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09-10-2005, 04:25 AM
Ok I have succesfully built my first computer. Only prob I came across was the graphics card did not fit. But I fixed that by buying another card. It has 1024 mb ram, 6600gt Nvidia card. 6 fans. No o/s. AMD chip. My computer hp computer that I am using now that I bought at a regular store had windows xp already installed but It came with a dvd cd back up cd. If I were to put that dvd back up cd into the cd/dvd rom of my built computer will it install it? I just want to test it to see if it works and then clear the built computers hardrive of xp.

09-10-2005, 05:31 AM
Ok I have succesfully built my first computer. Only prob I came across was the graphics card did not fit. But I fixed that by buying another card. It has 1024 mb ram, 6600gt Nvidia card. 6 fans. No o/s. AMD chip. My computer hp computer that I am using now that I bought at a regular store had windows xp already installed but It came with a dvd cd back up cd. If I were to put that dvd back up cd into the cd/dvd rom of my built computer will it install it? I just want to test it to see if it works and then clear the built computers hardrive of xp.
Probably not.
I should think that HP bundled their (no longer applicable) drivers in that OS, but what the 'ell, you have nothing to lose but time so why not try?

09-10-2005, 08:40 AM
I would think you would need "to aquire" a os from somewhere,the backup cds aren't usually the full program(i think),as Clocker says you having nothing to lose by trying it though

09-10-2005, 12:28 PM
You bought another graphics card?

How come you didn't simply cut off the bits that didn't fit?

It's a common practice, I'm told. :rolleyes:

09-10-2005, 01:29 PM
How come you didn't simply cut off the bits that didn't fit?

It's a common practice, I'm told. :rolleyes:
Oh. lots of people brag about that but very few have the nerve to do it.

Circumcised video cards are more hygenic and experience heightened sexual response...Sprocket just loves hers.

09-10-2005, 06:13 PM
Im not stupid I saw that thread about some idiot cutting his 500$ card. But yet I bought a new card because it was pci and the board only support vga cards. If I download windows xp (p2p) would I be able to whipe it off my new computer once im done? I just want to test it.

09-10-2005, 06:17 PM
If I download windows xp (p2p) would I be able to whipe it off my new computer once im done? I just want to test it.
Yes, you could.
In fact, many of the XP variants you will find on P2P networks will wipe your HDD for you.

09-10-2005, 06:19 PM
How do I clear the whole drive once im done? I just want it to boot in the bios after im done clearing xp.

09-10-2005, 06:34 PM
Simply reboot to the install CD and delete the partition on the drive.
Exit when finished.

09-10-2005, 06:37 PM
Your an idiot. Did you fail to even check what slots the mobo you were buying had and were forced to spend more money :lol:

Ofcourse you could wipe XP off, you can wipe anything off with a format. Do you think that once a file is on your computer it never really goes, but when you empty your recycle bin it just hides itself :unsure:

To wipe it just format your HDD, use the XP disc again, or Kill Disc or Partion Magic or just use good old DOS, theres loads of ways. If you don't know how to format a computer, and waste extra money because you can't be assed to see what kinda slots your mobo is, how can you be sure this 'computer' is even going to work?

Also you should be able to get into the BIOS before your install Windows, so why you need to install Windows to access your BIOS is beyond me.

09-10-2005, 06:47 PM
No you miss understood me I can get into my bios with nothing installed. I just want to download me windows xp and test it on the computer just to see if the computer actually works. And hey this was my first computer and the only mistake I made was the graphics card slot so leave me alone about that everyone makes mistakes and I make a small one I didn't spend much on the graphics card because it was only a 6600 nvidia. Some of you people just like to put people down. I posted a while back about building computers and all I got was shit saying I couldn't do it. And guess what I fucking built my computer.

09-10-2005, 07:02 PM
No you miss understood me I can get into my bios with nothing installed. I just want to download me windows xp and test it on the computer just to see if the computer actually works. And hey this was my first computer and the only mistake I made was the graphics card slot so leave me alone about that everyone makes mistakes and I make a small one I didn't spend much on the graphics card because it was only a 6600 nvidia. Some of you people just like to put people down. I posted a while back about building computers and all I got was shit saying I couldn't do it. And guess what I fucking built my computer.

Any money is lost money, and a 6600 aint a bad card. Checking your slots against your buys is a mistake no one should make as it takes about 30 seconds to check to see if they are compatible. You might have built a computer but you wasted money and made key mistakes.

Checking on EBuyer, a 6600 rangers from about £80 to £150, to me thats a lot of money. Thats an extra GB of ram, or another 200GB hard drive.

You built a computer, but it was half assed and you made massive mistakes just because you didn't bother to read. Also formatting Windows is a question that has been asked thousands of times on this forum, how come you didn't use the search feature? Google? Infact if you can build a computer, how you don't know how to install Windows and format a computer. It's like learning how to download without ever using a computer before :unsure:

Also i 'misunderstood' you because your typing and spelling is shyte at best. Do you not use punctation and paragraphs where you live?

09-10-2005, 07:09 PM
Well done imasoldier,so you made mistakes,you've built your first comp,we all make mistakes,I learned from asking questions,even if they seem stupid to some,can't all be perfect.

09-10-2005, 07:11 PM
Well done imasoldier,so you made mistakes,you've built your first comp,we all make mistakes,I learned from asking questions,even if they seem stupid to some,can't all be perfect.

Yes, don't get me wrong building a computer isn't easy. It's just that the mistake he made could have been avoided if he had spent 30seconds reading a website.

09-10-2005, 07:20 PM
Yes, don't get me wrong building a computer isn't easy.
Yes it is.
Picking the right combination of parts and then getting it all configured are the tricky bits.
If imasoldier made a mistake at least it will be rectified before it leaves his hands ( I'm assuming that's why the drive must be wiped).

You seem a bit cranky over this Peerzy, wake up on the wrong side of the fjord this morning?

09-10-2005, 07:26 PM
I found the one thing that makes me more careful is making a mistake that cost me money,what I found when I first started is that my enthusiasm would run away with me,I had to learn to slow down,check and check again.

09-10-2005, 08:33 PM
Yes it is.
Picking the right combination of parts and then getting it all configured are the tricky bits.
If imasoldier made a mistake at least it will be rectified before it leaves his hands ( I'm assuming that's why the drive must be wiped).

You seem a bit cranky over this Peerzy, wake up on the wrong side of the fjord this morning?

Rather the fact that the prision guard only gives me 30 minutes a day on the computer, my cage i find helps me chill out.

09-10-2005, 08:44 PM
Your an idiot. Did you fail to even check what slots the mobo you were buying had and were forced to spend more money
Peerzy is an idiot for pointing out that imasoldier was one (Which he wasn't. He's just learning).

And can't even do so without spelling You're correctly.

09-10-2005, 09:01 PM
Your an idiot. Did you fail to even check what slots the mobo you were buying had and were forced to spend more money
Peerzy is an idiot for pointing out that imasoldier was one (Which he wasn't. He's just learning).

And can't even do so without spelling You're correctly.

You're not allowed to start a sentance with 'and' :rolleyes: He is an idiot, he wasn't learning, he failed to read a webpage and check to see if his parts would fit. What Mobo doesn't have a PCI slot. Did he get it from the 80's by chance?

09-10-2005, 09:08 PM
im sure by pci he means pci express and by vga he means agp,

What Mobo doesn't have a PCI slot.

no one buys pci video cards anymore, now that would be dumb

09-10-2005, 09:19 PM
Peerzy is an idiot for pointing out that imasoldier was one (Which he wasn't. He's just learning).

And can't even do so without spelling You're correctly.

You're not allowed to start a sentance with 'and' :rolleyes: He is an idiot, he wasn't learning, he failed to read a webpage and check to see if his parts would fit. What Mobo doesn't have a PCI slot. Did he get it from the 80's by chance?

The point I was making is that we don't want people to put down others here. We are looking for a better atmosphere.

And... Sentence is the correct spelling. :P

09-10-2005, 09:20 PM
im sure by pci he means pci express and by vga he means agp,

What Mobo doesn't have a PCI slot.

no one buys pci video cards anymore, now that would be dumb

Yes i am aware, im also aware that there are no PCI 6600 cards, only AGP and PCI-Express versions.

09-10-2005, 09:21 PM

peat moss
09-10-2005, 11:43 PM
Well done imasoldier,so you made mistakes,you've built your first comp,we all make mistakes,I learned from asking questions,even if they seem stupid to some,can't all be perfect.

I'v fffed a few computers in my learning stage . :lol: Thats how I discovered this forum and by reading posts such as imasoldier's made it easier .

I broke an old mobo trying to install Edo memory I still get teased about by an old freind who taught me about computers . :pinch:

09-11-2005, 08:19 AM
Remember never use a hammer to make the cpu fit:)

09-11-2005, 05:14 PM
Remember never use a hammer to make the cpu fit:)Exactly.

Last time I tried that I rapped my knuckles on the case. :pinch:

09-11-2005, 05:21 PM
Remember never use a hammer to make the cpu fit:)Exactly.

Last time I tried that I rapped my knuckles on the case. :pinch:
Hopefully it was a quality case otherwise the blood makes a mess.