View Full Version : Act of War

08-30-2005, 03:05 AM


It's hard to believe that in 2005, someone somewhere had the audacity to make a real-time strategy game stuffed with live action cutscenes. It's even harder to believe that it works. Yet with Act of War: Direct Action, Atari and developer Eugen Systems have managed to turn convention on its head. Here's a real-time strategy game with the soul of a sleek techno-thriller, stitched together with live action footage that, despite the acting and budgetary limitations, will remind you of the riveting television drama 24 at times. And if that weren't enough, it's also a visually splendid, exciting, and well-paced game, to boot.

Well guys, this game is actually really fun. I got it just for kicks, and let me tell you, it is great. If you are a big fan of RTS games, military games, or Red Alert 2, then this game is for you. This game is like a kick ass version of Red Alert 2. You capture oil derricks for money, and its just fun. I recommend you guys check it out. There is all modern weaponry that is available today, and I think there are 3 different civs, USA, Russians, and MIddle East, or Europe, im not sure, but it is great. Check it out guys!

08-30-2005, 03:37 AM
Hopefully Dale Brown can get at least another game out of this not to mention I would love to see one of his books made into a movie.

For those of you that do not know this game is based off of Dale Browns latests book ACT OF WAR, he also wrote the cutscenes for the game. http://www.megafortress.com/news.htm

Dark Steno
09-04-2005, 09:53 AM
Wow~! Collectors edition!! I bought the game few months ago.