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08-29-2005, 03:38 PM
We've had some pretty wicked storms in the area this year, along with the scorching heat and humidity this summer. These are some pics a friend sent me of the damage caused by a particularly vicious thunderstorm a couple weeks ago in Toronto.

Road washout (test.wgs.ca)

The pics were taken at ten minute intervals from an apartment building balcony.

Seeing those, I can only hope the people in New Orleans and the southern states haven't been hit too badly by Hurricane Katrina. :(

Edit: Have just read the latest updates on the hurricane. :( Hank, I hope you're okay.

Jon L. Obscene
08-29-2005, 08:57 PM
Thats pretty nasty :(

It makes me wonder with the weather you get why we complain about ours, we very rarely get serious weather, apart from flooding near rivers.
Those of us with "Boring" weather should learn to apreciate it.

Jonno :cool:

08-29-2005, 09:08 PM
Last I heard from him (a bit after 11am), he's good to go...it was ever-so-slightly east of him, and he got some rough weather, but is otherwise in relatively good shape.

East of him is quite a mess.

08-30-2005, 05:25 AM
Looks like work for the bridge builders..