48 PM
If I said temporalily inferior would it work better.

Jings I wish I could go back and change that post.

08-30-2005, 09:48 PM
I'd go back and copyright Coca-Cola.com, and a bunch of other sites and then sell them to the companies when the interweb starts. http://img309.imageshack.us/img309/7198/greedy7fu.gif

08-31-2005, 01:45 AM
no bttf fans....

peat moss
08-31-2005, 02:51 AM
In all honesty I wish I could go back and make amends for some of the stupid things I did, be it relationships or save a friend from himself . Kiss a loved one ,one more time......... Worh more to me than money could buy, I'd change my self for the better . But would n't give up my kids for anything just change me . :)

08-31-2005, 02:52 AM
I'd go back and invent the scene :01: again