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Jon L. Obscene
09-07-2005, 04:29 PM
All who gave me advice and help reguarding my ex place of work :)

I just completely pwned my ex-boss in front of a load of customers and staff :01:

I asked to go out of public earshot........he did'nt want to, fine by me.

I picked up my final wage packet expecting a certain amount of holiday pay, there was none, altho a deduction was made because he reckoned I had taken more holiday than I earnt.
I disputed this so he went to get a shitload of paperwork.
As he shakingly flicked thru it he said "You average hours of 25 per week" when my actual average is 34 which varies but does work out at an average of 34.
He said "The tax people don't make mistakes" :lol: yeah ok, so I replied "Well no but they only go on the information given" I then asked where he got 25 hrs per week from, he said it was on my contract with the previous owner......erm....like....wtf has that gotta do with anything? AND I never signed or have seen any contract. So going through this paper work he's looking for this 27 hours of holiday I've had, he found 1 day of 7 and another day of 7 and one day of 6 hours booked off, now when I went to school 7+7+6=20 no? :huh: I also reminded him (thanks to some of you guys) that I have earnt 36 hours holiday not 25 which he says I have.
So while he stood there shaking and desperately trying to prove me wrong I worked out how much money he owes me, it's not a great deal but it IS mine and I've earnt it. In the end he says "Ok I will tell my accountant to work it out again and will get you your money next week"


I kneeeeeeeeeeeeeew he'd try to con me again I bloody well knew it, he must think I came down with the last shower.

Oh and aparently he's started saying thank you to people now after I said in my letter that he never says it.

So I did/will get my winnings :D

Mr.Shop man you have been pwned Jonno style :01:

So once again, thanks to all for your help :D

Jonno :cool:

09-07-2005, 04:36 PM
Not sure if I did anything....but you're welcome anyway. :)

09-07-2005, 04:43 PM
Quality :D

Jon L. Obscene
09-07-2005, 04:44 PM
I think you were directing the meeting in a big back chair slowly stroking a hamster :unsure:

I have a good memory and remember these things very well indeed, I was sat on the table and Manker was cleaning my shoes while Gems played the one string fiddle, JP was pretending to write stuff down when in actual fact he was doodling, Nik was shaving me :shifty: ready for my confrontation with the demon shopkeeper from hell......well Kings Lynn anyway :lol: and Guil was rolling me 20 smokes.
Other people were there to making sure the lighting and sound was correct and I'm sure I saw Busyman putting a combination lock on the sodastream :D

Jonno :cool:

09-07-2005, 04:50 PM
welcome to the unemployment queue :D

09-07-2005, 04:50 PM
Way to go Jonno that'll teach the plick to try and get clever,you can garantee it'll be round the neighbourhood in no time :01: :01: :01:

09-07-2005, 05:56 PM
Jonno's boss is now officially owned!

Nice job mate :D

09-07-2005, 06:12 PM
Guil was rolling me 20 smokes.
Too bad Goddess robbed them at knife-point before she ran away cackling and talking to herself. :lookaroun

How much do you get then? :shifty:

Jon L. Obscene
09-07-2005, 06:13 PM
More than a fiver and less than a grand :shifty:

Nah, just under 200 notes :)

Jonno :cool:

09-07-2005, 09:55 PM
Congrats!! I knew you had it in ya. :01:

09-07-2005, 09:57 PM
Good oh, job's a good 'un methinks. :D