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View Full Version : Mp3 player - around the neck problem

09-01-2005, 02:49 AM
My dad just gave me this as a gift, it's a great little player, the Curtis MP1000 1gb Mp3 player. It's so small and lightweight you can't even feel it's there at times. But there is one problem that I seem to be having, silly as it may sound. It's not included in the manual. I want to know how to hand it around my neck, the 2 headphonesare attached to a "loop" (big enough to fit around my neck comfortably) which in turn is attached to a disc which has a wire running out of it that is the headphone jack. On the "disk" there is a button in the middle, if you press it, it releases a smaller "loop" attached to the disk. All in all, I'm really confused with it. It's far too long (the entire length of the headphones to jack cord) to hang around my neck. Here's a picture if anyone is as confused as I am:


Forgive me for my crappy "paint" skills, I dont have a webcam at the moment

any ideas at all on how to put it around my neck would be appreciated (I can put it around my neck, but the problem is, the cord is way too long, it reaches all the way down to my waist, I just know that the "smaller" loops is the solution, but dont know how to make it work). Thanks.

09-01-2005, 04:05 AM
It's a slip knot I believe, you take the small wirey end and put it throught that loop/hole, and then take the end that goes around you neck, and put it through the wirey thing on the other side of the hole.

09-01-2005, 05:20 AM
Tried your method duffman, and unfortanetly it doesnt work :( . I'm trying to make it (mp3 player) hang by my neck because the loop is already around my neck (the loop attaches to the headphone jack which attaches to the mp3 player) so basically I have to figure out a way to make the headphone jack part of the cord shorter (which is not possible), look at the pic i made in paint, the cord i need to make shorter is the left side of the pic, the cord left of the "disk". Thanks for your help anyway duff, appreciate it. The only other thing i can think of rite now is to go out and buy another pair of headphones that also come with a loop in it for wearing around your neck, but the headphone jack part shorter. I still don't understand why they'd give me headphones that have the around the neck feature when it doesnt even work.

Rip The Jacker
09-01-2005, 05:26 AM
I'm a bit confused. Are you trying to attach the necklace thingy to your MP3 player.... or?

09-01-2005, 05:32 AM
ok, heres a picture i found that kind of clears things up:


Mine is exactly like that EXCEPT the part right after that small white circle/disk, my cord is longer than the one in the picture.

btw, the "white" disk that i'm referring to in the pic is in the lower left hand corner.


ok here's a better pic of what i'm talking about:


Mine is exactly like that above except it's gray colored and the cord (headphone jack) extending "out" of the white disk is much longer. So does that mean theres no way to fix it? Should I just go buy another neckstrap with a shorter headphone jack cord? Any suggestion is greatly appreciated :) .

09-01-2005, 05:59 AM
see if you can do this.


after you push that small wire into the mp3 players little hole push the big end into the smaller hole like the picture.

09-01-2005, 07:05 AM
That's the problem, there is no hole on the mp3 player to push the small wire through, I looked at several pics online, and my mp3 players seems to be missing that hole. The headphone jack input is where the hole for the small wire should be. Even then, that's not really solving the problem (but I will give it a try) because it's the headphone jack (in your picture, the top part there) that is too long.

09-01-2005, 07:25 AM
Ya I tried it, no effect. It's the headphone jack cord that I need to shorten, looks like the only way to do that is to buy another neckstrap that has a shorter cord :(

But I would like to thank duffman very much for his efforts, its people like him that make the board a better place.

09-01-2005, 10:49 AM
Maybe they are working on the principle "Give a man enough rope..." :rolleyes: