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04-13-2003, 11:13 PM
For all you slightly discontented BT BB customers, check this interview out...http://www.ispreview.co.uk/articles/power/.
2Mbps connection at £25 a month? YES PLEASE! :D

04-14-2003, 12:15 AM
internet through your powerlines died a few years ago didn't it. :blink:

still 2mb for that price im gonna watch this very closely when my bt bb contract is up in 2 months :D

thanks south-paw

04-14-2003, 12:44 AM
looks tempting, but it prob wont be £25, if you read the article, it says it will be competively priced, im guessign its gonna go up. especially for a 2mbs service, im paying that now for a 512

04-14-2003, 01:07 AM
Looks like the technological and financial barriers have been broken, in the UK. Apparently Scottish Hydro are gonna run another trial in Winchester, SE England. Of course the Americans are ahead of us on this, whats new? ;) I'm gonna ask my utility if they fancy trialling a Powerline BB service, but they ve had some financial scrapes recently, hehe :lol: Maybe, this could prove very valuable to rural areas stuck with dial-ups. The rest of us gotta be grateful with BTBB!(no NTL cable here)
Check out www.internet-central.net.There no-frills 1mb(£29pm) an 2mb connections look our best bet for the near future, although they are currently on hold. I gotta wait anyhow, my BTBB contract runs to November 4Play! :( (Love the reliability, shame the speed aint worthy of the price)